

UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2018
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Probably been suggested before - but, in addition to ability to block miscreants (of which I am one), ability to prevent them reading your messages also.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Block them? My problem is getting people TO read my messages! Some people don't like me (impossible! I hear you cry :)) If you make it known that you like certain posters on here, that's enough to get you disliked by others... That's the mentality of some. :rolleyes:


Block them? My problem is getting people TO read my messages! Some people don't like me (impossible! I hear you cry :)) If you make it known that you like certain posters on here, that's enough to get you disliked by others... That's the mentality of some. :rolleyes:
Dumb and Dumber spring to mind.
Your threads get a lot of response considering this is a smallish forum.


UKChat Familiar
Oct 1, 2021
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Most forums have a block button which means the one you've blocked cannot read any future posts. But I guess you'll have to check with admin.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Block them? My problem is getting people TO read my messages! Some people don't like me (impossible! I hear you cry :)) If you make it known that you like certain posters on here, that's enough to get you disliked by others... That's the mentality of some. :rolleyes:
It`s the same in the Chatrooms ! Members seem to avoid even saying "hello" if they know that other chatters who they prefer ,don``t like you ( it`s true !).
I`ve had long term chats with members who PM me 1st to get to know me and ( often) to unload their burdens onto. They have other room pals of course and if those pals decide to ignore me ,so do they ! even after months of being sociable. It`s what one may term as "unliked by Aquaintance"


Or alternatively that’s not the reason for him being ignored. Maybe there are other factors involved. Just a thought.
Yep...that is always the most obvious answer.;)
Though on all forums, there are always a few who like to stick together and seem scared of independent thought, they are soon spotted though.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Let me break this down to you rather simply.
Are you implying that i'm simple? because that's what I inferred, how very dare you! Loved the post. Thanks for taking the time to explain the shenanigans of social intercourse. :)


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Let me break this down to you rather simply.

Let's say there are 3 people involved , let's call them by Letters.




A is genuine/sincere and likes B, but doesn't really know them well yet.

B is rather superficial/shallow and likes both A and D

A doesn't like D - They know them rather well and have good reason to dislike them.

B knows D rather well too, and knows what they are about, but likes them regardless.

When A realises that B likes D, A starts wondering how B can like D, as B knows what D is really about.

How can A continue liking B, when A realises that B also likes D?

They can't - They will eventually fall out, because A and B don't share the same values.

The above can be applied in real life as online .
That`s a really weird post ,as i had exactly the same thoughts and had intended to post something along similar lines using Algebra to make the point simple .
My example was to be about several persons ,named A B C D E and others who you just need to imagine .
to begin with they have to get to know each other in a small way ( being total strangers in chatrooms !).Each of them is easy going and loosely form a "gang".
Then along comes G ( or H ! any letter will do) who ,for whatever reason ,doesn`t like ,in fact strongly dislikes A.
Most of the other members like G a lot ( even though they each claim to be "totally independant thinking " and " don`t follow anyone ". G will write anything to get A removed from the "clique ",who we can call Q now. To do this all they need to do is spread malicious lies about A to the other members of the clique and soon the others ,not wanting to fall out with G ,behave as G does and drop their friendship with A.
Simple analysis and I am 100% sure that this has happened to me . I do have much proof ( in screenshots) of a member of such a clique telling some awful lies about me to the others ,in an open chatroom ,in my absence, so only the genuine "free minded " members carry on speaking( writing ) to me as before.
This has happened to me a few times by people who should know better as they are in staff jobs here !. They are NOT impartial as i consider that they should be.

Now watch this post get deleted or me get banned with for no good reason ,only that i`m definitely a "Freethinker" :).


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
Reaction score
Why is this even a discussion?

A silly little clique telling everyone else who isn't a member of their silly little clique that they are members of a silly little clique.

School yard stuff.

Adults worked all this out by the time they were 21.

You can NOT make people like you.

Especially if you are hard-right and spend most of your time whining about the "left-wing" and "woke" and "snowflakes".

The irony totally bypasses them.

Do these people ever stop whining about chat board issues that have NO impact on their lives whatsoever?


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Why is this even a discussion?

A silly little clique telling everyone else who isn't a member of their silly little clique that they are members of a silly little clique.

School yard stuff.

Adults worked all this out by the time they were 21.

You can NOT make people like you.

Especially if you are hard-right and spend most of your time whining about the "left-wing" and "woke" and "snowflakes".

The irony totally bypasses them.

Do these people ever stop whining about chat board issues that have NO impact on their lives whatsoever?
I only responded to a post by another member . It wasn`t that bad .


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Absolutely he does.

A sly rat.

Always typing "we think this and we think that" to lure the stupids into his lonely internet existence.
Something we have in common eh ?.
Worrying thing is that he is well liked in the chatrooms ,lord knows why but he is and he does spread lies to discredit anyone who he dosn``t approve of . I happen to be one of those . I joined this chatsite months before he did and had no problems getting along with many chatters in the old YAH room. Then "he " came along and within weeks he had turned the rest of the room chatters against me(even a few staff members ) , Don`t ask me quite how but he had !. I should thank him really as he showed up the characters who were two faced :).
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UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Weird post? I was just giving a simple explanation of how things are in my opinion and you also admitted you had exactly the same thoughts.

Conclusion - Does that mean that you consider your own thoughts are weird (given the fact that they were same as mine) ? o_O:eek:
Nooo. I just think how unusual it is that we should both think in terms of the topic by using characters of the Aplhabet.