Leaving the fridge door open: the next five smear campaigns coming Angela Rayner's way.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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THE police have dropped their probe into Angela Rayner’s council house, but that doesn’t mean she’s off the hook. These five smear campaigns will hit her any day now.

Leaving the fridge door open

Thanks to a tip off from her old housemate, the Conservatives can confirm that Angela Rayner once left the fridge door open for a few seconds before saying ‘whoops’ and pushing it shut with her rear end. If the deputy leader of the opposition shows such a flagrant disregard for energy use and door closing etiquette, how can she be trusted to level up the nation’s housing? Expect this scandal to dominate the front page of the Mail for the rest of the election.

Using the big light

A particularly damning bombshell that threatens to hand victory to the Conservatives come July 4th. Rather than using a few soft table lamps to illuminate her council house, Rayner prefers to use the blinding big light as it helps her to see better. Police are currently poised to crash through her windows and catch her in the midst of this heinous crime.

Putting jam on a scone before cream

During a tour of the south-west, Rayner was spotted breaking protocol and basic public decency by inappropriately spreading a layer of jam onto a scone before heaping on a dollop of clotted cream. Several onlookers are still traumatised by Rayner’s disgusting behaviour, however she has managed to clinch overwhelming support from Cornish voters.

Opening an umbrella indoors in 2008

It may have only been for a few seconds as she prepared to step out of a Cafe Nero and into heavy rain, but it still counts. In fact this one act of bad luck probably triggered the recession and led to the steady rise of nationalism all over the world. Every misfortune or annoyance that has come your way ever since can be traced back to this flouting of superstition, so she should be banged up forever.

Accidentally saying ‘expresso’ instead of ‘espresso’

This isn’t just a slip of the tongue, it’s a bacon-sandwich-level gaffe. By stumbling over her words, Angela Rayner has exposed herself as an uneducated commoner who must not be let anywhere near the levers of power. The people of Britain want Latin-spouting billionaires who are out of touch with reality to run this country, and nothing less will do.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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His "person" got a council house.....brought it at a discount... then sold it and made £48k
His "person" earns £91,346 .......and gets lots of free money on top.

His "person" is the deputy leader of the labour party :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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She may very well be as rough as a badger's arse but cut her some slack.
She's probably the only working-class person in the shadow cabinet, and they have to have at least one to give them credibility with us little people. :rolleyes:


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Less working class than you think.

At best all you can say about this woman is:

Angela Rayner work in social care for a while in her mid 20's. Its unclear how long for. She did have 2 more kids in this period. By the time she was 30, she was a full-time Unison representative at Stockport council. MP by the time she was 35.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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Grew up on one of the roughest council estate in Stockport.

Two unemployed parents.

A carer for her mentally ill mother who could not read or write.

A verbally abusive father.

Free school meals.

Bullied at school.

Repeatedly told that she would never amount to anything.

Left school at 16 pregnant with no qualifications.

Studied British sign language and social care at college after giving birth.

Became a care worker.

Nominated by her much older work colleagues to become a shop steward.

Became a full-time trade union official and rose through the ranks until she became Unison's convenor in the North West, representing over 200,000 workers.

Fighting for better pay and working conditions.

The first female MP in the 180-year history of Ashton-under-Lyne.

Shadow Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition, and Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities & Local Government.

A grandmother, and all while caring for a disabled child.

Working class.


Constantly threatened and abused to the point she has panic buttons installed in her house.

Of course, misogynists and or online right-wing trolls despise her, a female who got to where she is by pure hard graft, and who is everything (and more) than they will ever be.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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If she'd have just toned it down a little... all that Tory scum business, she would have been a shoe-in for the next leader of the Labour Party (it must be a woman next time). Having said that, I'm not sure if she's in a safe seat.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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I don't like the woman and I don't think she will be an asset when it comes to dealing with foreign dignitaries. However, you have to admire her. She has had a difficult life but has got where she is by sheer ambition and hard work. Too many unmarried mothers are happy to sit on their bums and claim every benefit they are entitled to. She worked to support herself and her child.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Grew up on one of the roughest council estate in Stockport.

Two unemployed parents.

A carer for her mentally ill mother who could not read or write.

A verbally abusive father.

Free school meals.

Bullied at school.

Repeatedly told that she would never amount to anything.

Left school at 16 pregnant with no qualifications.

Studied British sign language and social care at college after giving birth.

Became a care worker.

Nominated by her much older work colleagues to become a shop steward.

Became a full-time trade union official and rose through the ranks until she became Unison's convenor in the North West, representing over 200,000 workers.

Fighting for better pay and working conditions.

The first female MP in the 180-year history of Ashton-under-Lyne.

Shadow Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition, and Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities & Local Government.

A grandmother, and all while caring for a disabled child.

Working class.


Constantly threatened and abused to the point she has panic buttons installed in her house.

Of course, misogynists and or online right-wing trolls despise her, a female who got to where she is by pure hard graft, and who is everything (and more) than they will ever be.

I've seen the same information online. Most of that's been spun :rolleyes:

Let me show you how :cool:

I grew up near the White City council state in London.

My mother died when I was young and my father was absent most of time.

No one in my family ever really had a job and we lived on state handouts.

Older brother encourage me into wearing far right clothing for a "joke". Both of us were photographed which made it into the national media

In my youth I experimented with drugs and sign up to the army. I got kicked out after only a few weeks active service.

After the army I drifted around for a long time not really doing anything.

I met a foreigner and fell in love. She was a different colour to me. This resulted in conflict with my family.
When they found out we were trying for a baby, they forced us to get married.

After the baby was born conflict with my family reached the point where I felt it was better for both me, my wife and my baby to move well away from the all.

I'm not really worked since leaving the army and soon I'll be 40.... still unsure about what to do with my life.

My name is Prince Harry and his is why I should be your next labour MP !!

He is a working class hero too?