

UKChat Familiar
Jan 3, 2018
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There is no rule about blocking a mod, only if you were warned and didnt see you and you was banned for any reason then you wouldnt know IF you were banned.


UKChat Expert
Jan 3, 2018
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Hollie let me enlighten the readers as well.. I made a comment i then left the comments as 'others' were discussing it, I was then saying in the room that i am not allowed to block mods, a font told me you are, to which i then asked you to step in,(which you didnt!) I asked you twice to clarify, I was banned.... Only 2 of us were taken out of the room when there were plenty of others discussing the connie situation, so please do not come on here and make me out to be something im not, I have the decency to pm you and to try and discuss issues with you as you are the ONLY mod that answers when we have issues.... I thought if you were a mod you should ALL help and THAT again is a problem with the likes of silk and paula. There is a issue on the site and whether you like it or not and regardless of how well they mod in YOUR eyes, they do not answer when issues arise, because they have a history .They dont even answer the members they dislike in the room. Thats the reason you have a problem. I was a guide on AOL and we HAD to help ALL ...history or not...we were not allowed to whisper sexual comments , which have been seen by the whole room, we were not allowed to be blatantly rude, the guides and hosts were respected and were anonymous. I actually had a chat with you about this and told you that you would have an issue over it, or has that slipped your mind? I will own what I say, and I will take a ban if I feel It was deserved. It seems to me that this site is a case of if ya font fits you can do what you like...
EXAMPLE again!!!! i was banned the other day for sexual content, rightly so after a chat about it.... LAST NIGHT in the yah room....sexual content, drug chat.... nothing done.... surely a blind bat can see that that doesnt look too clever .

Hello Retiremunter

I have made a reply to your other post which does cover a great deal of what you have said in this post, so i will just try and pick up on the extra bits if thats ok.

I wasn't aware I was the only mod who answered your pm's.

Regarding complaints and other issues:-
Contrary to what some may say or think, I cannot access anyone's pm's and this includes other mods. So, if a mod or a chatter tells me they have said this or that or the other has said this or that, I cannot confirm it to be true or false, short of asking all mods to screen shot every word they say to every chatter in every room or a chatter to screenshot a pm if it is a disturbing one (threatening with personal details included for example) . So I have to take what each mod or chatter tells me and then try to sort things out and get to the bottom of it from there..
IF no one comes to me and complains about something a mod has or hasn't done, and I am not here to see it, I am simply not aware. When a complaint has come through, I have tried to the best of my ability to solve it.and hopefully both parties are in agreement with the outcome.
I appreciate that it has been difficult for anyone to complain about me, because there hasn't been anyone to complain I've had to try and "sortout" complaints about myself and that isn't easy. It has how ever taught me how to look at a situation outside the box and question myself. Hopefully I have been fair, and, when I have been wrong, not only do I apologize to the person in pm, but I have publically apologized in the relevant room too.
I have been unaware of any unanswered pm's messages, conversations, etc sent to mods .........your comment highlights this and It will be looked into.
I should have picked up on this earlier and i didn't. So I apologize for that.

Regarding YAH and this sex talk and drug chat...I will also include swearing and other bits of abuse i saw creeping in......I will be in YAH far more, and so better able to keep an eye on things to ensure these episodes are stopped.

All our mods are volunteers, they are human, and they have a right to a private life the same as anyone else. . Coupled with that .. no one is perfect, we all make mistakes and sometimes its not till a mistake is made you think ahhhh ok shouldnt have done that!... and then you make sure that mistake is not repeated. well try to anyway. Yes there has been slipped whispers and yes there have been times when I expect we been a bit short through tiredness or some such thing, and both these things have been well and truely addressed and every mod knows the situation on this, Rudeness isn't acceptable, but i will say ,.. its a very hard thing to monitor because what one finds rude.......another finds funny, and heaven help us if we boot someone for being what WE perceive as being rude, and then it turns out the other chatter says " but we were just jesting"

You say you were respected for being anonymous.
I did think very carefully about being anonymous and decided that being open about who we are was the best option. I still feel that. It has never been my intention in any way shape or form to hide who I/we are. IF those mods you didn't like had been anonymous, and you didn't know who they were.....maybe it would have made things easier. but if I then had known, I would have been called deceiptful for hiding that from you......... I don't know. but for me, personally.......I am me and I'm not going to hide behind any other name, and if I don't have chatters respect, then maybe i haven't earn't it. In which case, Either I accept there is a clash of personalities and work with that, or try harder. I know what I do.

