STOP! It's a Woman's Problem


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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There is no way to be nice, open my arms and offer the emotionally deficient a hug for her trauma, because she doesn’t deserve it. There is no way to say the sentence is fair, because it’s not- she should have got life, just like him. But once again (and again and again), the Judge takes pity on a child murderer, because she’s a woman. I’m a proud feminist, but not even in my beliefs can I excuse a woman getting away with the murder of her child. Nor can I excuse the pitiful reasons as to why they let the men they invite into their lives to inflict cruelty and bully the life they brought into the world. The life that should be their everything.

Once again, another desperate, pathetic excuse of a ‘mother’ hits the headlines for allowing the death of her baby, Jacob Crouch. I won’t say her name- she doesn’t deserve to be remembered in any capacity. Nor does the scum of a ‘step-father’, who caused so much trauma to Jacob’s body, the coroner described his injuries to be similar to those of a car crash victim. In his short 10-month life, he had been beaten so badly, he died with 39 rib fractures and 19 visible bruises, as well as multiple internal injuries. He died in pain, alone and despite his inability to talk or comprehend what he was experiencing, he knew no one was going to attend his cries with loving, soothing arms. He’d learned that, if nothing else.

Not so long ago, we were reading about Logan Mwangi- a 5-year-old boy left with 56 “catastrophic” injuries after being brutally and savagely attacked by his step-father and a teenager in the care of his step-father. In the months leading up to his death, he had been ritualistically tortured by the pair and his mother, which including submerging him in water, pushing him down the stairs and breaking his arm, making him stand and stare at the wall for long periods of time, deprive him of food and isolating him. Even in death, with the help of his mother, they dumped his body like rubbish in the river.

Each time, a woman let a man do this to their child- and yes, I say ‘Let’. Each of those mothers had a choice and yet they chose to put their own needs and a dick over the basic safety and security of a child, so let’s clear away the excuses- the ‘she’s a victim of domestic violence’ and the excuses of coercive control. Let’s get rid of the sympathy specs that the Judges see a vagina through. Get rid of them, because there are NO EXCUSES. They murdered their children through the toleration of such monsters in their home- their child’s supposed place of safety and security. They handed them over to their murderers willingly, a gift to celebrate their shared sickness, and should thus receive the same sentence.

Step-fathers are over 100 times more likely to beat their partner’s child to death than the natural father is. So, I’ll say this loud and clear to desperate mummy’s out there, because this is a women’s problem:
-He’s not ‘different’- he’s the same as every other dick out there. YOUR desperation is what’s telling you he’s ‘different’, but don’t worry- there’s plenty like him.

-He doesn’t love your kid as much as he would his own, because it’s not his own. He tells you that for more sex/a home/money/your car/access to your child.

-You can live without him- you can live without anyone, except your kid. Your child or adult-child is with you for the rest of your life, no matter what you do. Close your legs and your man won’t be around next month.

-Domination and taking over the parenting of your child is not endearing and proof he’s a ‘good dad’. They’re YOUR child- YOU parent them. It’s not up to a random you’ve known for a month to do that.

-If a man threatens to end the relationship if you don’t do something that would put your child at risk or compromise their safety and wellbeing, it’s called Emotional Blackmail. It is not proof that someone wants, needs or loves you, no matter how your pathetically poor attachment style twists it.

It’s time to take responsibility, women. THIS is a woman’s problem. STOP blaming HIM and grow a pair. YOU control who comes into your child’s life, so him being in your home with your child is YOUR responsibility. Just because you like him and get all fluffy when he flexes his chest, it doesn’t mean he’s a good person or father material. Get a hotel room, have ‘date nights’, meet him away from your child and keep it that way, until he’s proved himself worthy of being a person to invite into your child’s life. TAKE YOUR TIME and stop acting on what Daddy didn’t give you!


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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It's also a mans resposibility to not be an asshole and remember that child is not thiers.
My ex had a daughter from her previous relationship, who didnt like me much.
Yet, helping her with homework, being there if she needed someone to talk to and teach her about things her mother couldnt.
We respected each other.

Thats why I love this song, because it was my ex when she met me and she would agree.
Now she has a better man than me in her life and I am happy for her, it sometimes takes someone to say no which makes you change.



UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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It's also a mans resposibility to not be an asshole and remember that child is not thiers.
My ex had a daughter from her previous relationship, who didnt like me much.
Yet, helping her with homework, being there if she needed someone to talk to and teach her about things her mother couldnt.
We respected each other.

Thats why I love this song, because it was my ex when she met me and she would agree.
Now she has a better man than me in her life and I am happy for her, it sometimes takes someone to say no which makes you change.

