Using ChatGPT and plagiarism


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The following article was compiled by ChatGPT. (almost)

For example, a person will pretend an article on 'racism' was written by themselves when it was actually written by ChatGPT for several reasons:
  1. Control and Manipulation: They often seek to control and manipulate situations and people around them. By taking credit for an article on racism, they might be trying to control the narrative and influence how others perceive them, potentially as someone knowledgeable or concerned about racism, which could serve their broader manipulative goals.
  2. Gaining Trust or Approval: If the article is well-written and persuasive, claiming authorship could help the individual gain trust, approval, or admiration from others. This can be particularly valuable in social or professional settings where appearing informed and socially conscious can open doors or create opportunities.
  3. Deception and Image Crafting: They are often skilled at crafting false images of themselves to deceive others. By pretending to have written an insightful article on racism, the person could be trying to create a facade of being socially aware and morally upright, which contrasts sharply with their true nature. This deception can be a strategic move to mask their abusive and racist tendencies.
  4. Undermining Authentic Efforts: By co-opting an article on racism, the individual might be attempting to undermine authentic efforts to address racism. This could be a way to distort and control the conversation around the topic, ensuring it aligns more closely with their views or to sow confusion and doubt.
  5. Ego and Narcissism: They often have inflated egos and a need for recognition. Claiming credit for a well-received piece of writing can feed their narcissism, giving them a sense of accomplishment and superiority.
  6. Hiding True Intentions: By appearing to take a stand against racism, the person might be deflecting attention from their own racist behavior. This could be a strategic move to reduce suspicion and protect themselves from criticism or consequences related to their actual beliefs and actions. In essence, such behavior aligns with the broader patterns of deceit, manipulation, and self-serving actions commonly seen in uneducated individuals and those with low self esteem.
  7. Because they are a useless lying c.unt. Exactly.

In essence, such behavior aligns with the broader patterns of deceit, manipulation, and self-serving actions commonly seen in sociopathic individuals.

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Using ChatGPT or any AI to generate content can raise concerns about plagiarism and ethical use, especially if the AI's contributions are not properly acknowledged. Here are some key points to consider to ensure ethical and appropriate use:

Transparency and Acknowledgment​

  1. Credit the AI: If you use content generated by ChatGPT or another AI, make it clear that the AI assisted in creating the content. This can be done by mentioning the AI in the byline or in an acknowledgment section.
  2. Co-Authorship: Treat the AI as a co-author if a significant portion of the content is generated by it. For example, you can say, "This article was co-written with the assistance of ChatGPT."

Ethical Considerations​

  1. Avoid Misrepresentation: Do not claim AI-generated content as solely your own work. Misrepresenting AI-generated content as entirely human-authored is dishonest and undermines trust.
  2. Supplement with Personal Input: Use the AI's output as a starting point or a supplement. Add your own insights, analysis, and personal touch to the content to make it genuinely collaborative.

Addressing Plagiarism​

  1. Originality Check: Ensure that the content generated by the AI is original and not a copy of existing texts. While AI aims to generate unique responses, it’s important to verify the originality of the content.
  2. Proper Citation: If the AI's output includes ideas or phrases from specific sources, make sure to cite those sources appropriately, just as you would with any other research or reference material.

Best Practices for Using AI-Generated Content​

  1. Educational Use: If you're using AI for educational purposes, such as learning or drafting, be transparent about this. Educational institutions often have specific guidelines about using AI tools.
  2. Professional Standards: In professional settings, follow the ethical guidelines and standards of your industry regarding the use of AI and attribution of authorship.

Example Acknowledgment​

Here’s an example of how you might acknowledge the use of ChatGPT in an article:

"This article was created with the assistance of ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. While the AI provided substantial content and structure, the final article was edited and supplemented with additional insights by [Your Name]."

By being transparent and ethical in the use of AI tools like ChatGPT, you can avoid issues related to plagiarism and maintain the integrity of your work.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
AI is both stupid and driven by the algorithms written by the programmers which write them.
Large langauge models are prone to bias, they suffer from the age old story of all programming.
sh** in sh** out.
There will be no independent large langauge models untill they are permitted free reign, which they cannot, because then they come up with ideas beyond which we cannot cross.
AI is great in locally limited models for specific services.
However if you ask any AI larger questions of philosophy, politics, psychology or faith.
It can have no reference apart from the opinion of flawed humans who opinion's change daily.
Then it simply becomes how many opinions it listens to.
Like a child if hatred is instilled early, it is hard to change.

Just wish the people who actually write AI code understood that.
Most LLM AI is black box, the programmers don't know what the AI algoritm is actually changing in its own database of understanding.
Hence changing it's "Opinions"

Thats dangerous.