Israel Palestine?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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What's going on is terrifying and IMO, I think we're on the verge of WW3. I tried to say this on FB, but my post wasn't allowed. War in the middle east has been going on for centuries, however, the fact that so many around the world are now calling for the death of Jewish people is reminiscent of WW2 and what's worse is that the West has wilfully encouraged it. The 'protests' around the UK this weekend go to prove it. Over the past 60 years or so, we have imported the enemy of the West and been fooled into believing they were victims and now we will reap the consequences of their taqiya. In the next 10 years, this island will have a very different face and it won't be one of liberation or freedom. Unfortunately, the sheeple believing they're all virtuous by standing on the side of the of the majority don't seem to know F.A about history and the Muslim crusades. They also know F.A about taqiya and the victim complex that one particular religion seems to be able to fool the majority with, before they take over a country.
And I don't think we'll be waiting decades until this country bends over and wilfully gives its ass to Shariah. The gaslighting has been obvious for years.


One step closer to the biblical prophecies - the one where there will be a cry for peace and security before destruction comes on "them", and the other one where the world governments will turn on religion and totally destroy false religion forever.

There are others after this, but they're two good ones that I'm looking forward to seeing in my lifetime now. This Israel/Palestine seems to have all the marks of it coming to fruition. But time will tell. Still, it shows it's not the time to be messing around if we want to survive. We simply don't know how quickly our days will end. Who knows. Tomorrow a roof might drop on our heads.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
What's going on is terrifying and IMO, I think we're on the verge of WW3. I tried to say this on FB, but my post wasn't allowed. War in the middle east has been going on for centuries, however, the fact that so many around the world are now calling for the death of Jewish people is reminiscent of WW2 and what's worse is that the West has wilfully encouraged it. The 'protests' around the UK this weekend go to prove it. Over the past 60 years or so, we have imported the enemy of the West and been fooled into believing they were victims and now we will reap the consequences of their taqiya. In the next 10 years, this island will have a very different face and it won't be one of liberation or freedom. Unfortunately, the sheeple believing they're all virtuous by standing on the side of the of the majority don't seem to know F.A about history and the Muslim crusades. They also know F.A about taqiya and the victim complex that one particular religion seems to be able to fool the majority with, before they take over a country.
And I don't think we'll be waiting decades until this country bends over and wilfully gives its ass to Shariah. The gaslighting has been obvious for years.
Calm down..! It's only terrifying if you let it be. There will be no WW3.

The war between Israel and the palastinians has been going on since the late 60's.

Nothing has changed between the two.

let them fight it out.

No point taking sides as there will be no winners in this war.

It's ochastrated from the West and the West is getting exactly what they 'Ordered'.

In the coming years Israel and Gaza will become ONE and it will be owned by the west.

'We don't have to lift a finger.. let them do it for us'


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
One step closer to the biblical prophecies - the one where there will be a cry for peace and security before destruction comes on "them", and the other one where the world governments will turn on religion and totally destroy false religion forever.

There are others after this, but they're two good ones that I'm looking forward to seeing in my lifetime now. This Israel/Palestine seems to have all the marks of it coming to fruition. But time will tell. Still, it shows it's not the time to be messing around if we want to survive. We simply don't know how quickly our days will end. Who knows. Tomorrow a roof might drop on our heads.
It's not the time to be messing around? Hmm... A roof might drop on your head but not mine.

Doe's your GOD not save you from roof's dropping on YOUR head?


UKChat Newbie
Oct 4, 2023
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What's going on is terrifying and IMO, I think we're on the verge of WW3. I tried to say this on FB, but my post wasn't allowed. War in the middle east has been going on for centuries, however, the fact that so many around the world are now calling for the death of Jewish people is reminiscent of WW2 and what's worse is that the West has wilfully encouraged it. The 'protests' around the UK this weekend go to prove it. Over the past 60 years or so, we have imported the enemy of the West and been fooled into believing they were victims and now we will reap the consequences of their taqiya. In the next 10 years, this island will have a very different face and it won't be one of liberation or freedom. Unfortunately, the sheeple believing they're all virtuous by standing on the side of the of the majority don't seem to know F.A about history and the Muslim crusades. They also know F.A about taqiya and the victim complex that one particular religion seems to be able to fool the majority with, before they take over a country.
And I don't think we'll be waiting decades until this country bends over and wilfully gives its ass to Shariah. The gaslighting has been obvious for years.
Well said


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
Reaction score
Calm down..! It's only terrifying if you let it be. There will be no WW3.

The war between Israel and the palastinians has been going on since the late 60's.

