

I'm a compulsive liar.
Aug 3, 2023
Reaction score
Still banned from chatrooms lol wtf is going on people are missing me lol


Let me ask chatbot if you can come back :cool:

It sounds like you're having some trouble with being banned from chatrooms. This can be frustrating, especially if you enjoy participating in those communities. Here are a few steps you might consider taking:
  1. Understand the Ban: Try to find out why you were banned. Most platforms provide reasons for bans, which can help you understand what behavior led to it.
  2. Contact Support: Reach out to the platform's support team. Explain your situation politely and ask if the ban can be reviewed or if there are steps you can take to have it lifted.
  3. Reflect on Behavior: Consider if there might have been any behavior that could have led to the ban. Reflecting on this can help avoid future bans.
  4. Appeal the Ban: Some platforms have a formal appeal process. Follow the guidelines provided for submitting an appeal.
  5. Community Guidelines: Re-read the community guidelines to ensure you understand the rules and expectations.
  6. Alternative Platforms: While waiting for the ban to be lifted, you might explore alternative chatrooms or communities where you can connect with people.
If you provide more specific details about the platform and the situation, I might be able to offer more tailored advice.

Computer say NOOOOOOOOOooooooooOOOOO :oops: