Bell's Palsy


UKChat Expert
Sep 20, 2021
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On Monday, I woke up and noticed that my mouth was slightly lopsided. Prior to that, I had had a slight headache for a week, in the right temple of my head which wouldn't go away. My first thought, was that was maybe I was having a stroke. My partner and I decided the best thing to do, was go down to A&E, I was able to walk there, as the hospital is not far from my Partner's home.
The care that I received at the A&E, was excellent, apart from the lack of water! But at this stage, I was being tested for a possible stroke, so I was not allowed to swallow anything. I had various tests, including a scan of my head, which came back fine. I was prescribed statins for my high cholesterol level, and a blood thinner. I was discharged and went back to my partner's place.
The next day, my mouth had become even more lopsided, but I felt too tired to do anything about it. The next day my mouth was completely distorted, and I couldn't shut my right eye. My speech was also affected, my condition had obviously gotten worse. So I was able to get an emergency appointment with my Doctor, who was brilliant. She suggested that I go back to A&E with some paperwork that she had filled in, to give to A&E.
The tone at A&E was quite different to how I was treated when a stroke was suspected. I was moved to a small waiting area, in A&E. I had to wait a really long time to be seen, it is a good job that I had some water with me! My Partner stayed for a while, but had to run some errands. He was beside himself with worry.
Thankfully I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. I say thankfully, because it could have been so much worse. About 14 years ago, I watched my Mother suffer a major Stroke, she died two years later from the complications.
I still have paralysis on the right side of my face, I can't close my eye. I have been given a course of Prednisolone. I've never taken so many tablets in my life! I am also using eyedrops for my right eye.
I have read about the possible causes of Bell's Palsy, there is not enough known about the condition. One factor could be stress, I've had a bucket load of that this year! Someone on this forum, has mentioned possible links to the Covid vaccine, because of increasing cases of BP. I'm not ruling out that theory.

In posting this thread, I am hoping that it may be of some help to anyone who may be going though the same thing. Or maybe curious about the condition. It is definitely a learning process, I am trying to maintain a positive attitude.

Why pay hundreds of pounds for a bad reaction to botox, when you can get it for free with Bells Palsy!
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I am really sorry to hear you are going through this Penny Dreadful, it must be a very worrying time for you and your partner.

I don't know much about Bells Palsy, so I can't offer any advice, but I wish you all the luck with the treatment you are receiving, and hope you have a speedy recovery. x


UKChat Expert
Sep 20, 2021
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I am really sorry to hear you are going through this Penny Dreadful, it must be a very worrying time for you and your partner.

I don't know much about Bells Palsy, so I can't offer any advice, but I wish you all the luck with the treatment you are receiving, and hope you have a speedy recovery. x
Thank you x.
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UKChat Expert
Sep 20, 2021
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I can sympathise with you totally. I went through BP over 10 years ago. It’s the strangest feeling, one side of the face totally shut down but with all the feeling. One eye doesn’t blink, one nostril doesn’t work, the muscles of the face on one side just doesn’t work.

At first I too thought I was having a stroke and was relieved to have it diagnosed as BP. I’d not even heard of it before then and I did my research (most of which I’ve forgotten now) but it was an interesting few weeks.

Yes, the current rise in numbers is linked to the jab but as has been said before, some instances more like would have happened with or without the jab, I do find it strange however that you are the 6th case I’ve heard of from people in ‘know’ recently, whereas before the last few months I only knew of one person other than myself to have had BP.

The only advice I can give, because I can’t remember what else I did that helped, is to tape the arrested eye shut at night with micropore and definitely use the eye drops. If I remember anything else I’ll post it on this forum.

I hope it doesn’t last too long, it’s rather mentally tiring when half your facial muscles have given themselves a holiday. Lol.
Thank you so much for your reply.

Regarding my affected speech, I am having difficulty pronouncing certain letters. So today I have been reciting made up tongue twisters to help improve my pronunciation.
Bertie Bassett was being a bastard, and booting a big ball around Brixton!

I'm so glad that I have not been hospitalised, with this condition. I have a friend who has been in hospital for most of the year. It has been a nightmare experience. At the moment our local hospital is back to wearing masks again. Can you imagine the discomfort I was in, waiting for hours to be seen in the A&E?
It is very unhealthy wearing a mask, when the brain has already been under stress from the damage caused by the BP!
It sounds like I am criticising the NHS, I'm not they have been brilliant in the past.
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UKChat Expert
Sep 20, 2021
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And without starting a whole different topic, masks are unhealthy and fecking useless, this has been proven. But hey, let’s gloss over that.
Very wise. I will say no more on that topic, in this thread! I'll just have a rant about it somewhere else! I would give you a winking emoji, but it's a bit difficult at the moment!


Sorry to hear what you're going through, Penny. I wish you a speedy recovery and my love goes out to you. xxx