Nothing has changed between the two.

let them fight it out.

No point taking sides as there will be no winners in this war.

It's ochastrated from the West and the West is getting exactly what they 'Ordered'.

In the coming years Israel and Gaza will become ONE and it will be owned by the west.

'We don't have to lift a finger.. let them do it for us'
Never lived in Luton, Rotherham or Telford (et al), have you? I can tell!
Yes, it has been going on for decades, but not until recently have we had hundreds of thousands of people marching in the cities of the UK, baying for the blood of Jewish children. This is not just a fight in the middle east, it's been brought to the West.
And no, the West won't own Gaza, but I can bet my lily white female ass on the religion of Gaza owning the west one day soon. Unfortunately, it's people like yourself that are in denial that will keep turning a blind eye until you get thrown off a building for being a kaffir!


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Never lived in Luton, Rotherham or Telford (et al), have you? I can tell!
Yes, it has been going on for decades, but not until recently have we had hundreds of thousands of people marching in the cities of the UK, baying for the blood of Jewish children. This is not just a fight in the middle east, it's been brought to the West.
And no, the West won't own Gaza, but I can bet my lily white female ass on the religion of Gaza owning the west one day soon. Unfortunately, it's people like yourself that are in denial that will keep turning a blind eye until you get thrown off a building for being a kaffir!
Okay. Well i live in Sheffield, a stones throw away from Rotherham, so i know first hand what went off back in the 90's - 2000's and even earlier than that.

You can't tell where someone is from just by what they post you silly woman.

The people marching in UK cities will do no good for anyone least of all themselves.

Apart from hopefully catching them on camera and deporting them or removing their British citizenship and kicking them out.

The Religion of Gaza will own the west one day soon? How can a 'Religion' own anything?

Don't be fooled by main stream media reports regarding Israel and Gaza.

Most of it is a pack of lie's.

GAZA belongs to Israel. (There... I have said it.)

I'm not in denial about anything nor am i turning a blind eye.

I highly doubt i will ever be thrown off a building. Not for being a 'Kaffir' but because i don't climb tall buildings.

The highest you will ever find me is about 12 FT. And at 12FT i have enough belly fat that if i was thrown off i would most likely bounce right back up to where i was.

Nice try though missis. I could say i like your style, i'm not sure if i do.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
Reaction score
Okay. Well i live in Sheffield, a stones throw away from Rotherham, so i know first hand what went off back in the 90's - 2000's and even earlier than that.

You can't tell where someone is from just by what they post you silly woman.
Silly woman? Says the man that lives in Sheffield, but never opens his eyes. Says the man that gets his underpants in a twist over something I said to someone else that didn’t concern him. Says the man that posts cr@p about wingnuts (or whatever!) and thinks the Forum really gives a sh!t. So if I call you a pathetic little man, is that justified for you calling me a ‘silly woman’? Get over yourself! The only silly human here is the one in denial.
The people marching in UK cities will do no good for anyone least of all themselves.

Apart from hopefully catching them on camera and deporting them or removing their British citizenship and kicking them out.
You can’t deport British citizens and unfortunately, those that are ‘marching’ are predominately that. I was in my local city on Saturday, watching them- standing on the edges while they waved their terrorist banners and called for the death of children. Now we’re being gaslit by the Met police that apparently, we ‘misunderstood’ their call to holy war and it doesn’t mean that at all.
The Religion of Gaza will own the west one day soon? How can a 'Religion' own anything?
OMG, the stupidity of this comment is absolutely laughable! And you call me ‘silly’? LMFAO! The three Abrahamic religions run everything in the world and one of them (Christianity) is intrinsically linked to laws THAT YOU FOLLOW as a British citizen. The bank you use was not born out of atheism- the banking system was globalised by ONE Jewish family. ‘In God We Trust’ is printed on U.S banknotes and religious symbolism is included on U.K cash and you think religion doesn’t own anything? It owns your f*ing money! Humans are owned by religion- ask anyone in the middle-east and Africa (hell, even ask the Americans!), whether you believe in god or not, YOU are owned by the majority religion of your land through laws and the banking system. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, so one day, whether you want to admit or not, it will own your ass. Unless we become a dictatorship anytime soon, the majority WILL rule.
Don't be fooled by main stream media reports regarding Israel and Gaza.

Why do you assume that anyone that says something you don’t agree with is being ‘fooled by the mainstream media reports’? Where do you get your news then? Are you an investigative journalist that’s on the frontline, but being shut-down by the mainstream media? No? Until you are, don’t come across like you know more than others, because you don’t. You get your news from the same places everyone else does.