I take NO responsibility away from the man in a quest to attribute it to the woman. However, when you live in the woods, there is no excuse for inviting the wolf into your home. You protect your child's space. When you drive, do you think it's up to the other drivers to keep you and your passengers safe? You expect them not to be an asshat driver- after all, they're responsible for their behaviour on the road- but you're always on guard for that one idiot. Women need to be on guard for that one. It's not all men, just around 96% of sexual abuse perpetrators and 92% of domestic abusers.

It's probably not that she didn't like you- she probably didn't know you well enough when she demonstrated distrust and if you were there when she needed to talk and teach her things, she couldn't have disliked you that much. After all, she gave you the opportunity to listen to her.

Don't put yourself down- no one needs to be visiting a pity party at this time of the morning. I'm sure he's as much of an asshat as you are, they just don't plaster that part of their relationship on Facefake.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I take NO responsibility away from the man in a quest to attribute it to the woman. However, when you live in the woods, there is no excuse for inviting the wolf into your home. You protect your child's space. When you drive, do you think it's up to the other drivers to keep you and your passengers safe? You expect them not to be an asshat driver- after all, they're responsible for their behaviour on the road- but you're always on guard for that one idiot. Women need to be on guard for that one. It's not all men, just around 96% of sexual abuse perpetrators and 92% of domestic abusers.

It's probably not that she didn't like you- she probably didn't know you well enough when she demonstrated distrust and if you were there when she needed to talk and teach her things, she couldn't have disliked you that much. After all, she gave you the opportunity to listen to her.

Don't put yourself down- no one needs to be visiting a pity party at this time of the morning. I'm sure he's as much of an asshat as you are, they just don't plaster that part of their relationship on Facefake.

No idea, I left when I realised I couldnt do the "Happy Family" sh** any more, was only for 6 months but it felt like a lifetime to me.
To selfish to be in a relationship these days.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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this your controversial thread ? ? ? ? ?
Was meant to be, but I think my post on School Children Identifying with Animals was more controversial.
And I'm not done yet.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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No idea, I left when I realised I couldnt do the "Happy Family" sh** any more, was only for 6 months but it felt like a lifetime to me.
To selfish to be in a relationship these days.
Now, this is why I had a 6-month rule- I didn't even introduce my child to someone I was dating within the first 6-months, never mind let them spend proper time with my child. To me, that's still very much in the casual phase and you can't possibly know who a person really is after just 6 months.
I recall when I was dating this chap for around 5 months, he showed up 3 hours early for our date night and my son wasn't going to my mother's for another 2, so I sent him away and told him to come back at the time we had arranged. To me, that was a red flag. He knew full well why I had arranged the time I had and he didn't respect my boundaries. But at the time, I let it go.
When I finally introduced him to my son, it was at a 'family dinner' with his son (he was a single dad) and when my son was trying to talk to him about a game, he rolled his eyes and ignored him. He ignored him again twice during the dinner. This red flag didn't pass me by and needless to say, we broke up shortly after that.

A partner's jealousy of a child has no place in a mother's life and if men have an issue with their partner's child, they need to find a new partner.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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As a single parent, if someone I didn't know very well, randomly turned up at my house three hours earlier than agreed, without even contacting me first to see if it is convenient, I simply would have ended it there and then. Having said that, in my younger days, though, I would probably have been flattered by the attention. As an adult though, it just screams control freak to me, no attempt to be subtle, and I would have immediately (cynically) interpreted it as an attempt to push my boundaries to see how I would react.

I also believe in one or two more recent cases, of child cruelty or murder, numerous red flags were raised to the authorities, and no enforcement action was taken. There could well be multiple reasons, but I suspect staff shortages, unmanageable caseloads and austerity played a huge part. It's all well and good and in an idealist world of liberal utopia, to automatically expect other people to take responsibility for their own actions, unfortunately though a combination of either damaged and or evil people is always going to be a recipe for disaster when it also involves young children.

Are there really more evil or damaged people in the world compared to 50 years ago, or is it just more widely reported? Has the internet handed a voice to the Andrew Tate's of this world to spew their misogynist poison, yes it has. It is no doubt, in part, fuelling the huge rise in misogyny among younger people and when during the pandemic a lack of legislation ensured young people were more readily exposed to these horrific creatures and for much longer periods.

Edited. Misogyny in the context of these brutes gaining access to damaged and vulnerable women already susceptible to control freakery and in turn their children.


