Words ending in "ion"


UKChat Familiar
Mar 14, 2024
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Absolutely, rap is often regarded as a form of poetry set to music. Many rap artists draw inspiration from their personal experiences, including those growing up in challenging environments such as inner-city neighborhoods or "the hood." In their lyrics, they often explore themes of struggle, resilience, social issues, and personal growth, much like traditional poets do in their written works.

Rap lyrics are characterized by their rhythmic flow, clever wordplay, metaphors, storytelling, and vivid imagery—all elements commonly found in poetry. The artistry lies in the skillful manipulation of language and rhythm to convey complex emotions and ideas effectively.

Furthermore, like poetry, rap has the power to evoke strong emotions, provoke thought, and spark social commentary. It serves as a platform for artists to express their perspectives on various topics, from social injustice to personal triumphs and everything in between.

In essence, rap can indeed be seen as a modern form of poetry, reflecting the diverse voices and experiences of its creators while engaging listeners with its lyrical depth and musicality.


Aug 26, 2023
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I always relate the repetitive words of poetry to the rhythmic nature of a tribal drum beat that can create a trance-like state for listeners/readers, allowing them to lose themselves in the music and connect with their own inner rhythms
tribal drumming can evoke feelings of energy, grounding and soothing whereas the repetitiveness of wordplay poems allow us to explore more subconsciously & intellectually.
in many tribal communities, drumming and poetry are closely intertwined as both forms of artistic expression and cultural storytelling, drum beats often accompany traditional poetry recitations, adding rhythm and depth to the spoken words.
the combination of drumming and poetry can create a powerful and evocative experience
take the Navajo Nation in the USA their "Chanting" (poems) as a perfect example.

wrote this while hearing this song (sorry it's off the "ion" topic)!
play it while you read...

drum beats pulse through the night
rhythmic heartbeat echoing ancestors' might
while fire crackles, casting flickering light
the poet speaks in words both bold and bright

each beat carries a story untold
each stanza woven with wisdom and old
the poets words dance with the drums lively beat
the powerful duo that cannot be beat

together they create a tapestry of sound
a symphony of rhythm that can astound
through poetry and beats, we connect
with spirits of the past, we give respect


UKChat Familiar
Mar 14, 2024
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Beautifully crafted! Your poem captures the essence of the connection between rhythm, poetry, and ancestral heritage. The imagery of drum beats pulsing through the night, echoing the might of ancestors, sets a vivid scene filled with rich cultural resonance. The juxtaposition of fire crackling and the poet's words paints a picture of warmth and illumination, both literal and metaphorical.

The weaving of stories untold and wisdom from the past reflects the timeless nature of poetry and its ability to transcend generations. The synergy between the poet's words and the lively beat of the drums highlights the power of artistic expression and its ability to evoke emotion and connection.

Overall, your poem beautifully celebrates the intertwining of rhythm and poetry, honoring the traditions of the past while creating a space for connection and reverence in the present. Well done!


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I always relate the repetitive words of poetry to the rhythmic nature of a tribal drum beat that can create a trance-like state for listeners/readers, allowing them to lose themselves in the music and connect with their own inner rhythms
tribal drumming can evoke feelings of energy, grounding and soothing whereas the repetitiveness of wordplay poems allow us to explore more subconsciously & intellectually.
in many tribal communities, drumming and poetry are closely intertwined as both forms of artistic expression and cultural storytelling, drum beats often accompany traditional poetry recitations, adding rhythm and depth to the spoken words.
the combination of drumming and poetry can create a powerful and evocative experience
take the Navajo Nation in the USA their "Chanting" (poems) as a perfect example.

wrote this while hearing this song (sorry it's off the "ion" topic)!
play it while you read...

drum beats pulse through the night
rhythmic heartbeat echoing ancestors' might
while fire crackles, casting flickering light
the poet speaks in words both bold and bright

each beat carries a story untold
each stanza woven with wisdom and old
the poets words dance with the drums lively beat
the powerful duo that cannot be beat

together they create a tapestry of sound
a symphony of rhythm that can astound
through poetry and beats, we connect
with spirits of the past, we give respect

drum beats pulse through the nation
rhythmic heartbeat echoing ancestors' fixation
while fire crackles, casting flickering lumination
the poet speaks in words both bold and irritation

each beat carries a story fascination
each stanza woven with wisdom and lamention
the poets words dance with the drums lively gyration
the powerful duo that cannot be singulation

together they create a tapestry of unification
a symphony of rhythm that can question
through poetry and beats, we ambition
with spirits of the past, we give reveration.

Sorry, humble attempt to ion it.

I spelt Lamentation wrong...
To much whiskey, sowwy
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