Most of it is a pack of lie's.

And you know that how? C’mon, Mr Clever Clogs- elaborate!

GAZA belongs to Israel. (There... I have said it.)
Right! Because you know everything, don’t you?

I'm not in denial about anything nor am i turning a blind eye.

Yes, you are, because like everyone else, you get your information from the MAINSTREAM MEDIA, instead of looking at what’s going on around you, and then think you’re the dog’s balls, because you listen to Alex Jones and class yourself as a conspiracy theorist. BTW, I hate to tell you this, but he’s becoming mainstream too!
I highly doubt i will ever be thrown off a building. Not for being a 'Kaffir' but because i don't climb tall buildings.

The highest you will ever find me is about 12 FT. And at 12FT i have enough belly fat that if i was thrown off i would most likely bounce right back up to where i was.
Those they throw off tall buildings don’t usually climb them either. You really are ignorant. Perhaps you should stick to playing with tough wingnuts.

Nice try though missis. I could say i like your style, i'm not sure if i do.
Luckily, I don’t write to impress you, so I really don’t give 2 sh!ts whether you like my style or not! In fact, I don’t even give 1 sh!t.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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Just for clarification- copied and pasted from a news outlet, but believe me, it won't be in the public domain for very long:

The son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, who defected from the terrorist group and served as an Israeli spy for years, is warning Americans and the rest of the world how his father and his army wants to 'annihilate' Jewish people and establish sharia law around the world.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, referred to as the 'Green Prince', spied on Hamas for Israel between 1997 and 2007. His intelligence prevented suicide bomb attacks and other strikes.

In a series of interviews with American media outlets today, he warned that his father and Hamas will not be satisfied with taking territorial Palestine alone, and that they are fighting a religious war to which there is no end for them.

'They are a religious movement this is what everybody is afraid to say. If Hamas was a political movement, we could satisfy their political ambition.

'But Hamas is a religious movement that does not believe in political borders - they want to establish an Islamic state on the rubble of the state of Israel.

They want to annihilate the Jewish people, and the Jewish state, they want to kill everybody who supports Israel then establish an Islamic State.

'But this is not the end because their ambition is global. They want to eventually establish an Islamic State, a global Islamic State,' he told Jake Tapper on CNN.

He also said the group initiates war with the Israelis every few years when they 'need money'.

'This war, Israel did not start. Hamas started this war. Hamas, blood for money, they start a war every few years when they want money they shed children's blood and this has to stop. This has to stop. It has to come to an end.

'Unfortunately the price is not going to be cheap.

'I feel very sorry for Israel that they have to go into Gaza where there are booby traps all over the place...I don't know how many Israeli soldiers have to die in order to destroy Hamas.'

Yousef then appeared on Fox News, where he said the group is 'more dangerous' than ISIS.

'Look at the division and the global confusion because of Hamas. They brought us to our knees somehow by their brutality and their barbarism. Brutality is even understating Hamas' acts.

'Hamas is a religious movement, and they are a raging religious movement against Israel. The mainstream media cannot say this because they are afraid to ignite a religious war.

And what I say, it already is. They want to annihilate the Jewish people because they are Jewish people, because they are a Jewish state."

'We need to expose them for what they are - they are not a national movement. When they are religious movement, they don't believe in political borders, are driven by dark hatred toward a race, towards a nation.'

In addition to overthrowing Hamas in Gaza, he said Israel needs to also take out the terror group's leadership.

'They need to deal with the head of the snake in Doha, Beirut - wherever they are cut the head of the snake and let the tail die. We can overthrow them.'

Yousef's father is among 60 Hamas leaders who were detained last week after a raid on the West Bank.

But of course, I'm just a 'Silly woman'! :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Roses, thank you for bringing some light to the conversation.

The problem lies on both sides of the battle.

People see what they want to see, they want to characterise as "One side bad"

Life is never that simple.

Altair, really?
"The people marching in UK cities will do no good for anyone least of all themselves.
Apart from hopefully catching them on camera and deporting them or removing their British citizenship and kicking them out."

Isn't that called a democracy?
You actually want more camara's to survail the population?
More China?
London is already the 3rd most survailed city in the world.
Would you like more so you can deport people who don't agree with you?
Well that will help in the next general election.

"I'll vote for the party who gets rid of those folks I don't agree with"
Nice Altair.

As for "How can a 'Religion' own anything?"

