Post-Brexit in 2022: the return to old money (£ s d), imperial measurements and ditching seatbelts


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Leaded petrol, ditching seatbelts and the old money: the next six post-Brexit bonuses


The return of imperial measurements is just the start of our glorious post-Brexit bonuses. Here’s what else we can look forward to:

Leaded petrol

Good old four-star petrol has been banned in the UK since 2000 because those unelected EU snowflakes told us it’s dangerous to constantly pump toxic fumes into the air. By bringing it back we can improve engine performance and toughen up millennials with some character building lead poisoning. It’s a win-win situation.

Ditching seatbelts
Plucky Brits should be free to live as dangerously as possible, and to that end seatbelts will be completely phased out by 2023. If you’re unlucky enough to get into a collision simply cross your fingers and hope for the best as you fly out of the windscreen. Or don’t, it’s up to you, we don’t want to sound like the nanny state.

The old money
Pennies and pounds are too easy to understand, that’s why people overspend them and get poor. By bringing back shillings, crowns and thrupenny bits, proles will be too confused to spend their earnings and therefore lift themselves out of poverty. And once everyone gets the hang of pre-decimal currency we’ll revert to bartering.

Cathode-ray tube TVs
Massive sets with tiny, flickering screens were good enough for the Queen’s coronation back in 1953, so they’ll gradually replace the garish HD televisions we all currently enjoy. They won’t be able to pick up digital channels and Channel 5 will be fuzzy all the time, but you never watched that sh** anyway so you’ll be fine.

Single fags sold to kids
Few things were more quintessentially British than newsagents being allowed to sell single fags with a match attached to underage kids. It’s up there with Buckingham Palace and poor dental hygiene. After cutting through the red tape, our streets will soon be filled with the wholesome sight of growth-stunted nine-year-olds puffing away on a Superkings Original Black.

via - Daily Fuckin'hell


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Why not blame all these No 10 parties on Brexit? it gets the blame for everything else that goes wrong in this country. :) Which got me thinking of the benefits of Brexit... At the risk of being fact-checked to death by my old friend above ^^^^ or his wingman.. wingwoman.. whatever! :cool:
We now have the fastest growing economy of the G7 nations... Sterling is doing very well against the Euro... we have one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe... And while Europe dithered, we rolled out the vaccine... any others?


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I have never discussed Brexit on this site, it's been discussed to death previously, what on earth makes you assume, wrongly, I or anyone else on the left sees no positives in Brexit??


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
Why not blame all these No 10 parties on Brexit? it gets the blame for everything else that goes wrong in this country. :) Which got me thinking of the benefits of Brexit... At the risk of being fact-checked to death by my old friend above ^^^^ or his wingman.. wingwoman.. whatever! :cool:
We now have the fastest growing economy of the G7 nations... Sterling is doing very well against the Euro... we have one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe... And while Europe dithered, we rolled out the vaccine... any others?
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