I'm not a fan of writing in the forum at best of times.. am just totally hopeless at it, so I hope this explains things and we can all move forward and enjoy the room when we are there

Thank you :)


ooh why is it the room clown lufctillidie can tell me to " hush my gums " thats fine who is he to tell another chatter to hush i asked silkinthemist to put him straight and she said its fine BUT when i say it bk to silk she offended and mutes me ???
Some YAH Mods (Some not all) have tunnel vision..they place chatters in boxes (some need to be put in a box!) and in their eyes some chatters can do no wrong and some can do no right. Once you've been inboxed you're in it for good..that's just the way it is on here so deal with it . .I have!


UKChat Expert
Feb 18, 2018
Reaction score
silkin profile says it all about her she a " nice person who likes to chat and she is STRAIGHT " who cares or whats it matter if she is STRAIGHT she in her friggin 70s ..fgs if i end up like that at 70 someone plzz PULL MY PLUG


UKChat Familiar
Jan 3, 2018
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why are some people getting so personal, like me if you dont like the room YAH dont go there, then you wont see the mods you dont like ,, hate all this personal attack stuff.. and if you dont like that site itself feck off somewhere else and stop going on and bloody on about the mods,, who cares wot age anyone is, at least she put her proper age,, good luck to the woman. May i add while im here theres very few mods I like, only one ever say hello to me , so im no mods pet.. lolll, just dont like personal and nasty attacks
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UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
Reaction score
I blame periods ………………………………...of stupidity


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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I cant either both of you im shy and innocent :(


UKChat Newbie
Aug 18, 2018
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I replied to your post earlier but seeing as you wish to take it further let me enlighten the readers

Earlier today there was yet again another argument in YaH reguardng this Connie/Hester situation.
At the time there was approximately 40 people in the room.
Because I felt everyone had the right to be heard, I did not ban anyone, I did not kick anyone nor did I mute anyone.
However (and this will be borne out by those in there) having let those who wanted to have there say over quite a length of time, the opportunity to do so...................(thank you btw to all those who messaged me saying how patient I had been and so polite in asking for the arguing to stop etc and for letting everyone have their say)

I then asked very nicely and patiently for the chatters concerned to please stop as enough room disruption had happened.
I was ignored.
I then asked several more times again very nicely asking them to please stop.
I was still ignored.
I at this point did say in the room that action would be taken if it did not stop immediately

For what ever reason, retiremunter, decided that she was going to carry on ignoring my request completely.

I did NOT want to do a ban, and felt that removing her from the foray would both assist in calming the room AND prevent a more serious action needing to be taken. The fact that the action showed the word "banned" is an automated programmed one and not a word that i can change. Within a very very short time both her and another chatter were able to chat again in the room. ( about 6 minutes I believe)

The question (again can be confirmed by those in the room at the time) regarding blocking mods was FULLY answered by myself very clearly.

The fact that you dislike the "AOL" mods has been apparent for a long time and shown itself through remarks most unbecoming.
Mods do get a lot of abuse from various quarters and for various reasons, and, when we do make a mistake its understandable to be cross about it.


You do NOT have a god given right, to come onto this site and behave in a manner that is completely against the rules and then have the audacity to accuse them of being power hungry when they do an action because you have flagrantly ignored either requests from mods and/or the site rules.

YOU are in charge of your actions, not me, not anyone else .... YOU. So try taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming me .... IF you break the rules then expect an action to happen and if it does, don't come running into the forum badmouthing me, calling me Hitler (One doesn't look good, trying to make others look bad!).

Just as an aside you were not removed because you asked me a question, you were removed because you refused to stop causing more room disturbance.

Thank you.
PMSL, what a load of tosh!


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
Fun Fact! No one has access to any of your personal information! If they do and you are being doxxed, please get in touch with me. There are no head mods. There are only mods. I am admin however, and I can assure you that if a mod is doxxing you, i will handle it.


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
Also if you feel you have been wrongly banned, please get in touch with me. Thanks!


Also if you feel you have been wrongly banned, please get in touch with me. Thanks!
I have been muted which is fine. I really do not care about that but the point I wanted to raise is your mod, elwoodbluz, called the chatters in the room idiots and then when he muted me he used the term 'pleb' saying that "at last the room was pleb free". is this the training you give your mods? is this the responses you can expect from a chat site moderator? If this is the case then the site will not last long. I have heard numerous complaints about this person which i think should be a concern to everyone. He's power hungry.


UKChat Initiate
Apr 3, 2018
Reaction score
#YoungAtHeart: Cannot Join Room (You're Banned)

Haven't been in said room since last weekend.....

What the f*$k is going on??

Im banned too so you not alone. I was able to get back on Saturday but then Sunday I was banned again for the same reason as before which was no reason at all so whats going on MisterMerlin is that some get banned for nothing. I am guessing that some mod or user reported me for evading which makes no sense because there was no reason for me to be banned in the first place