To quote inquiries to how much land the Caltholic Church owns:-
"One estimate puts the church’s holdings close to 177 million acres, or 277,000 square miles. If those properties were grouped together and placed on a list of the world’s countries by land area, it would fall within the top 50, higher than both France and Spain. (Plus, it is unclear whether or not the 177 million acre figure includes land owned by affiliated institutions, such as Catholic schools and hospitals, which number in the hundreds of thousands—if not millions—worldwide.)"

Isreal is roughly 8,500 square miles.
Palastine is roughly 2,400 square miles.

Catholic Church, 277,000 square miles.

Even in the UK the Church of England owns lots of space, they rent it out for car parks etc.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
Roses, thank you for bringing some light to the conversation.

The problem lies on both sides of the battle.

People see what they want to see, they want to characterise as "One side bad"

Life is never that simple.

Altair, really?
"The people marching in UK cities will do no good for anyone least of all themselves.
Apart from hopefully catching them on camera and deporting them or removing their British citizenship and kicking them out."

Isn't that called a democracy?
You actually want more camara's to survail the population?
More China?
London is already the 3rd most survailed city in the world.
Would you like more so you can deport people who don't agree with you?
Well that will help in the next general election.

"I'll vote for the party who gets rid of those folks I don't agree with"
Nice Altair.

As for "How can a 'Religion' own anything?"

To quote inquiries to how much land the Caltholic Church owns:-
"One estimate puts the church’s holdings close to 177 million acres, or 277,000 square miles. If those properties were grouped together and placed on a list of the world’s countries by land area, it would fall within the top 50, higher than both France and Spain. (Plus, it is unclear whether or not the 177 million acre figure includes land owned by affiliated institutions, such as Catholic schools and hospitals, which number in the hundreds of thousands—if not millions—worldwide.)"

Isreal is roughly 8,500 square miles.
Palastine is roughly 2,400 square miles.

Catholic Church, 277,000 square miles.

Even in the UK the Church of England owns lots of space, they rent it out for car parks etc.

Moriarty. If you think Roses brings 'Light' to this conversation it seems you must have been in the dark... and yet there you remain. In the dark.

I don't want cameras to surveillance people. I was talking about 'Individual people' with Phone Cameras who attended these protests.

What i said wasn't about agreeing or disagreeing with anyone. It was about what is right and wrong.

Protesting and freedom of speech are one thing but protesting your support for 'Jihad' and supporting a known terrorist group are another.

Who owns the 'Catholic Church' in the UK and all it's land and properties ?

Who owns the 'Church Of England' and all it's land and properties?

When 'Religion' is primerilly used as a control mechanism, you begin to realise who actually owns what and why.

Get your facts right and don't overthink things.

The catholic Church in the Uk and the Church of England own NOTHING, apart from the goods they peddle via Sermons and Sunday mass.

The books are bad enough, don't bring deluded thinking into it.

Wake up.!


The books are bad enough
And yet, it is the Bible that states by way of symbols that the UN will soon ban religion, destroying false religion forever, by using the enemies of God's kingdom to do so. In turn, God will then remove his enemies.

Be grateful that God is removing false religion forever.


UKChat Newbie
Oct 4, 2023
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And yet, it is the Bible that states by way of symbols that the UN will soon ban religion, destroying false religion forever, by using the enemies of God's kingdom to do so. In turn, God will then remove his enemies.

Be grateful that God is removing false religion forever.
The bible does not state that the UN will ban all religions. God will put it into the hearts of all world leaders not just the UN.
  • (Revelation 17:17, 18) 17 For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth
God puts it into all their hearts,they have no choice and no say in it.
Another thing. Islam uniting under the UN?.That will never happen,when Sunni attacks Shia and Shia attacks Sunni they both quote the same quran verse (9:49) to justify killing each other.Them uniting under the UN is impossible and anti quran.


The bible does not state that the UN will ban all religions. God will put it into the hearts of all world leaders not just the UN.
  • (Revelation 17:17, 18) 17 For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth

I acknowledge your angle on this. Yet, this wild beast is described for us in other verses. The only way other governments get to remove this abomination of false religion is through the UN though, who these other kings will "rule for one hour" with. Here is the scriptural reasoning:

Revelation 17 is the chapter we need to consider. So we see in that chapter these words.
"And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns." Then it describes this "woman".

This scarlet coloured wild beast is then explained in a little more detail for us by an angel.

"So the angel said to me: “Why is it that you were amazed? I will tell you the mystery of the woman+ and of the wild beast that is carrying her and that has the seven heads and the ten horns: The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And the inhabitants of the earth—those whose names have not been written in the scroll of life from the founding of the world—will be amazed when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present."

