Coping with the corona virus pandemic

It's almost like something out of a movie what we're going through right now, if someone were to tell you 2 months ago that all restaurants, movie theaters, gyms and just about everything else would be closed, you would of slapped them silly. Yet here we are, amid the Covid 19 pandemic of which I think most would agree, has been an absolute mess in regards to how most world leaders have dealt with it.
Everyone's stressed out and is experience some form of pent-up frustration, so let's not get into the politics of it all. We're going to give some guidelines on dealing with this unique situation and hope you find some use in our guide to help get you through the weird days ahead.
Acceptance: The first thing I tell any of my friends who are struggling with the current situation is to just accept this as the new temporary normal. I stress temporary and keep reminding myself throughout the days "This is a temporary thing" it's not going to be like this forever, so just accept it for what it is and don't stress over something of which you have no control.
Try and keep things the same: Wake up every day the same time you normally would, get dressed, go as far as you can under your old life's schedule. It's important not to treat every day like a Sunday routine and structure are important.
Make necessary changes: If you've been furloughed from your job, or have kids running around all day, make the necessary changes required to manage the situation to it's best, set time aside to think about a set schedule, for you and your children if you have any. Schedule breaks throughout your day if you're working from home, TV time etc.
Now is the time to get that to do list under control: We all have that task list you push away for a rainy day, well it's not going to get any wetter than this. If you haven't already, it's time to get that list of things you've been holding back on done.
Check in: It's good to stay connected with your friends and family, call or FaceTime/video chat as often as you can. Take advantage of the extra free time to catch up and have good conversations with people close to you that you might not get as much attention as they deserve in your regular day to day life.
Stay active: Don't turn into a couch potato, yes Gyms are closed but that's not excuse. There's a million ways to exercise using just body weight in your living room, and if you're not feeling creative there's a million YouTube videos to help.
Socialize! Just because we're under strict social distancing guidelines, it doesn't mean you have to be anti social! Log into the chat rooms, chat with a stranger and stay connected to other people in a safe environment. Now is a better time than every to login to chat rooms and more people are doing it than ever. FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram can get a little boring, seeing the same memes and groaning family members, it's refreshing to have a care free chat with a stranger and make a new friend in these times.
Please make sure you and your loved ones are safe and are following your local guidelines on what is appropriate and what isn't during this uncertain and testing times.