Oh my wokeness!


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Middlesbrough player Marc Bola has been charged by the F.A over social media posts about gender he made 9 years ago... when he was aged 14... holy wokeness! :rolleyes:

Update: He was warned and ordered to complete a mandatory face-to-face education programme.
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Cancel culture is rife. Some idiots think that just because they don’t like something, they should have the right to get rid, or blame someone. There’s a couple here who work that way unfortunately.
To many want to pretend the past didn’t happen, but is it did someone gotta pay.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Cancel culture is rife. Some idiots think that just because they don’t like something, they should have the right to get rid, or blame someone.

Says the Anti-Vaxx Covid Conspiracy Theorist. Who blames scientists. Who blames doctors. Who blames politicians. Who blames other chatters. Who blames next door's dog.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

I think I just broke a rib laughing at the hypocrisy.


Says the Anti-Vaxx Covid Conspiracy Theorist. Who blames scientists. Who blames doctors. Who blames politicians. Who blames other chatters. Who blames next door's dog.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

I think I just broke a rib laughing at the hypocrisy.
:rolleyes: Do not turn yet another thread into a petty rant at me. Grow up.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Not only do you have to watch what you say these days, you have to watch what you said as a child! :eek:

Tickles me that in the great socialist revolutions of the past, it was always those who had advocated for it and reported others for "Wrong Think" who were the first to be put down.
After all, when a tyranical centralised state government moves in, the last thing they want are noisy agitators :)
Most rabid socialists dont get that.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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It's how you control people's thought. You brand them with a label, even if they're nothing of the sort. And it seems to be a loud minority of people who will do that. I've read stories about radical activists goings after people's lives and livelihoods because they said something they don't agree with, and instead of just ignoring the person in question, want to go further and attempt to destroy their lives. Businesses and workplaces will be pressured into firing employees.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Primary schools in Brighton are ditching the words 'mum' and 'dad' and replacing them with 'grown ups' to prevent offending non-traditional families. This follows on from teachers being told to drop terms such as 'sir' and 'miss' to encourage gender neutral classrooms. :rolleyes:


Primary schools in Brighton are ditching the words 'mum' and 'dad' and replacing them with 'grown ups' to prevent offending non-traditional families. This follows on from teachers being told to drop terms such as 'sir' and 'miss' to encourage gender neutral classrooms. :rolleyes:
The world has gone mad. :rolleyes:
I thank God I was born in a time where little girls and little boys grew into men and women....and people were allowed to call their parents mum and dad without the deranged few screaming they are being discriminated against.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I thank God I was born in a time where little girls and little boys grew into men and women....
Oh my! you could get 'cancelled' for saying something like that! :eek: Men are 'humans that have a prostate', and women are 'birth givers'. Do try and get the nomenclature correct. :) I don't think I've used 'nomenclature' correctly, but I've been dying to use it... @WickedPerdition will let me know... o_O


Staff member
Jan 6, 2018
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Middlesbrough player Marc Bola has been charged by the F.A over social media posts about gender he made 9 years ago... when he was aged 14... holy wokeness! I am so glad the closest I'll ever get to being 'woke' is when the cat woke me up this morning. :rolleyes:
That's ridiculous - he was 14 - grrr. I don't even care what he said - I really don't - because he was 14!


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Oh my! you could get 'cancelled' for saying something like that! :eek: Men are 'humans that have a prostate', and women are 'birth givers'. Do try and get the nomenclature correct. :) I don't think I've used 'nomenclature' correctly, but I've been dying to use it... @WickedPerdition will let me know... o_O

Good word use ;)

Tickles me when you ask any politicain today to define "Women", they cant for fear of upsetting the twitterati.

I do love the fact Twitter has the word Twit included already ;)


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Victims of wokeness tell their harrowing stories


Victims of ‘wokeness’ have bravely shared their accounts of the devastating effect it has had on their lives.

TRIGGER WARNING: Contains disturbing material.

Martin Bishop, 68

I was sitting down for my tea the other day and put on the television only to see an advert for Morrisons with a black family in it.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’m all for coloured people up to a point. Some of my best friends know coloured people.
But at teatime? This sickening diversity propaganda put me right off my potato waffles.

Eleanor Shaw, 58
My daughter, who’s not married yet, tells me she insists on being referred to as ‘Ms’.
What’s wrong with ‘Miss’? These snowflakes probably want to ban Agatha Christie because it’s not ‘Ms Marple’. No one’s suggested that but I was so upset imagining it I had to sign off work for a fortnight.
What really distresses me though is people putting preferred pronouns on social media. It’s ruined every normal person’s life.

Roy Hobbs, 60
After 25 years of wrestling with my conscience, I finally accepted the concept of the homosexuals.
I had a breakthrough last week when I was able to utter the words ‘Larry Grayson’ without vomiting.
But now they’re throwing these transgenders in our faces. It never ends. I mean, couldn’t they have waited, say, 40 years, just to give us a breather?

Derek Martin, 64
I read something in a newspaper, think it was the Daily Mail and believed it straight away. It was about names or stuff and I'm sure it was about taking away my right not to upset others. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, or homophobic, but, if I want to call them names as a joke why the hell can't I? Its not like I am harming any one is it? I'm not racist. I know black people. cos my sisters husbands fathers taxi drivers cousin is a gay black man, who said he was born in Barnsley, but I know he is really from Africa or Pakistan or China. It's wokery gone mad I tell you. Wokery!
PS: I don't understand what woke means. Someone tell me please.

Have you been a victim of woke? Contact us at ilovewhiningbutdontunderstandwhy@fuckoffyouwhiningbastarddotcum

via ~ DailyWailReadersMisery

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Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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Oh my! you could get 'cancelled' for saying something like that! :eek: Men are 'humans that have a prostate', and women are 'birth givers'. Do try and get the nomenclature correct. :) I don't think I've used 'nomenclature' correctly, but I've been dying to use it... @WickedPerdition will let me know... o_O
Yes, I too often wish to get in nomenclature but not many instances seem to present the opportunity. :eek:
I believe that it was originally used in the classification of flora and fauna but has in more recent times been acceptably used as the 'naming' of something other than animal or vegetable.
So, I'm quite happy for you to use the word in the way you have here.