UKChat Newbie
Jul 6, 2023
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As a single parent, if someone I didn't know very well, randomly turned up at my house three hours earlier than agreed, without even contacting me first to see if it is convenient, I simply would have ended it there and then. Having said that, in my younger days, though, I would probably have been flattered by the attention. As an adult though, it just screams control freak to me, no attempt to be subtle, and I would have immediately (cynically) interpreted it as an attempt to push my boundaries to see how I would react.

I also believe in one or two more recent cases, of child cruelty or murder, numerous red flags were raised to the authorities, and no enforcement action was taken. There could well be multiple reasons, but I suspect staff shortages, unmanageable caseloads and austerity played a huge part. It's all well and good and in an idealist world of liberal utopia, to automatically expect other people to take responsibility for their own actions, unfortunately though a combination of either damaged and or evil people is always going to be a recipe for disaster when it also involves young children.

Are there really more evil or damaged people in the world compared to 50 years ago, or is it just more widely reported? Has the internet handed a voice to the Andrew Tate's of this world to spew their misogynist poison, yes it has. It is no doubt, in part, fuelling the huge rise in misogyny among younger people and when during the pandemic a lack of legislation ensured young people were more readily exposed to these horrific creatures and for much longer periods.

Edited. Misogyny in the context of these brutes gaining access to damaged and vulnerable women already susceptible to control freakery and in turn their children.
time I read that I'd need Viagra kinda loses the momentum


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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Before I write anything else- thank you for this, Kev. I appreciate your openness and the quality and effort of your reply. When I saw your name pop up, I expected vitriol, but instead was pleasantly surprised at what I read.
As a single parent, if someone I didn't know very well, randomly turned up at my house three hours earlier than agreed, without even contacting me first to see if it is convenient, I simply would have ended it there and then. Having said that, in my younger days, though, I would probably have been flattered by the attention. As an adult though, it just screams control freak to me, no attempt to be subtle, and I would have immediately (cynically) interpreted it as an attempt to push my boundaries to see how I would react.
You are absolutely right- it does scream control freak and as the paranoid bint I am now, I would have ended it there and then, or made the date so awkward that I forced him to end it. This is going back a decade and a half now, but I’m sure I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he had a 50-minute train journey (plus taxi) to get to mine. He was computer geek- hyperventilated in public places- so not the type to go and sit in the pub for 3 hours. I believe he went back to the train station- knowing me, I probably didn’t give him much of a chance to explain, so there could have been a good reason. He wasn’t/isn’t a bad one- he’s now married and believe me, she’s the boss! He even moved countries for her. With me, he was insecure and a traditionalist- very into marriage, family and looking for a mummy for his kid, and that’s not me at all.
I also believe in one or two more recent cases, of child cruelty or murder, numerous red flags were raised to the authorities, and no enforcement action was taken. There could well be multiple reasons, but I suspect staff shortages, unmanageable caseloads and austerity played a huge part. It's all well and good and in an idealist world of liberal utopia, to automatically expect other people to take responsibility for their own actions, unfortunately though a combination of either damaged and or evil people is always going to be a recipe for disaster when it also involves young children.
Can’t disagree with you here. I think in nearly all of the cases in the media, there were concerns raised by either professionals or family members and neighbours. Yet there were also issues with communication between services- in a couple, the medical professionals didn’t share info with children’s services, which leaves a massive gap in the frontline support for these children. Social services, the police and the NHS need a complete overhaul in their systems when it comes to child protection (why is there not a shared database?!), their incentives to work for them (i.e.: pay & benefits) and how they treat their staff (e.g. caseloads, hours). But my question is why are we waiting for something to happen before we act and ‘learn lessons’? The services and our education system is failing our children, so perhaps it’s time for the communities to start coming together. It takes a village to raise a child, so why are we not getting these young women and teaching them at an earlier age? This is where the services are needed- out in the communities in the shape of compulsory classes, befrienders, mentors- right up until the child is between 8-10yrs old. Not just a social worker or Health Visitor occasionally if/when a concern or parental vulnerability is raised and there are enough resources to act on it. Educate the mother early on and teach her what responsibility is, you protect the child.
Are there really more evil or damaged people in the world compared to 50 years ago, or is it just more widely reported? Has the internet handed a voice to the Andrew Tate's of this world to spew their misogynist poison, yes it has. It is no doubt, in part, fuelling the huge rise in misogyny among younger people and when during the pandemic a lack of legislation ensured young people were more readily exposed to these horrific creatures and for much longer periods.
Couldn’t agree more with most of this. Amongst other media influences of the present, the rise of Andrew Tate makes me shudder and fear for the future of women. But I refrain from using the word evil for much- it gives the subject an ethereal power, which none have, especially not that twisted little turd.

