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UKChat Initiate
Aug 10, 2024
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UKChat Initiate
May 20, 2024
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In our last two articles, we've looked at two ways in which the passing of time can trick us - deceive us if you like. One was when things are slowed down - to show trillions of frames per second, showing us that we actually don't see everything, and one when things are sped up, showing us frames per hour/day/week, showing us the life in things we may miss through not being able to focus on such things for so long, due to how we're made. These were both used to demonstrate how we are missing things that are happening right now under our noses, and if we don't pay attention, they may cost us our lives.

Sounds pretty drastic? Why, yes it is. What kinds of things? We'll start with "the last days". Last days of what? Last days of this system. Not the planet. We can discuss these details another time as to what these last days entail. Here, we'll demonstrate that they're there, and at a pace that you most likely haven't noticed.

Jesus' warning of the sign of his "presence" and of "the conclusion of the system of things". (Matthew 24:3 - 25:46)

In this sign, Jesus was specifically answering about the sign of his presence (not coming, but that he was already there), and that the system was about to collapse.
There were two systems about to collapse. The first was the Jewish system. It was about to be destroyed, with Jerusalem being destroyed and all records destroyed that would assist in proving people's lineage. But also, it included a bigger system of things - namely ours. Our way of live. This includes the religious, political and financial system that we so easily take for granted these days. But let's analyse it.
"Wars and reports of wars" - Jesus mentioned these things, and he stated that people would hear of them, but "the end is not yet". Then he makes a demarcation between "wars and reports of wars" and "Nation rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" and he gives a whole bunch of other signs that would all be happening at the same time in this period.

How can we be blind, and not seeing it? Because most people will say, "there have always been wars". But this is what Jesus already said. Yes. There WERE already wars and reports of wars. But the end was "not yet", until the period where "nation" rose against "nation" and "Kingdom" against "Kingdom". This period started with the Great War, as it used to be called. It was even called, "The war to end all wars" by some. World War 1. Called World War 1, because, thanks to this period being like "pangs of distress on a pregnant woman", there would be MORE pangs later, with what we call World War 2. And since those times, the majority of wars today being fought are related to those wars in some way. These were the birth pangs. Now we're seeing two world powers at war against each other by choosing sides in different countries - proxy wars, as they're called. Over what? Over lines and divisions created during these times of war. You look around the world, and consider their border disputes, and think about what period of time these borders were decided, and the so-called solutions drawn up that they're fighting over now.

Daniel's prophecy about the time of the end, and the kings that would be fighting (Daniel 10-11) - Daniel was told specifically by an angel what would happen in "the final part of the days". In it, the angel describes two kings who push for world domination. The angel calls them the "king of the North" and "king of the South", and this pushing goes on for a considerable time. But in the time of the end, it specifically states that the "king of the North" will place his royal tents in all the nations, but then reports out of the north and the east will disturb him, and he will go off in a great rage, but to his own destruction, with nobody to help him. We are currently living in these days. We are able to see the two kings - the "king" of the north being Russia and its allies, and the "king" of the south, being US/UK alliance, and THEIR allies. What of these reports out of the north and the east? Well, we don't know for sure, but to me, it sure is interesting to see North Korea being dragged into the war on Russia's part to fight in Ukraine, and reports of involvement with Russia with Iran. Also, it is interesting to see China and Taiwan at contentions, as well as China and Philippines and other countries regarding border disputes in the ocean. So I wonder, will something change in that one or more of these will swap alliances? Who knows. Just exciting to see it happening right in front of our eyes.

Daniels prophecy about the kingdoms, and what they are like in the time of the end (Daniel chapter 2) - Daniel again speaks of what the time of the end would be like, when he describes the dream given to King Nebuchadnezzar. In it, he describes a massive image, with different features, but at the end - in the last days, he describes something that matches what Revelation speaks of - namely ten "toes", or as Revelation speaks of, ten "heads". In Daniel's vision, the toes are mixed of iron and clay, and it is described as having the strength of iron, but not able to achieve anything, due to the people not being in agreement with one another. The other interesting thing about these ten toes, is they show that people from all nations have a uniting - or so they call it - government. Namely the UN. Revelation states that this ten-headed beast is itself an eighth world power, and springs from "the seven" world powers before it that had a history with God's people. The other nations rule "with the beast for one hour", becoming the ten heads as such, sitting at the table. This is the government today that exists. Think about this: Never in the world's history have nations that have been defeated in the past been able to speak up at a political table, and speak about their rights. In the old days, they were quickly stamped out. Now though, they have access to a justice system through an agreement with the United Nations. This United Nations is the "wild beast" where all the kings have their one "hour" of rulership.

Nebuchadnezzar's image of the tree (Daniel chapter 4). In this vision Nebuchadnezzar had, a tree was cut down, and seven times were to pass over it, and at the end of the seven times, the tree was to grow again. Although this had a fulfillment in Nebuchadnezzars time specifically with him, there is also another fulfillment. How do we know this? Because Jesus referred to it "in the straits of the times", highlighting he was aware of being in existence on Earth within this period of "the times" spoken of (Luke 21:24). These times are also spoken of in Revelation. But they end, and God's kingdom is established. Until then though, this tree was banded by a ring of iron and of copper. What is interesting about this ring is that the two rings on the tree are two metals spoken of in the image that Nebuchandezzar had in his dream, namely the last two empires, which were Greece and Rome. So it could be possible to say that our system that is what we consider the world power as such has had a basis on Greek and Roman philosophy, as well as religious influence, until this WW1, which was a sign that God's kingdom was in power, in the midst of its enemies. God's kingdom - that of being a powerful nation - is highlighted in the Scriptures, and as much as history shows the nation of Israel did exist outside of the parameters in the Scriptures, the kingly line was overtaken by outsiders, so that even in the times of Jesus, Jerusalem was under Roman rule. Jesus' life occurred within this "time of the gentiles", which equate to the seven times of this tree being cut down.

These four events are warnings to those of us who want to listen and pay attention, and therefore survive when this system collapses. The issue is all about rulership and sovereignty, and who actually has the right to rule. We're free to choose who rules over us in one way or another, but the time for mankind to rule over others was never a permanent arrangement. It was an arrangement allowed only to demonstrate that we do not have the ability (nor the authority) to successfully rule ourselves. We should be looking after the earth, and caring for the animals, submissive to God's rulership, which is what is NOW in place for those of us who wish to follow it. Soon, when the system collapses, it will be the only form of government left standing, as Daniel chapter 2 show.

So, please use your reasoning to consider that due to the flow of time, these very well may be things you're missing - overlooking - because of the flow of time being different to the rate you're comfortable with. It means our lives. It means YOUR life. I wish you the best.

And for your enjoyment, here's a video using time-lapse photography showing how certain plants grow, as well as how to grow them. Enjoy!
As Paul stated, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow."
Tbh I too complicated.lol


UKChat Initiate
Aug 10, 2024
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