Seems like a very selfish statement.
We all have to do things we don't want to yet are needed.
For example at some point this month I have to go visit my family, I don't want to, it usually ends in a row.
Yet I will, because it's my duty to do so and also my fault the argument happens because I know my brother wont back down, yet we still go at it.
Much to the distress of my mother who has to put up with us.
Also quite short sighted.
Hopes and dreams can be hard on us, they can make us face our fears.
Should we stop following them because they are not "For Us" in the moment?
The saying seems to bring short term pleasure to the fore.
People do like to write snappy snippets without actually giving them a thought.
Ask any politician.
It's basically more "Self Realisation" BS which allows one to get out of responsibility or hard choices by saying "I am not entertained"
Much prefer :- "Lot of people are not looking for solutions for their problems, but are looking for someone or something to blame as a solution to their problem. That is why their problems never go away, and they always have someone or something to blame."