Planning your own death


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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I heard the Old Duke of Edinburgh spent years planning his funeral.

I've reached that stage in my life where I'm the same, soon I will be gone. Uneasy epiphany.

This weekend I've been going through all my investments, savings & bank accounts and putting them all into one file that's easy to find. I've still not found my life insurance paperwork but it's here somewhere. I've put my will in a nice picture frame on the wall too.

I've even paid for funeral plan up front. It's one of those strange things that when someone dies in the family they have to arrange a funeral. Everyone's got their own ideas and the cost just spirals out of control. Funeral directors do not try to talk sense into them, they just take full advantage of the family at that time of grief. I've seen this happen many times.

Question of starting to ask myself is " am I only keeping the house clean and tidy in case I die and somebody finds me? " Do I want them to think I'm a slob?

The thought of someone going through my stuff and deciding what's going to the tip what's going to charity shop and what will be kept by family members often goes through my head.

It's like being burgled. I think most of my junk would end up in the tip or on eBay. I'd like think that some of it would be kept by family members and this has been influencing my shopping habits for a while. I imagine them now trying to cart off my cooking or fridge freezer in the back of an estate car maybe strapped on the back of an e-bike. What ever leave behind will be argued about my family members, who gets what. I've seen this happen before... silly old women arguing about fish knives and other junk.

It's why I've been having a good clean out at home the last few weeks.

Now I'm shopping for stuff just to annoy them. Today I was looking at 10 foot plastic gnome that I could leave in the garden. Next week I will start raiding charity shops for the most outlandish clothes I can find too. And yes I will be looking for second hand sex toys that I can leave around the house.

To be honest I don't care what these people think of me when I'm gone. They have a pretty lower opinion of me now ;)

But don't worry I have a few years left, but like most things in my life.... I tend to plan ahead.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Been planning it for years.
I just promised my mam I wouldn't try to top myself again while she was still alive.
So gonna have to wait a few years yet.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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If I smoke 20 ciggys it will finish me off. After one I feel like sh**.

I've heard stories of people not being found for days, I'm sure next cat will pop in and feed on me too. Its one of the reasons why I close all the windows at night.

I don't mind being eaten by the local foxes, but after all the tuna I've given that cat for years ......the last thing I'm going to do is give it one more meal.