


I was there when he was bannnnned :D

He dared to make homophobic remarks in pride month o_O

Embrace the Rainbow​

In a world where colors freely dance,
Where love finds ways to take a chance,
There’s beauty in the bold array,
That’s why it’s cool to be gay.

To live a life with truth as guide,
No need to run, no need to hide,
A heart that beats its own proud way,
That’s why it’s cool to be gay.

In vibrant hues of pride parades,
In breaking through the darkest shades,
A community that’s here to stay,
That’s why it’s cool to be gay.

With icons who inspire the world,
Whose flags of love are high unfurled,
They lead with grace, and pave the way,
That’s why it’s cool to be gay.

In art and music, fashion too,
In every shade and every hue,
A culture rich, a bold display,
That’s why it’s cool to be gay.

To love oneself, to stand up tall,
To break the chains, to break the fall,
In every heart, a spark, a ray,
That’s why it’s cool to be gay.

So here’s to love that knows no bounds,
To voices strong with joyful sounds,
In every word, in every play,
That’s why it’s cool to be gay.

Its that 2 bans in a week for him?