The hate-stiffy


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Fury at European Court of Human Rights blocking Rwanda deportations gives Brexiter racist his first full erection since 2019

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The perfect rage-storm of European judges interfering in Britain’s sovereign act of racism has delighted many Brexiters by giving them such a blood rush they managed to get a proper hate-stiffy, the likes of which they had not experienced since the Brexit wars of three years ago.

Kriz Tawhfoor, 61, racist, who had been equally flaccid and despondent since the act of leaving the European Union for good deprived him of the only reason he had to shower spittle on his copy of the Daily Express, confirmed he was fuming, but also fully tumescent.

He went on, “It’s nothing short of a miracle. For three years, I’ve felt empty since we left the EU. Day after day of staring at the walls and fearful to check the news in case I see yet another demonstration of the stupidity of the vote which became my entire identity.

“Of course, I tried to get stimulated by hating people coming in on boats or footballers taking a knee but it’s never the same as calling people traitors on Twitter for pointing out how International treaties work.

“But today, a miracle! Unelected judges in Strasbourg of all places, got in the way of Priti’s reboot of the Madagascar Plan. I fumed, I ranted and I even called my own granddaughter a b**** after she pointed out the ECHR had nothing to do with the EU. It was just like good the old days! And yes, I’ve got a diamond-cutter hard-on right now.

“Honestly, if the story had involved travellers or Meghan Markle, I think I would now be lying dead in a pool of nose blood and jizz.”

via ~ DailyHate-Stiffy



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Man permanently angry about things that haven't happened


An elderly man spends a large amount of time fuming about things he does not agree with which have not actually happened.

Kriz Tawhfoor, 66, is furious about issues ranging from free tampons, WHO name changes, to a ban on alcohol and meat products, none of which have happened or are likely to.

Tawhfoor said: “It’s only a matter of time before women force us taxpayers to pay for their periods. Then it’ll be free make-up, vibrators and petrol for their cars next.

“I’m disgusted by 21st-century Britain. All it takes is some moaning do-gooder and suddenly you’re not allowed to buy your great-granddaughter an ice cream because dentists can’t be bothered to do their job properly.

“If they decide to make the national anthem multicultural, you won’t find me singing the reggae version in a Jamaican accent. I’d rather go to prison. And the way the WHO is supposedly changing the name of monkeypox has me apoplectic with rage, so much so I haven't managed a wan.k since learning about it. Don't mention sleep to me. I'm tired all the time so I blame the woke. ”

In the last hour alone, Tawhfoor has been venting about vegetarian sausages becoming compulsory, primary school children being allowed to vote, and couples wanting to have sex being forced to apply for a permit first.

via ~ DailyGammonHumper