There are many guises of misogyny in our society, which we didn’t have 50 years ago and it appears to be more aggressive and violent, and to answer your first question, yes- there has been an increase in violence against women and children in the past 50 years. But taking into the obvious reporting variables, perhaps that’s not completely accurate. What we do know from the type of crimes reported over more recent years is that there has certainly been a rise in violent crimes and murder by people known to the female or child victim, and an obvious increase in step-fathers murdering their step-children, as the make up of the family was completely different 50 years ago.

There can be no denial of the effect of the pandemic and the freedom of speech the internet affords that is exploited by the likes of Andrew Tate, but we seem to forget the influence of the family when we attribute blame to everything else. We also seem to forget that these boys and men have mothers, who should be their biggest influence when it comes to developing respect for women. We, the mothers are partly responsible for these men, and should be the ones switching Andrew Tate off and blocking access.

As a society, we’ve become all too keen to let school, the internet and TV parent our children and that’s an attitude we didn’t have 50 years ago. I don’t dwell on a time with sh!t dentistry and hysteria as a medical diagnosis, but we have lost our parenting skills and the ability to take responsibility for our children over the past 50 years. Parenting seems to be a ‘right’ and not a privilege these days. Perhaps we need to get back to that and that works for both sexes.

Edited. Misogyny in the context of these brutes gaining access to damaged and vulnerable women already susceptible to control freakery and in turn their children.
Poor parenting breeds a poorly attached adult, who in turn has poor quality relationships. These damaged and vulnerable women came from somewhere- a home with damaged/absent parents. Same as the man- he wouldn’t have licked misogynistic brute off a stone, nor is the internet so powerful that it can create a monster from a saint. So where does the cycle stop? Who stops it? Men have shown that they will simply develop new methods of control, from the far-right blatant misogynism to the gaslighting of the far-left to erode our rights and sex protection. We can’t rely on them to change or protect our children, so as mothers, we must and we must be teaching other mothers to do the same.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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When I saw your name pop up, I expected vitriol, but instead was pleasantly surprised at what I read.

I will always react within reason, yes, and as I am 'choosing' to do now. There was absolutely no reason to type this, yet you still chose to. Anything I have ever typed is still tame though in comparison compared to the abuse and threats you made towards Hell2bewith, for which you were banned, at least twice. :rolleyes:

but we have lost our parenting skills and the ability to take responsibility for our children over the past 50 years.

There is a lot of complex evidence, that I won't go into now, that the political creation, a choice, to create a 'modern' underclass by Thatchers' regime and which correlates to the bad parenting this thread refers to. A political decision to control inflation, create more competition in the work sector and up to four million unemployed scrabbling around fighting for jobs and decent housing and education and healthcare, etc. Generations later, we are observing the consequences in real time, tied in with ideological austerity which has slashed and burned vital infrastructure and particularly social services.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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I will always react within reason, yes, and as I am 'choosing' to do now. There was absolutely no reason to type this, yet you still chose to. Anything I have ever typed is still tame though in comparison compared to the abuse and threats you made towards Hell2bewith, for which you were banned, at least twice. :rolleyes:
I was being nice. It wouldn’t harm for you to do the same, some time.

‘Abuse’ and ‘threats’ are hyperbole, considering any supposed abuse he received was a reflection of what he gave and if I recall rightly, I was on the end of some of that to the point where he went to great lengths to ridicule and call me a ‘fake’ after I had shared a personal traumatic experience in a post. And the ‘threat’ was a badly told joke, based on his paranoia about someone from the site sharing his picture on another site.

And I wasn’t banned twice, nor for what you have accused me of. I was banned once after coming home drunk one night and calling you all hypocrites, so can you please get the info correct before you make accusations. If my mind serves me correctly, I received a slap on the wrist and a warning for calling him a nasty name once and the idiotic ‘joke’ was deleted by moderators.

Also, perhaps practice what you preach. You and laughing dog constantly harassed another poster and when under the guise of SamBally, spent a pathetic amount of time accusing me of being someone else, due to the way I wrote.
What’s that I smell? Begins with H…ends in Y :rolleyes:

There is a lot of complex evidence, that I won't go into now, that the political creation, a choice, to create a 'modern' underclass by Thatchers' regime and which correlates to the bad parenting this thread refers to. A political decision to control inflation, create more competition in the work sector and up to four million unemployed scrabbling around fighting for jobs and decent housing and education and healthcare, etc. Generations later, we are observing the consequences in real time, tied in with ideological austerity which has slashed and burned vital infrastructure and particularly social services.
Please divulge, some time- I’m always willing to read and learn, and change/add to a perspective (just please don’t involve patriarchal religions). You see, unlike you, I listen to those I might not particularly agree with, because I might learn something. I also don’t highly judge people I don’t know on the capture of a few words on the internet to others I don’t know and will respect intelligent qualities when I see them.


no question I'm simply the best
Jul 4, 2023
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I was being nice. It wouldn’t harm for you to do the same, some time.