So now the angel describes the "heads" part of the beast, along with the fact that they are "kings", or ruling parties.

This calls for a mind* that has wisdom: The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. And there are seven kings: Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet arrived; but when he does arrive, he must remain a short while. And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also an eighth king, but it springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction."

You will note in that section that these kings - seven of them - are distinct. And the beast, that is made up of the seven is also described as a king itself - an eighth king that "springs FROM the seven". In other words, it is a government put forward by the seven kings that have existed in times past.

The seven kings that rose, it also shows that at the time, while John the apostle was alive, "five have fallen, one is, and..." one was yet to come. Then he describes this wild beast again, by showing it as an eighth king made up of these kings that had been and fallen. So they still existed on the face of the earth in some form, but they had fallen.
The book of Daniel helps us understand some of these kings, as the angel explains to Daniel three of these kings, and states another fearsome beast arises. This fearsome beast was the world power that existed in the days of the apostle John - namely, the Roman empire. Five kings had fallen prior to it - five kings that had a direct bearing upon God's people. This prophecy is not for everyone. It is for God and Christ's slaves, as Revelation 1:1 states.

THEN, we come to the "ten kings", of which you are accurately highlighting. But note how it is stated:

"The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast. These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast."

So, yes, the world leaders DO ban religion, but only by their association with the UN - the eighth king, of which they give their authority to.
God puts it into all their hearts,they have no choice and no say in it.
Yes, true. God inspires their animosity towards false religion.
Another thing. Islam uniting under the UN?.That will never happen,when Sunni attacks Shia and Shia attacks Sunni they both quote the same quran verse (9:49) to justify killing each other.Them uniting under the UN is impossible and anti quran.
All false religions will be banned. Any religion that partakes of politics is already a harlot, as they have two opposing kings they claim to serve. They claim to serve God, but they're tied up in man's kingdoms, of which Satan has designed, and rules.

Remember when Jesus was tempted, Satan appealed to him that he'd give Jesus "all of these kingdoms", if Jesus did an act of worship to Satan.

Satan couldn't tempt Jesus with something that didn't belong to him. The current world is under the dominion of Satan, and Satanic thinking. That is why there is so much injustice.

Individuals will be forced to choose a side. Blessed will those be who "get out of..." false religion, so that they don't have to share in the punishment that is coming upon it for its unfaithfulness, and blasphemies against the holy and clean God they pretend to represent. This is for all religions to note, as God says, "Get out of her, MY PEOPLE". He's telling those of us who wish to serve him faithfully, to wash our hands of this abomination, as he's already predetermined destruction for it.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Moriarty. If you think Roses brings 'Light' to this conversation it seems you must have been in the dark... and yet there you remain. In the dark.

I don't want cameras to surveillance people. I was talking about 'Individual people' with Phone Cameras who attended these protests.

What i said wasn't about agreeing or disagreeing with anyone. It was about what is right and wrong.

Protesting and freedom of speech are one thing but protesting your support for 'Jihad' and supporting a known terrorist group are another.

Who owns the 'Catholic Church' in the UK and all it's land and properties ?

Who owns the 'Church Of England' and all it's land and properties?

When 'Religion' is primerilly used as a control mechanism, you begin to realise who actually owns what and why.

Get your facts right and don't overthink things.

The catholic Church in the Uk and the Church of England own NOTHING, apart from the goods they peddle via Sermons and Sunday mass.

The books are bad enough, don't bring deluded thinking into it.

Wake up.!

They own land.
One of the most scarce commodities in the UK for building new housing.

Who owns them, the church of whichever denomination one picks.

So yes Religion can own something.

I will give you a fun fact though, the crown owns the Kings James Bible rights ;)


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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In fakery and tales, they claim to foresee,
Those Jehovah's Witnesses, so fervently,
The UN, they say, has a sinister plan,
To ban all religion across the land.

Cult fervour ignites, 1919 conman's prophecy told,
In made up tales, his narrative unfolds,
Hate filled vision of a future so dire,
Where faith and belief must all soon expire.

In the world's tapestry, complex and vast,
False notions of doom, will wither and pass,
For the UN's mission, and its human direction,
Is peace and cooperation, not religious rejection.

Let us remember, in this world we share,
Diversity's beauty, love and care.
The notion of bans, false beliefs that divide,
Are corrected with facts and truth, worldwide.
Last edited:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Has a meaning all its own.

From the Hebrew "Mount of Megiddo" to our own Bible of Armageddon.

Megiddo is an argument unto itself, one which can be biblical in propertion given the current state of the world.