Far-right rioters are dense enough to have another go this weekend, public warned.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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THE police have issued a warning that rioters are indeed thick enough to have another go this weekend, despite being quelled on Wednesday.

Following an emergency Cobra meeting with the prime minister, the police have pointed out that rioters will not have learnt from their mistakes and may try to violently riot again. Despite over 800 arrests already, and in the futile hope of a different result this time.

A police spokesperson said: Racist mobs aren’t the brains of Britain. You don’t see them appearing on QI or Only Connect for a reason. We arrested two following a violent confrontation with each other over whose go it was in a game of Kerplunk.

Doctors have warned it will be no easy task locating and removing all the marbles they forcibly rammed up each other's bodily orifices.

Another two claimed they had just that minute left a bingo hall and were innocently caught up in the riots while trying to buy alcohol to take home. The nearest bingo hall was at the other end of town, three miles away.

They’ll have already forgotten that they were faced down by peaceful protests mere days ago. Facts and information tend to glide straight over their brains without leaving a trace, as we’re sure the public is well-aware of by now.

These people film themselves in the act and hurl bricks at each other’s heads and genitals. Do you really think they’ve been mulling over their actions and trying to see their grievances from another point of view? Be serious.

Some even wore gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints but did not cover their faces. Look around you, stupid, do you not see three hundred smartphones filming you?

One elderly man arrested on Wednesday claimed his name is Nigel, when we searched the police database we discovered it is David. When we questioned why he lied, he claimed it was a “typo”. These rioters are so intrinsically stupid, they do not even understand what “typo” means.

So if you want to stay safe this weekend, try hanging around an art gallery or ducking into the nearest Waterstones. These places look like a blur on a rioter’s peripheral vision, so they’ll trudge right past you fixated on their goal, getting arrested, and four years in prison.

The police spokesperson added: We’re planning on dealing with them by erecting a bunch of signs that read ‘mosques this way’ which lead straight into jail cells.

That’s how terminally stupid we’re talking.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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These are just the cannon fodder, testing the waters. It's a good way to test the reaction of the public, the police and the government. The IRA did the same, used idiots to do their work for them.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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I totally agree that the rioters are “cannon fodder” and useful idiots, but just not for the reasons that statement suggests.

And although it is far more complex (obviously), the IRA campaigns achieved sweet f@ck all until they started bombing the City of London and other commercial interests. £ Billions of damage to the British economy and which finally brought the 'British Empire' to the negotiating table seriously. Ironically, given your example, in NI, the Catholic community on the whole support immigration and did not riot last weekend.

The rioters are indeed “cannon fodder”. All of them are, Private riot, Corporal Tommy Robinson, Seargent Nigel Farage, and Major Richard Tice. All of them are getting too big for their boots, and as they say pride comes before a fall. Who, lurking in the shadows, is currently funding the likes of the minnow Tommy 10 name's Robinson and why? Who sunned himself in Cyprus, openly taking the piss and boasting about it. All while the “cannon fodder” who carried out his bidding ended up with 3 years in prison, losing their jobs, and possibly their homes, etc.

Robinson just couldn't resist gloating, “look where I am” so talk about shooting yourself in your own foot, the “bigger picture”, right?

You think those rioters will turn out for Robinson again?

Tommy 10 names Robinson is as thick as mince, the financial backers yanking his strings are the brains behind the outfit and the real movers and shakers.

You think Elon Musk gives a f@ck about domestic politics in the UK, really? All Musk cares about is generating publicity for X (twatter) because real competition is emerging in the market that will guarantee he lobbed 44 billion down the toilet pan if advertisers and consumers move to those emerging platforms.

As Mr Rabbit Hole used to say (waves) “follow the money”.

Anyone who believes that foreign money and interference in domestic British politics, is for anything other than in the interests of those interested parties, deserve to be locked up alongside the rioters for plain stupidity. Good luck with that white “Christian” 'civil war', I mean, the rioters gave up after one single weekend, let's see them take on a highly skilled professional Army with some of the world's most advanced weaponry at its disposal.

These people are so damn stupid, they lumped half bricks at their own genitals.

And good luck against the likes of Mi5 and Mi6, the Secret Services and elite policing units, following the riots. Who will now be let off the leash and have unlimited funding to proactively go after both the “minnows” and the “bigger fish” targets.

Far-right headbangers are going to be responsible for eroding all our civil liberties. Bringing Draconian legislation to the table that will curtail all our hard fought rights and freedoms (which the left-wing fought for) and including online.

Ultimately achieving sweet f@ck all in a global capitalist (corporatised) economy, that is totally reliant upon the exploitation, of mass cheap labor and movement of that cheap labor to where it is required, for its survival. :)