‘Abuse’ and ‘threats’ are hyperbole, considering any supposed abuse he received was a reflection of what he gave and if I recall rightly, I was on the end of some of that to the point where he went to great lengths to ridicule and call me a ‘fake’ after I had shared a personal traumatic experience in a post. And the ‘threat’ was a badly told joke, based on his paranoia about someone from the site sharing his picture on another site.

And I wasn’t banned twice, nor for what you have accused me of. I was banned once after coming home drunk one night and calling you all hypocrites, so can you please get the info correct before you make accusations. If my mind serves me correctly, I received a slap on the wrist and a warning for calling him a nasty name once and the idiotic ‘joke’ was deleted by moderators.

Also, perhaps practice what you preach. You and laughing dog constantly harassed another poster and when under the guise of SamBally, spent a pathetic amount of time accusing me of being someone else, due to the way I wrote.
What’s that I smell? Begins with H…ends in Y :rolleyes:

Please divulge, some time- I’m always willing to read and learn, and change/add to a perspective (just please don’t involve patriarchal religions). You see, unlike you, I listen to those I might not particularly agree with, because I might learn something. I also don’t highly judge people I don’t know on the capture of a few words on the internet to others I don’t know and will respect intelligent qualities when I see them.
kev you have a friend for life their well done


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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‘Abuse’ and ‘threats’ are hyperbole, considering any supposed abuse he received was a reflection of what he gave and if I recall rightly

So... You recall wrongly, Crazycatwoman.

However, you also made this particular thread passionately imploring women to take responsibility for their own actions, but of course these same rules don't apply to you, do they? All of us, all the adults, have some knowledge regarding these particular patterns of behaviour "I was just reacting to them and so it is all their fault"?

Sounds a lot like the excuses misogynists and incels hide behind, doesn't it?

Also, perhaps practice what you preach. You and laughing dog constantly harassed another poster and when under the guise of SamBally, spent a pathetic amount of time accusing me of being someone else, due to the way I wrote.

I don't need to take responsibility for anything, at all, nor will I, it's a thread you made angrily demanding "women" take responsibility for their own behaviour. But what a load of old cobblers anyway, and rather bizarrely here you are back seeking revenge on those you perceive to have slighted you well over a year, and possibly two, later.

Just how scary are you?

I was on the end of some of that to the point where he went to great lengths to ridicule and call me a ‘fake’ after I had shared a personal traumatic experience in a post.

You threatened to "hack" his computer and various other threats solely because he said he didn't believe you and as he was entitled to do so on an open forum.

Don't share personal information online to total strangers and then complain about their reaction.

And you also included another far-fetched, over elaborate tale of woe on this thread, yet again contradicting yourself in the process.

You spoke about what you claim are red flags in a relationship, and then immediately made excuses for the man who raised them because of course in your particular case they wouldn't really be red flags after all would they, Crazycatwoman?

You see, unlike you, I listen to those I might not particularly agree with, because I might learn something. I also don’t highly judge people I don’t know on the capture of a few words on the internet to others I don’t know and will respect intelligent qualities when I see them.

Which is why you have returned and again called Moriarty an "incel", an accusation you have made frequently, yes?



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
So... You recall wrongly, Crazycatwoman.

However, you also made this particular thread passionately imploring women to take responsibility for their own actions, but of course these same rules don't apply to you, do they? All of us, all the adults, have some knowledge regarding these particular patterns of behaviour "I was just reacting to them and so it is all their fault"?

Sounds a lot like the excuses misogynists and incels hide behind, doesn't it?

I don't need to take responsibility for anything, at all, nor will I, it's a thread you made angrily demanding "women" take responsibility for their own behaviour. But what a load of old cobblers anyway, and rather bizarrely here you are back seeking revenge on those you perceive to have slighted you well over a year, and possibly two, later.

Just how scary are you?

You threatened to "hack" his computer and various other threats solely because he said he didn't believe you and as he was entitled to do so on an open forum.

Don't share personal information online to total strangers and then complain about their reaction.

And you also included another far-fetched, over elaborate tale of woe on this thread, yet again contradicting yourself in the process.

You spoke about what you claim are red flags in a relationship, and then immediately made excuses for the man who raised them because of course in your particular case they wouldn't really be red flags after all would they, Crazycatwoman?

