A over T


UKChat Familiar
Dec 22, 2019
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A over T!

As you grow older you will often be surprised at the changes you encounter and the adaptations you are forced to make.
Slowly but surely they creep up on you.
Pain is a part of it, it slowly develops until it makes you unstable and it is this instability that is the greatest danger.
How often have you read the phrase…following a fall?
As a case in point, take outdoors and indoors. Outdoors is a world of challenge, to the unstable. There are kerbs and pot holes, rises and pavement cracks, steps without railings, and as for country walks, thinking of rutted paths and tussocks, well that’s mostly a thing of the past.
I always remember a very wise old woman telling us, when we were considering a move to the countryside, “That’s OK! Until your legs go.”
Well, my legs have gone, we never moved to the countryside and we are as well suited as we can be…for the moment.
Indoors is a different world. There is the familiar. The chairs to hold on to as one totters from table to chair. The other items of furniture that one gladly leans upon whilst we wait for stability to assert itself. Banisters and basins, all there for our safety, and carpets, to ease a fall, for we well know that a fall means a broken hip and a slow demise in hospital.
Age is a ruthless bastard. It usually leave the mind fit whilst it slowly renders the body feeble, then useless,
Why all this? Well. It is the anniversary of my fall in our garden when, tripping over an electric lead I fell, and caused the most immense damage to my knees that can be imagined. They were in a bad way anyway and this was the last straw. I now hobble around, painfully, on a stick and am stuck with a demanding wife who, when we are out, says Oh! Can’t you walk any faster?
NO! I can’t! I reply: I don’t want to go A over T,


UKChat Familiar
Dec 22, 2019
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Ouch - Have you checked your Vitamin B12/ Vitamin D/Blood/Bone Calcium levels (besides a few other blood tests)?

A supplement may help or even a personalised diet (nutritionist).

How about Cold Laser Therapy or Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture? Noooo! I got enough trouble with my legs without sticking pins in them!:eek:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
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arr bless you .. have hug [ hugs]] know feeling of the pain and age creeping up on you .. now you take care have more water with it . lol
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UKChat Newbie
Nov 9, 2020
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Hate getting older, just when you have a bit more time to do the things you want to life decides to throw you a curve ball. Just been to the docs (yes a face to face appointment) and have been told I have two frozen shoulders not just one!!! So now its going to be down to physio to hopefully help :(