Tories enter final phase of existence as they f**k over pensioners.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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THE Conservative Party has signalled it is entering the final stages of its 200-year existence by f**king over the last people in Britain who support it.

Having already used and abused farmers, the business community, the Red Wall and non-doms, the party has decided their sole remaining bloc of voters has had it too easy for too damned long.

Jeremy Hunt, speaking through his puppet Michael Gove, said: Did you think you were immune or something? Nah. Pay up, economic dead weight.

Pay income tax, pay care bills, and don’t expect to get any service from the NHS because we’ve brought it to its f**king knees. Should you fall ill, try to focus on how much your country would benefit by losing you from the pensions burden.

You’re not going to win us the next election. Nothing could. So it’s time we soaked you for anything you’ve got coming in, anything you might have salted away, and the triple-lock can suck my dick.

Like a dying star, we’ve consumed everything possible to keep the Tories going. You’re all that’s left. By attacking you, are we effectively eating ourselves?

Yes. Will we collapse into a political black hole, destroying Britain in our wake? Yes. Don’t care.

Mark Gerving, retired fan blower, aged 82, said: “I’m furious about this and will do anything to stop it, as long as it doesn’t stop me voting Tory.”


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Oh god Kev's starting to be an embarrassment...... again :rolleyes:

Let me explain to you why the government's running out of money. 30 odd years ago when people retired much earlier in some cases 50. They got really good pensions.

I know doctors and teachers who retired at 55 on 2/3 of their final salary under there pension schemes. Guess what... they're still a live and drawing their pensions. Think about that !!! Most teachers do not enter the workplace until their mid twenty's. It means most of them only worked 30 years and then got to retire for 30 years or longer. Doctors and nurses were even worse, some of them retired at 50.

The only thing keeping the system going with working class men dying long before pension age. And now the government is forcing to people to work into their 70s cos there not.


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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He talkng a load of blocks least torys are keep the triple lock
Labour are not so where are you coming from you need to get all your facts right not copy and paste from the commie news


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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He talkng a load of blocks least torys are keep the triple lock
Labour are not so where are you coming from you need to get all your facts right not copy and paste from the commie news

(who is this sausage, does anyone know?)

You seem extremely agitated, is everything OK, sweetheart?

Not happy about the local election results?

So let me get this right, the Tories have BROKEN the vast majority of their election pledges, but you still trust them with the triple lock?


I suggest you get used to the idea of Labour taxing a wealthier generation of OAPS (not the poorest). OAPs who took took took and who take take take now. OAPs who don't believe that they should contribute a single penny to the cost of living crisis.

The generation who believe it is perfectly acceptable for the Tories to financially assault the poor, the disabled, the sick, and children. The most vulnerable in our society, so long as the Tories don't personally target them, right?

Rude, unpleasant, angry, self-entitled, spoiled brat baby boomers. :)


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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(who is this sausage, does anyone know?)

You seem extremely agitated, is everything OK, sweetheart?

Not happy about the local election results?

So let me get this right, the Tories have BROKEN the vast majority of their election pledges, but you still trust them with the triple lock?


I suggest you get used to the idea of Labour taxing a wealthier generation of OAPS (not the poorest). OAPs who took took took and who take take take now. OAPs who don't believe that they should contribute a single penny to the cost of living crisis.

The generation who believe it is perfectly acceptable for the Tories to financially assault the poor, the disabled, the sick, and children. The most vulnerable in our society, so long as the Tories don't personally target them, right?

Rude, unpleasant, angry, self-entitled, spoiled brat baby boomers. :)
IM not angry you post lots of shite
And im not your darling .Wait till Labour get your find out how the ruin this country
Be same old same no money left in the bank when they leave and beware Corbyn will maybe be PM
So ignore me please as i find you boring so your now on my block list bye b****


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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Don't you just wish there was a higher authority who can step up and say, 'Ok Time's've had a chance and you blew it. Now we're here to clean up your mess'.
Unfortunately there isn't anyone who can come along and put things to rights. This country is on a downward spiral and none of the present parties are going to put on the brakes.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Dear Tories, far right, gammons, morons, haters and racists.

Thursday, the 2nd of May, 2024 was just a little preview of the full scale humiliation that you are about to experience at the up and coming General Election.




A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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and beware Corbyn will maybe be PM

Corbyn isn't a member of any major political party, you GIANT sausage.

copy and paste from the commie news

The "commies" who gave your generation the NHS?

Free education.

Affordable housing.

The public sector.

A job for life.

Sick pay.


Maternity leave.


And im not your darling .

No one called you darling, sweetheart, and although I am sure you probably were a darling 50 years or so ago.

Be same old same no money left in the bank when they leave

What an odd statement taking into account the actual reality. The actual reality that your beloved Tories have lumbered the UK with £2,654.3 billion (2023) of debt.

Wait till Labour get your find out how the ruin this country


You need to leave your house occasionally, and visit the poverty-stricken, crime riddled, dentistless, pothole riddled real world.

So ignore me please as i find you boring so your now on my block list bye b****

Stop attention seeking and stop typing ABUSE to someone you have NEVER had a conversation with previously.

Why have you named yourself “words” you crude oaf (lol)?


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Shut up RED Kev !!!