Which is why you have returned and again called Moriarty an "incel", an accusation you have made frequently, yes?

hand clap.gif


There is no way to be nice, open my arms and offer the emotionally deficient a hug for her trauma, because she doesn’t deserve it. There is no way to say the sentence is fair, because it’s not- she should have got life, just like him. But once again (and again and again), the Judge takes pity on a child murderer, because she’s a woman. I’m a proud feminist, but not even in my beliefs can I excuse a woman getting away with the murder of her child. Nor can I excuse the pitiful reasons as to why they let the men they invite into their lives to inflict cruelty and bully the life they brought into the world. The life that should be their everything.

Once again, another desperate, pathetic excuse of a ‘mother’ hits the headlines for allowing the death of her baby, Jacob Crouch. I won’t say her name- she doesn’t deserve to be remembered in any capacity. Nor does the scum of a ‘step-father’, who caused so much trauma to Jacob’s body, the coroner described his injuries to be similar to those of a car crash victim. In his short 10-month life, he had been beaten so badly, he died with 39 rib fractures and 19 visible bruises, as well as multiple internal injuries. He died in pain, alone and despite his inability to talk or comprehend what he was experiencing, he knew no one was going to attend his cries with loving, soothing arms. He’d learned that, if nothing else.

Not so long ago, we were reading about Logan Mwangi- a 5-year-old boy left with 56 “catastrophic” injuries after being brutally and savagely attacked by his step-father and a teenager in the care of his step-father. In the months leading up to his death, he had been ritualistically tortured by the pair and his mother, which including submerging him in water, pushing him down the stairs and breaking his arm, making him stand and stare at the wall for long periods of time, deprive him of food and isolating him. Even in death, with the help of his mother, they dumped his body like rubbish in the river.

Each time, a woman let a man do this to their child- and yes, I say ‘Let’. Each of those mothers had a choice and yet they chose to put their own needs and a dick over the basic safety and security of a child, so let’s clear away the excuses- the ‘she’s a victim of domestic violence’ and the excuses of coercive control. Let’s get rid of the sympathy specs that the Judges see a vagina through. Get rid of them, because there are NO EXCUSES. They murdered their children through the toleration of such monsters in their home- their child’s supposed place of safety and security. They handed them over to their murderers willingly, a gift to celebrate their shared sickness, and should thus receive the same sentence.

Step-fathers are over 100 times more likely to beat their partner’s child to death than the natural father is. So, I’ll say this loud and clear to desperate mummy’s out there, because this is a women’s problem:
-He’s not ‘different’- he’s the same as every other dick out there. YOUR desperation is what’s telling you he’s ‘different’, but don’t worry- there’s plenty like him.

-He doesn’t love your kid as much as he would his own, because it’s not his own. He tells you that for more sex/a home/money/your car/access to your child.

-You can live without him- you can live without anyone, except your kid. Your child or adult-child is with you for the rest of your life, no matter what you do. Close your legs and your man won’t be around next month.

-Domination and taking over the parenting of your child is not endearing and proof he’s a ‘good dad’. They’re YOUR child- YOU parent them. It’s not up to a random you’ve known for a month to do that.

-If a man threatens to end the relationship if you don’t do something that would put your child at risk or compromise their safety and wellbeing, it’s called Emotional Blackmail. It is not proof that someone wants, needs or loves you, no matter how your pathetically poor attachment style twists it.

It’s time to take responsibility, women. THIS is a woman’s problem. STOP blaming HIM and grow a pair. YOU control who comes into your child’s life, so him being in your home with your child is YOUR responsibility. Just because you like him and get all fluffy when he flexes his chest, it doesn’t mean he’s a good person or father material. Get a hotel room, have ‘date nights’, meet him away from your child and keep it that way, until he’s proved himself worthy of being a person to invite into your child’s life. TAKE YOUR TIME and stop acting on what Daddy didn’t give you!
In this case......A life for a life.. Simple!


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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If a man does not accept that a womens child comes first, whether married or not, then he deserves to be alone.
What baffles me is that men dont understand, when you enter a young childs life you can make a difference, support them and teach them.
A single women with a child is something you should be proud to call your own because you can be something her mother isnt.

The asshole that teaches that kid that motorbike parts are allowed in the bath even when the kids mother goes nuts.

