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  • C
    cervantes reacted to LondonDan's post in the thread Delete my account please with Like Like.
    Delete my account please. Why do you have porn when signing in. This site isnt as good as it was. Thanks
  • S
    ScottishChubbyCD replied to the thread Delete my account please.
    Hi could you delete my account please? Thank you
  • L
    Lippy replied to the thread Delete my account please.
    Please delete me. Take care Peeps xx
  • G
    George1996 replied to the thread Delete my account please.
    Hi, please delete my account, many thanks and take care folks.
  • Muppz
    Muppz replied to the thread Welfare reforms.
    "If you miss this mandatory Universal Credit appointment without what we believe to be a good reason, your payment will be affected...
  • E
    EastLondonM replied to the thread Delete my account please.
    Hi can you please delete my account, why does it have naughty porn on the main site when you sign it, anyway please delete my account...
  • O
    One2 replied to the thread Delete my account please.
    Delete my account
  • L
    LondonDan replied to the thread Delete my account please.
    Delete my account please. Why do you have porn when signing in. This site isnt as good as it was. Thanks
  • S
    Septembersun replied to the thread Be warned of these site bullies.
    joining the list of UKchat trolls eh :rolleyes:
  • S
    Septembersun replied to the thread Be warned of these site bullies.
    I shall have to add Benii to the list. What a loser who has no sense of humour and accuses others of having a sad depressed life and...
  • E
    emma76 replied to the thread Delete my account please.
    Can you delete my account please. Unfortunately I am unable to login now (keeps going back to Home Screen)
  • L
    Lippy replied to the thread Three Things in Life.
    I second that! xx
  • evo55
    evo55 posted the thread Three Things in Life in General.
    Three things in life that are most valuable.... love family kindness Three things in life you should never lose .... hope peace honesty
  • asaultnviniger
    asaultnviniger replied to the thread BREAST IS BEST?.
    • kfc.jpg
  • S
    smichaelb replied to the thread A-Z of people's names.