Gender pay gap top of our to-do list for 2109, claim men.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Women have been told that the gender pay gap will become a thing of the past after men everywhere said it was at the very top of their to-do list for the year 2109.

The study found that men have a lot of much more important things to be getting on with over the next 87 years, but once they’re taken care of them, pay equality will have their undivided attention.

Dave Pile, aged 59, told us, “The gender pay gap is extremely important to myself and my fellow Y chromosome owners.

Pile who has previously argued the gender pay gap is wokeism gone mad and that men work much harder than women in more important jobs so deserve higher pay said he had a change of heart after watching female boxing at the Olympics.

Pile said ”I might have previously said female athletes should not be paid the same as their male counterparts but after watching the boxing I realize even the little Spanish girl who won the gold could beat me up.”

Pile concluded “Which is why I am pleased to announce gender equality is now up there on my to-solve list, just below rocket shoes and nuclear fusion.

“I tell you now, the day we’re all flying around on a pair of new Nikes powered by cheap renewable emission-free nuclear energy is the day you’ll be earning the same as us.

“It’s coming ladies, you have our word.”

However, some groups of men have said the current situation is just fine, thank you very much.

Mid-level executive Mike Jones told us, “Women have to think hard if this is really what they want, because right now they can market themselves as being like men, only cheaper – that’s a valuable unique selling point in my opinion.

“Then there’s the fact that they live five years longer on average, so their lifetime earnings often exceed those of men, but you never hear that, do you?

“Plus they retire earlier – so maybe if they weren’t so work-shy they would earn more?”

”Please, don't even get me going on pregnancy because it makes me so angry.”


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Genders pay gap.
1.Define Gender.
2.Define Pay.
3.Define Gap.

Once you can identify those 3 things you can have a simple equation.

Bearing in mind people cant define gender these days due to stupidity and/or ideology, then it's a non issue


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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Favourite, please! :rolleyes:


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The male population of the country has today announced that although the earning gap between themselves and the female members of the population is at 12.7%, it’s still not nearly wide enough.

As calls were made to bring earnings for men and women more in line, men have said they have already gone more than far enough.

59-year-old man Dave Pile told us, “We men people deserve the right to go about our business without being told off for earning more than women just because we own a penis.

“What is the world coming to if a woman of equal ability could do my job for the same amount of money? It’s preposterous.

“I realise the Government is doing everything it can to keep a decent gap between us and them, but frankly it’s not enough.

“I think if we really put our minds to it, we could see men earning 25% more than women inside a decade.”

Many male workers feel let down by the policies of the recent governments which have allowed the earning potential of some of the nation’s women to creep ever closer to their exclusive circle.

Another well-paid man told us, “It’s awful, frankly. Women could be earning the same as me before I even get to retire. It’s unacceptable.

“I didn’t vote Tory so that people with vaginas could start earning as much as I do. What are we, communists?

“Is this the sort of policy that my taxes, well those I agreed to pay, goes towards? Really?”


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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New banknotes featuring important women in the nation’s history will be worth 20% less in order to reflect how society values modern women.

The Bank of England revealed that the novelist Jane Austen will feature on the new £10 note when it comes into circulation later next year.

However, to ensure that the new notes truly reflect society’s attitudes to female equality, the notes will be worth only £8.

A spokesperson for the bank explained, “Yes, the female banknotes are doing precisely the same job as the male banknotes, but unfortunately society currently dictates that they’re actually worth less.

“However, we feel that everyone should focus on the positive side of this story, and that is to see how female money is now allowed to do the job of male money, and that it’s doing it just as well.

“One day, society will be ready to value female money as highly as male money; but that day is not today.”

Consumers have welcomed the move, with Basingstoke resident Simon Williams telling us, “I’m all for women’s rights and female equality. I’m basically a feminist with testicles.

“So how about we address the gender pay gap by giving women a 20% pay rise, but then just pay them with these new banknotes – surely that’s a deal we call all get behind?”


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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One day society will be ready to value female wisdom. That day is NOT today..;)