Hell they gotta learn how to fix an engine.
My ex's daughter did :)


UKChat Familiar
Nov 9, 2018
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From life experience, you never really know someone fully, but it takes around 2 years to see all sides of someone, I think its hugely important to see how someone is in disagreements, arguments, difficult situations and so on, you have to observe how they treat their family and friends etc. It tells you a lot. That goes for Males and Females because as we saw in the Arthur Hughs and Star Hobson thing, women can be just as bad. Personally if I ever met someone I'd leave it 6 months and even then they would have minimal contact with my girls until after 2 years, just days out and stuff.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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So... You recall wrongly, Crazycatwoman.
No, I don’t ‘recall wrongly’-the evidence is in a thread on this site, where I asked for my profile to be deleted, so it is you that assumes wrongly. As the saying goes, to assume makes an ass out of you and me. In this instance, you are the ass, because you didn’t check your evidence.

So... You recall wrongly, Crazycatwoman.

However, you also made this particular thread passionately imploring women to take responsibility for their own actions, but of course these same rules don't apply to you, do they? All of us, all the adults, have some knowledge regarding these particular patterns of behaviour "I was just reacting to them and so it is all their fault"?
I didn’t say that, so why are you quoting me when I didn’t write that? And yes, women have to take responsibility for their choices- you’re not a victim, just because you were born with a vagina. We have choices and there is support out there, so take advantage of it. Now, more than ever, we have the support to get out of abusive relationships, yet why do women still play the victim at their children’s expense?
Sounds a lot like the excuses misogynists and incels hide behind, doesn't it?

Right! Because bowing down to a cock in a frock and being desperate for male attention is not excusing misogynists, is it, Ms/Mr Vile? Funny, I’m the one challenging misogynists and incels and you’re the one making excuses for them and sidling up to them, yet you accuse me of hiding behind them! Let me guess, sacrificed yourself or a child for the cock? Hence, angry response. Pahahahahaha! Projection, much?! Work through it with your therapist, not a random on a website, you sad, pathetic cock pleaser.
I don't need to take responsibility for anything, at all, nor will I, it's a thread you made angrily demanding "women" take responsibility for their own behaviour. But what a load of old cobblers anyway, and rather bizarrely here you are back seeking revenge on those you perceive to have slighted you well over a year, and possibly two, later.

Just how scary are you?
Oh dear! You really like hyperbole and exaggeration, don’t you? You really are a tool without any use. You get off on slating everyone with a different view to you and then do exactly what you accuse others of. In your pathetic opinion, I ‘angrily’ demanded women (why the hyphens?- do you not believe in ‘women’) take responsibility- shall I do a post about feckless men taking responsibility? Will that please you? I despise both feckless women and men equally, but my post was in response to the recent spate of supposed mothers sacrificing their children for a d!ck- I can do one about men if you want to make the scores equal? Happy to! And what’s this sh!t about a year ago and ‘seeking revenge’? I wasn’t the one that brought the past up- you were, so that shows who can’t let go of the past. Funny, I have the ability to leave the past where it is, but you clearly don’t. What’s wrong? Need therapy to learn how to let go? I can recommend someone.

I don’t do ‘scary’- I do me. If ’’scary’ comes to mind when you’re trying to work out what I am, that’s not on me. But thanks- I’ll take the compliment

You threatened to "hack" his computer and various other threats solely because he said he didn't believe you and as he was entitled to do so on an open forum.
Actually, what I said was ‘wouldn’t it be a shame if someone hacked your computer’- I didn’t say I would do it. Had I said I would do it, I’m sure I would have been banned, but I wasn’t- the post was deleted, but I wasn’t banned, despite what your imagination says.
Don't share personal information online to total strangers and then complain about their reaction.
Because of course, sharing an experience from when I was 14 is more personal than sharing what kind of cooker I bought and how I paid for it. It’s also more personal than information about where I live, what kind of torchlight I use (and how I use it), what I used to do for a living, what products I buy, what my father used to do for a living and how many siblings I have (and whether they’re male or female). You’ve put so much personal information on here and then you throw insults at others that do. You have no idea what I look like, where I am or who I am, but believe me, from your posts, I have a location and a hell of a lot more I see no one else but me gets criticism from you about the personal information they share. I wonder why that is?!
And you also included another far-fetched, over elaborate tale of woe on this thread, yet again contradicting yourself in the process.

