Keir Starmer publicly praising Thatcher, 'who'd have thunk it'...


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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"Keir Starmer has praised Margaret Thatcher for effecting “meaningful change” in Britain in an article directly appealing to Conservative voters to switch to Labour...

“Across Britain, there are people who feel disillusioned, frustrated, angry, worried. Many of them have always voted Conservative but feel that their party has left them,” he said. “I understand that. I saw that with my own party and acted to fix it. But I also understand that many will still be uncertain about Labour. I ask them to take a look at us again.”

"The Labour leader touted the party’s “iron-clad fiscal rules” in an effort to portray Labour as trustworthy on the economy."

“There will be many on my own side who will feel frustrated by the difficult choices we will have to make,” he added. “This is non-negotiable: every penny must be accounted for. The public finances must be fixed so we can get Britain growing and make people feel better off.”

I am hearing that it didn't go down too well in Scotland, Wales and NI...

A Brexit supporting New Newer Labour, and led by a former shadow Brexit minister who paradoxically supported Remain. With an anti-immigration stance, out Torying the Tories on immigration and a proposal of another five years of "iron clad" ideological austerity in their first term. While fixing EVERYTHING, if you vote them in for a second term, without spending a single penny extra...

The icing on the cake though is hearing Starmer now publicly gloating about pulling out all the stops, chasing the Tory Party further to the right, to woo the same voters who put that charlatan Boris in power in 2019 (who is further to the centre than Starmer). With the rather grotesque privateer, Streeting, licking his lips in anticipation at the thought of getting his grubby little hands on the NHS and in doing so opening the door, yet again, for the Tories to further privatize when they regain power.

Imagine... Starmer and his "centrist" supporters, none of who'm having any shame at all about jumping into bed, with the same enemy they spent years claiming they despise. For five years of power, perhaps ten, depending on how soon the Tory machine grinds back into action and because it is all and only about power, for power's sake and not in fact about leaving a long term legacy that improves the lives of EVERYONE in our godforsaken society.

Much like Blair's time in power. :rolleyes:


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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Plagiarized from a post on Farcebook.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

― Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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“We’re here today [for] the launch of Labour’s second national mission – to make our streets safe, and stop criminals getting away without punishment.

“Now, if you think that sounds basic, something which should be guaranteed in a country like ours, then let me tell you: You’re right.

“Nothing is more important, more fundamental, to a democracy like ours. The rule of law is the foundation for everything.

“Margaret Thatcher called it the ‘first duty of government’ – and she was right.”

Extremely informative article.

"… from 1997 to 2007 Labour was complicit in the excesses of the market. It was too weak or too bedazzled to control the City but not so reticent when it came to plans for DNA testing and ID cards." (Elliott, 2009)

"This dissembling lack of scrutiny towards bankers and other financial ‘experts’ who had saddled the country with debts of £1.5 trillion also involved members of their own governing class mired in a cesspool of decadent expenses claims as well as (and this tended to be overlooked) a cash for questions scandal in the House of Lords which saw two peers suspended after offering to change the law in return for money. The excoriating mantra that the poor take responsibility for their actions was not reflected in similar demands that the powerful take responsibility for their behaviour. Indeed, as Marina Hyde noted with respect to Sir Thomas Legg's inquiry into the expenses scandal."

The toxic legacy of New Labour | Centre for Crime and Justice Studies :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Ok, now this one is really gonna get me in trouble..

"In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England; This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial on adequate grounds for which do not presently exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.".

A quote from Oliver Cromwell.

Ever wonder why it was said?

Yes the puritans were anti semitic, yes the were nationalists.

Any thoughts are welcome in the debate?


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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The knight of the realm, although 59 years old, must have missed the state sponsored war waged on working class communities all over the UK during Thatchers regime. The Poll Tax riots, race riots, the secret services infiltrating the Union Movement and the Armed Forces masquerading as police, with police back up, consequentially smashing the movement following the miners strikes, etc. Countless thousands of people wrongly convicted, 1000s more punished with prison sentences for petty crime, little old ladies sent to prison for not paying the 'Poll Tax'.

Entire communities, once proud of their own communities and united, destroyed in only a few short years, as previously close-knit communities were broken up seeking low paid unskilled work elsewhere. The likes of Norman Tebbit constantly creating societal division and goading the "unemployed" and the "feckless poor" under the mantra "get on your bike". Continued to this day and including by New Newer Labour, who take no responsibility at all for being a main driver of the Thatcher created underclass in the 80s, in the late 1990s and 2000s.

Prison populations grew to record levels as Blair continued to fund the "fight on crime", out Thatchering Thatchers war, and rather than tackling the root causes and the ingrained poverty, on now crime and drug riddled cesspits, former mining and textile sector towns and villages, all over the North of England, a deprivation that Thatcher herself knowingly created. The "send them to prison" mantra, "lock em up" which solved nothing at all in the long term, young kids returned to their communities far better versed in criminality than when they first entered prison.

