Believe this or don’t. I merely give you the opportunity to read it.

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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Hysterically jumping all over the place now in a pithy attempt to change the narrative because he understands just how RIDICULOUS this thread is. Arguing most people who had the vaccine jab, in all our towns villages and cities, will drop dead in two years' time, is clearly a long and painful descent into complete madness.


That's bleak so more than 50% (unaware of the percentage of adults that have had both vaccines) of the adult population in UK dead in 2 years , ...can't see it somehow.

Turn it on it's head, if none of the adults had been double vaccinated how many will have died as a result of covid ... that's far more real as far as I am concerned
Just an example….

Vaccinated people now make up almost 47% of all new Covid cases, symptom-tracking app claims amid signs Britain's third Covid wave may have peaked already​

So probably just as many.
In Brighton and Hove there are, in the NHSs own words, “Less than or equal to 5 patients being treated for Covid across the whole trust in the week ending 13 June.”

Oh the NHS must be soooo stretched looking after those 5.


Hysterically jumping all over the place now in a pithy attempt to change the narrative because he understands just how RIDICULOUS this thread is. Arguing most people who had the vaccine jab, in all our towns villages and cities, will drop dead in two years' time, is clearly a long and painful descent into complete madness.
Well you refused to answer so I thought I’d give you more to play with.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Just remember, this man claims in two years' time, 60 million people in the UK alone, will drop dead from a heart attack.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The majority of those who get fully vaccinated with the Covid-19 jab will die within a few short years from heart failure,

Yes you did. do keep up.


You dodged Wojcik too. You like to spout bug hate it what challenged.

I’m going back to ignoring you, you are pointless.


UKChat Expert
Aug 8, 2019
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Just an example….

Vaccinated people now make up almost 47% of all new Covid cases, symptom-tracking app claims amid signs Britain's third Covid wave may have peaked already​

So probably just as many.
In Brighton and Hove there are, in the NHSs own words, “Less than or equal to 5 patients being treated for Covid across the whole trust in the week ending 13 June.”

Oh the NHS must be soooo stretched looking after those 5.

You have to wait at least 2 to 3 weeks after jab for it to be properly affective so how many of this reported 47% were outside this timescale... i'm not convinced

Your figures re NHS are a month out of date for sure definately a lot more than 5 just in my local hospital

As a matter of interest have you had covid?


You have to wait at least 2 to 3 weeks after jab for it to be properly affective so how many of this reported 47% were outside this timescale... i'm not convinced

Your figures re NHS are a month out of date for sure definately a lot more than 5 just in my local hospital

As a matter of interest have you had covid?
No figures are accurate. That’s the point. We can’t believe anything we’re told now. The testing process is fatally flawed, the way they report case is flawed. Nothing is credible.

I’ve no doubt that many hospitals have more than 5, I’ve never said Covid isn’t real, but it has been massively exaggerated, that’s clear, most definitely more so over the last few months.

And no, I haven’t had covid that I know of, though I know a few who have, with varying levels of symptoms. From no symptoms to feeling like sh** more than they ever have before.


UKChat Expert
Aug 8, 2019
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No figures are accurate. That’s the point. We can’t believe anything we’re told now. The testing process is fatally flawed, the way they report case is flawed. Nothing is credible.

I’ve no doubt that many hospitals have more than 5, I’ve never said Covid isn’t real, but it has been massively exaggerated, that’s clear, most definitely more so over the last few months.

And no, I haven’t had covid that I know of, though I know a few who have, with varying levels of symptoms. From no symptoms to feeling like sh** more than they ever have before.

I dont believe covid has been exaggerated realistically who benefits from that?

I think your view maybe different if you have had covid and been really ill and still had lasting affects months down the line. There are thousands of people like this, that is the reality of covid completely life changing for many in a very negative way.


I dont believe covid has been exaggerated realistically who benefits from that?

I think your view maybe different if you have had covid and been really ill and still had lasting affects months down the line. There are thousands of people like this, that is the reality of covid completely life changing for many in a very negative way.
You don’t believe it’s been exaggerated? I thought everyone had accepted that by now. Covid is currently way down the list of daily causes of death, even with them reporting any death within 28 days of a positive test, whether it’s covid related or not. Nobody is denying it was horrendous last year, at least I hope they aren’t, but 20+ deaths a day (many of which may or may not have had anything to do with covid) is not a pandemic.
The tests have been shown many many times to give false positive results, so how many of the deaths are reported as ‘with covid’ erroneously?


And yes, long covid is evil, I don’t deny that, but so are the side effects of the vaccines, which the media aren’t allowed to tell you about.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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The CDC is now working with AZ, Moderna and J&J to find out the cause of clotting and the appearance of Guillain Barre Syndrome in the hopes of reducing cases in those receiving the "vaccines".

Thats from the US, so why is it not reported in the UK.
Deliberately allowing injections to take place which they know will harm or possibly kill people.
Yet not allowing that data to be shown by the media, or the media omitting to report it.
Surely this is a breach of the Consent accords as reporting it is in the nations interest.
Democide is not yet on the criminal statutes, perhaps it should be.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Yes. But as you suggested, the AZ vaccine has its own issues.

Funny thing is i had 2 jabs with Physzer(?) and i get a bit breathless,when i climb stairs etc . Havin g said thus ,i was getting breathless long before I had any Vaccine jabs and i only expect to live a few more years anyway :). Have those few years been cut down drastically by having the jabs ?
Honest answers only please .


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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I am saving my energy mate, for when the majority of the UK die of a heart attack in two years' time.

I certainly won't be following the detour in your clapped-out old banger.

It`ll be a Stroke not a Heart attack. Tiny blocked capillaries in the brain will suffer 1st.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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So you have nothing. Thank you

How about the media blackout over the commons vote on Tuesday to force NHS carehome staff to be vaccinated? The MSM were all over the vote to reduce foreign aid but not a word about mandating forced vaccines, even though the two votes were a hour apart. Strange huh?
Surely you care that already up to 20,000 care home staff have quit in response? Or had you not heard that either? Strange huh?

I did see where thousands of Care workers are quitting because of the low pay !


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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I`m sure that Sad will approve this . Friend who works in a high contact job said to me today that apparently if you walk past a house where someone has tested positive via that app they use ,then you get a text message to self isolate for 2 weeks !! That really is OTT in my opinion.
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