And where have I done that? Please elaborate. You seem to seep information and not know you’re seeping it. You also seem to have an attraction to hyperbole. Is that to make you more interesting than you really are? You seem to have done everything, know everything, yet be so useless in real life that all you have time to do is to sit on a computer and b!tch about randoms on a chat website. Oh dear god, your life must be so fcking boring, I actually pity you! You and laughing dog have so much time on your hands to create multiple profiles and write sh!t posts about people you don't know, that even the sad b!ches on Mumsnet think you're pathetic!
You spoke about what you claim are red flags in a relationship, and then immediately made excuses for the man who raised them because of course in your particular case they wouldn't really be red flags after all would they, Crazycatwoman?
Everyone deserves a chance- not every red flag means danger and sometimes, individuals are looking for dangers and risks that are not there- that’s part of a disorganised attachment. And frankly, from reading your sh!t, I’m betting you’ve ignored a few red flags- hence, why you are so angry and determined to b!tch and screw over every woman who challenges you. What did she do to you? Was it a lover or your mother that made you hate women so much? I’m guessing mother.
Which is why you have returned and again called Moriarty an "incel", an accusation you have made frequently, yes?

I must admit, I use this place when I’m bored, when I have time on my hands and I’ve had enough of the gym and enticing younger men into my lair. Moriarty likes to tell me (in so many ways) that I’m stupid, so in retaliation I insinuate that he’s an incel, but hell- I’ll have his back against any of you condescending fuckers and will always consider what he has to say, because I like him and (weirdly) respect what he has to say. I also can’t understand why any woman would throw a nice, intelligent guy like him away. Me and Moriarty have an understanding, so don’t try and drag him into this argument like you’ve tried to drag dead people into it. Stand on your own two fucking feet, without trying to drag other people into your pointless argument.
I agree on this! LOL- you fucking tool that talks to itself! How’s Fred doing nowadays? LOL
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” ― Oscar Wilde

What enemies are those then? Do you have more than me? Maybe it’s time to forgive and move on…..oh wait, you have to drag up dead people to make a point. Obviously you don’t ‘practice what you preach!’ :rolleyes:

I await the backlash- in fact, I look forward to it from this cock pleasing, pathetic excuse for a human, who has nothing to do but w@nk off to reactions from randoms on website. So glad to be a part of that self-pleasing :p You shall call me Jo- I give you that privilege.

Have a lovely day, sweetheart- been fab talking to you! ;)


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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50,000 words to say what you could have said in 100. :D

You haven't changed at all Crazycatthing, have you, lol. Full of your own imagined self-importance. F me petal, if the inane crap typed on an internet forum gets you so irrationally angry, god only knows what you are like IRL.

Blimey, though, I do hope you feel a bit better after yet another rage fuelled angry rant. :eek:

Actually, fake feminist, it was you who reappeared and dragged up the "past", you grudge holding big baby. You ghastly man/woman/thing, and simply because I contributed to a thread. :)

That's you to a tee, though, isn't it. :cool:

You got banned for abuse and threats to an OAP, you big tough guy you and btw, then came back seething about it. Made an angry scene to make your point (you were the victim of course) and then flounced, angrily, and it was on multiple threads, actually.

I simply won't react to the rest which is of course what you crave and because just like your new sidekick, the woman hating misogynist Moriarty, you both play victim when you do get a reaction. The worst kind of online abusers there are, and you also both gaslight other chatters given the opportunity and try your damned best to suck every last ounce of energy from them.

It's a common theme with people, men or women, who have low self-esteem. :)

So I suggest, for the sake of your own mental health, that you do not type my way you foul-mouthed, crude, ignorant, online thug. :rolleyes:


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
Reaction score
50,000 words to say what you could have said in 100. :D

You haven't changed at all Crazycatthing, have you, lol. Full of your own imagined self-importance. F me petal, if the inane crap typed on an internet forum gets you so irrationally angry, god only knows what you are like IRL.

Blimey, though, I do hope you feel a bit better after yet another rage fuelled angry rant. :eek:

Actually, fake feminist, it was you who reappeared and dragged up the "past", you grudge holding big baby. You ghastly man/woman/thing, and simply because I contributed to a thread. :)

That's you to a tee, though, isn't it. :cool:

You got banned for abuse and threats to an OAP, you big tough guy you and btw, then came back seething about it. Made an angry scene to make your point (you were the victim of course) and then flounced, angrily, and it was on multiple threads, actually.

I simply won't react to the rest which is of course what you crave and because just like your new sidekick, the woman hating misogynist Moriarty, you both play victim when you do get a reaction. The worst kind of online abusers there are, and you also both gaslight other chatters given the opportunity and try your damned best to suck every last ounce of energy from them.

It's a common theme with people, men or women, who have low self-esteem. :)

So I suggest, for the sake of your own mental health, that you do not type my way you foul-mouthed, crude, ignorant, online thug. :rolleyes:
Awww, crack on sweetheart! You seem like you need friends. I like seeing women (attempting to) empower themselves. I'm not the one talking to myself :D Of course you won't react- cos you've you've been B!tch slapped and it stings. Bless your delicate little heart!

Kiss, kiss! ;)