A direct consequence of the evil Thatcher, the absolutely dire Major and then the preening peacock Blair.

Globalisation driven by consumerism.

Because the likes of Mandelson are now advising Starmer that the so-called "stupids" (according to liberals) who voted Brexit, the peasants who revolted against the establishment that has done so little for them, are now considered ripe for another authoritarian plucking. The non-voting class and or sections of society who did/do not have access to a decent education and decent schools. Or well paid work in the industrial sector, and all while the well-educated voting middle-class learned that there was a magic money tree after all and where all the fruit born fell straight into their laps. :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Really, the one thing you get form that it Thatcher.

Lets be honest for once, Labour an the Tories are exactly the same, they will make you pay more in taxes one way or another.
They are now self supporting because of rich backers.
It's simple, the 2 or 2.5 party system we have is worthless.
Labour caring for the workers.. Tis a joke.
If the Tories actually come down hard on inflation next election they will win, if they dont, they wont.
Which is so stupid, because Labour loves the underdog.

Life is silly and funny. Just a shameIt fecks us all up one way or another.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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And of course, I have been typing about Starmer and his economic illiteracy, since he was elected Labour leader, for years on this forum. Predictably coming to fruition now, now an election is around the corner, and once you understand the mindset of "centrist" economic ideology, or lack of.

More of the same economic failure, "ideological austerity leads to long term sustained growth" and with a simple management swap that isn't progressive or any progress at all.

Blair (and Brown) lost five million Labour voters over the course of 13 years. Starmer has managed to alienate huge swathes of traditional Labour voters in only a few shorts years. Given time it won't end well for Labour, just as it didn't end well for Blair and Brown. Starmer is riding on the shirt-tails of a false moral panic of anti-Semitism created by the corporate class and the MSM. The demonization of the left, over decades, but which will ultimately be exposed as the empty vessel "centrism" is just as it has been for Sunak and the Tories.

Chasing the right to the right was never going to end well, and The Tories may have gifted Labour an election win, but unfortunately Labour just don't deserve it and have been handed it on a plate and will do nothing, over time, with it. :rolleyes:


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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So....conclusion: All political parties suck balls! Off with their heads!! Charles and Camilla to rule all mankind (womankind..personkind..yeah).

Whatever party is in power, they will be blamed and hated - then lose and the other party take over. Rinse, repeat. Gives us, the masses, something to say on forums, until AI take over and will outdo our drivel with better drivel.

PS Why blame the media for facts? Anti-Semitism is a real thing. Does not mean Bibi and his zionist ballbags are not criminals who will never be held accountable....George Bush does paintings now.

If the MSM are guilty of anything, it is doing their jobs SO well that we will all pick a side regardless of common sense. Two sides can be wrong, or right on any given topic. Better for people to re-direct some of their grievances towards their 'own kind'...whatever that is.

So, if any brown Hindus needs an ass-kicking (metaphorically...after al, we are a non-violent people...unless it comes to a cow's comfort), I am here for you (Rishi declined..he is now channeling his White-Jesus love...fucking pussy).

PSS The UK is USA-lite. Pretty soon, you too will be watered-down beer that tastes the same as the pee from a rhinoceros on an asparagus diet.



Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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PS Why blame the media for facts? Anti-Semitism is a real thing.

Of course, anti-Semitism is a real thing, but you will have to point out to me where I said stated differently? However, where are the FACTS you mention, demonstrating Jeremy Corbyn, who I was referring to, the former leader of the British Labour Party, is an antisemite?

A left-wing 74-year-old politician who has been fighting against ALL forms of hate crime, prejudice and discrimination during his entire political career (40+ years).

Accused of being an antisemite ONLY when he became leader of the Labour Party.

The Forde Report totally exonerated Corbyn of the specific accusation, and in fact powerful Israeli state lobby groups, prepping the British MSM, mounted an unprecedented campaign of total bullshit to smear Corbyn and his supporters as antisemite to keep the left wing, out of power.

Direct criticism of the Israeli state and anti-Semitism are two entirely different issues. :rolleyes:


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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Of course, anti-Semitism is a real thing, but you will have to point out to me where I said stated differently? However, where are the FACTS you mention, demonstrating Jeremy Corbyn, who I was referring to, the former leader of the British Labour Party, is an antisemite?

A left-wing 74-year-old politician who has been fighting against ALL forms of hate crime, prejudice and discrimination during his entire political career (40+ years).

Accused of being an antisemite ONLY when he became leader of the Labour Party.

The Forde Report totally exonerated Corbyn of the specific accusation, and in fact powerful Israeli state lobby groups, prepping the British MSM, mounted an unprecedented campaign of total bullshit to smear Corbyn and his supporters as antisemite to keep the left wing, out of power.

