Is it true that Jehovah's Witnesses added in "Jehovah" where there was no proof it should be added?


Nemesis of the Trolls - Especially dumb ones
Aug 10, 2024
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There are some who believe that Jehovah's Witnesses added in "Jehovah" into places with no evidence, and then accuse them of being corrupt and devious. So in this article, we will consider whether there is reason or not for God's holy name to be in any of these places at all in the Bible. Did Jehovah's Witnesses just add in "Jehovah" because of no reason? Or did they do it because of some reason? Why even use the name Jehovah at all, some may ask?

I'll address the first two of these three questions here.

In the Foreword to the Good News Bible (Today's New English Bible), written in 1976, this is stated.

"Following an ancient tradition, begun by the first translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Septuagint)..."

...and then it goes on and explains why it removed God's holy name from the Bible.

The claim here was that the "first translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Septuagint)" did not contain God's name. But see, this is a lie. An untruth. Why can I be so bold as to state that it was a lie, and not just a mistake; a lack of knowledge? Because scholarly research had revealed that the "first translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Septuagint)" DID in fact contain God's holy name. 32 years earlier.

Here's the evidence: In 1944, a theological journal was published, that showed a fragment of the Greek Septuagint with God's holy name in it. This fragment was found in what is known as the Papyrus Fouad 266 collection. This 5 minute video shows what happened, and provides pictures of this fragment. So, if this was PUBLISHED in 1944, how long was the fragment held before being published? Well, that I don't know.

In fact, that video shows the whole reason why Jehovah's organisation has put back Jehovah's name where it SHOULD be, but where liars have hidden it.

But in case you don't want to watch the video, here's the explanation:

- In 1944, it was discovered that God's name was in the original translation into Greek.

- This in turn means that the Hebrews and Greeks at the time of Jesus could read and use God's holy name - unlike the claim that it had been removed prior to it.

- And THIS in turn, means that the removal of God's holy name from the Bible wasn't done until even later. Namely the first century C.E.

This means that the Bible DID have God's holy name written in it in some very definite places we know of. So, the New World Translation has RESTORED (not added) it back in some specific places for specific reasons. These are:
  • A quote from a verse in the Hebrew Scriptures that contains the divine name (See Appendix C2.)
  • A Hebrew idiom or an expression that normally includes the divine name (For example, “Jehovah’s angel,” Mt 1:20)
  • In the context surrounding a quotation taken from the Hebrew Scriptures (For example, “spoken by Jehovah,” Mt 1:22; 2:15)
  • In Greek, where the definite article missing from before Kyʹri·os (Lord), where it would normally be expected grammatically, thus indicating that a proper name may originally have appeared in the Greek text (For example, Mr 13:20)
  • Where the divine name would have been used in the verse to avoid ambiguity (For example, “all the things Jehovah has done for you,” Mr 5:19)

So, as much as Bible translators wanted to follow Satan's lead and HIDE facts about God, just as apostates wish to slander and use half-truths to mislead many, God will continue to reveal truths. The truth can not be hidden. Even the Qur'an acknowledges three times that "None can alter the words of God". No, this hiding will not remain for long.

But what about others? Are Jehovah's Witnesses the only ones who agree that God's name should be added to the Greek part of the BIble? Let's consider some:

Good News Bible
In the back pages of the 1988 Australian Bicentenary Edition of the Good News Bible, it showed God's name "Jehovah" in the Narrinjerri language, at John 3:16. Here is a picture of the front cover of that one. If you can get a copy, you can see it for yourself.

325 OTHER Bibles
Here is a list of 325 other Bibles that have thought this is a good idea - some from long before Jehovah's Witnesses did it.

It is evident that God's name should be restored to the Bible in all the places where apostate scum have removed it. What is shameful is that most translators aren't ashamed to put in the names of the OTHER Gods in there, like Zeus, Hermes, Dagon, Bel, Molech, but they removed God's holy name Jehovah - which was in there about 7000 times with no shame. Why Jesus' own name means "Jehovah is Salvation". Fancy attempting to prevent the prophecy that said that Jehovah would call from all nations "a people for his name" by trying to hide that name. LOL It is a joke that they try to fool God though.

Extra Info
For those of you who may be interested, here is a link to the whole section in the New World Translation explaining God's name in the Bible.
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