Direct criticism of the Israeli state and anti-Semitism are two entirely different issues. :rolleyes:
I dont need to point out sh** to you, you pussy.. Get a grip. In case you can't - well free style your cry. It matters. No man.. does not matter.. **** off man. Look at yuo try hard like a massive dildo who thought he was a horse cock dildo. No man.

Yes... for you...

Remember.. what Hitler did not do.. you can. See hw that sounds? Catch up man. Yes Muslims.. so suffer all over the world...who helps them? I mean **** off.


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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I though tthat so of god guy was the biggest fucker *** who would be y drunk entertianment.. but a fake white guy in you.. sure ok.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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Look at yuo try hard like a massive dildo who thought he was a horse cock dildo. No man

Oh my, I tried so HARD to be polite and tolerate your inane drunken gibberish and here you are, also exposing your CRUDE thoughts (fantasies) right in front of my innocent and pure eyes. :mad:

I dont need to point out sh** to you, you pussy.

Then I politely advise you to stop attempting to, lil fella. ;)

Remember.. what Hitler did not do.. you can. See hw that sounds? Catch up man. Yes Muslims.. so suffer all over the world...who helps them? I mean **** off.

Do you come with a translator? :oops:

Some men just can't handle their booze, you are clearly one of them, yet you continue to get so drunk you don't know what day of the week it is, do you? An angry, shouty LITTLE man, who gets his socks off getting pissed online and trying to bully and intimidate (and failing pitifully) total strangers. :rolleyes:

I though tthat so of god guy was the biggest fucker *** who would be y drunk entertianment.. but a fake white guy in you.. sure ok.

Both you and the messiah complex have an awful lot in common, two cheeks of exactly the same arse, do try and be nice to each other darling. o_O


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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Yeah, it must be me. Your emoji makes it a fact.

Were you the guy who cried about MSM? Do you have a fact to back up your cry? I assume.. not so much.

Do pretend to care, though. Cos well - we all know you're smarter than me - you win. So. Go on. Your point?


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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LOL! Oh, and BTW LITTLE man, I don't click on any of your 80s era YouTube videos. :)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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LOL! Oh, and BTW LITTLE man, I don't click on any of your 80s era YouTube videos. :)
But you do seem to. You have run out a good cry? Other than 80s tunes? Sure.. I cry at those too. Dude.. I get you;re youg and I was not trying to hurt you before.. but you really are a moron who seems to think you have a point that is new - you do not. I have no tune that old. yes? So.. be upset and cry.. it is ok.

I care.

This is also for you.. it's as new as I have. lso you can really flip out man. Feel whole man.



Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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But you do seem to. You have run out a good cry? Other than 80s tunes? Sure.. I cry at those too. Dude.. I get you;re youg and I was not trying to hurt you before.. but you really are a moron who seems to think you have a point that is new - you do not. I have no tune that old. yes? So.. be upset and cry.. it is ok.

I care.

This is also for you.. it's as new as I have. lso you can really flip out man. Feel whole man.

I must admit, I do enjoy an online e fight, but this will be the LAST time I respond to you darling. I refuse to fuel your filthy drinking habit and therefore giving you what you perceive as permission, to angrily lash out, and when you will then immediately backtrack and play possum. :rolleyes:

I know exactly what you are, I know exactly what headfock games angry drunken slobs play, and anyone who has had any experience of angry drunken males, knows exactly what I mean. :eek:

Have a great day ya all. :)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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LOL! Oh, and BTW LITTLE man, I don't click on any of your 80s era YouTube videos. :)
Also.. always remember.... any *** using 'LOL' either tat the beginning or end of any point.... I feel your anger man. Sure, you have no point and I annoyed you ad hurt your ego. It happens, man. But you had.. LOL. So, you're ok right? I don't want to hurt you man...for you...



UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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I must admit, I do enjoy an online e fight, but this will be the LAST time I respond to you darling. I refuse to fuel your filthy drinking habit and therefore giving you what you perceive as permission, to angrily lash out, and when you will then immediately backtrack and play possum. :rolleyes:

I know exactly what you are, I know exactly what headfock games angry drunken slobs play, and anyone who has had any experience of angry drunken males, knows exactly what I mean. :eek:

Have a great day ya all. :)
You must admit it? You know exactly what I am? really? You do know that is pure genius - no one else knew I was a drunk loser. You on your own.. figured it out? Wow, ok. Well done.

Ya all? Ae you British.. American.. neither? Figured out who you are? Was this not a political thread but now you love me? Do not make it about me. I am always here for you.. when Im drunk, yes? Focus, your point is.. what you figured it out?



Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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The Labour Files - The Forde Response I Al Jazeera Investigations :rolleyes:



UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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The Labour Files - The Forde Response I Al Jazeera Investigations :rolleyes:

That was not a tune.. you really are a dick who doesn't get it, eh? The MSM etc etc is to blame for you being a kid? Sure, ok. It is all on others, man. You though will fix it - right? Or just cry about it? Both work.,. so for you..

Might help with the latter. Who knows.. might get you elected.