Dead beat partners


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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I was talking to somebody today who thought it was okay not to work. They have a partner who works and they feel staying at home is the best thing for them. Like to say it's just women doing this these days but it seems to be men more often.

Men seem to get into their late forties and give up on work, happy to sit at home doing stuff like painting or playing games online. I can understand this after 20 or 30 years of work you get into your 40s in your 50s and things start to hurt.

The trend at the moment seems to be people in there mid 20s to 30s doing this and that's what I don't quite understand.

When I think back to my 20s, no one in there right mind would put up with me being sat around the house not be bringing in an income. Rent or mortgage is need to be paid and homes cost money to run.

Is it the case that we're over educating the young or the fact that our expectations are so high of them.... they give up trying to achieve them?

Society needs to do something to stop this trend to remind people the work is good for their mental health and their long-term prospects. Even shelf stacking in Sainsbury's is better than being sat at home on benefits. You get to meet new people, get out the house and have more money.

I'd love to blame social media for this trend but I have a feeling it's coming from deadbeat parents who over indulge their kids. If the parents didn't have a history of work chances are children wont too.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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When I left school, anyone who didn't work was called a 'layabout', and something to be ashamed of. Even people living 'rough', didn't sit on the street begging. They knocked on doors asking for odd jobs to do, or washed up in cafes in return for a meal or a little money.
These days, people seem to have lost their self-respect, in more ways than one.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I grew up in the 80's, if I wasnt earning, then I was single.
Not much has changed to be honest, yes a few select women want to work hard and be independant, but on the whole, most women are happy to be taken care of.

I dont mean that as an insult, women are more than capable of doing the jobs that men usually do, with a few exceptions, but they are equally able to perform in business.
They just choose not to, especially when family is on the agenda.

My ex had a successful business, and we moved in together, I was doing well so she quit working cause she didnt need it.
Needless to say, when she quit, I became the sole income provider, yet she wanted more lol
So i said, fine go back to work.. she refused, said it was my fault she quit and made it about her hence... Walked away.
People really do need to get over themselves and think about what it is they want.

I dont work now, but i do a lot of charity stuff, and teaching, gives me a reason not to top myself lol


Foxy love ❤️
Apr 29, 2023
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I grew up in the 80's, if I wasnt earning, then I was single.
Not much has changed to be honest, yes a few select women want to work hard and be independant, but on the whole, most women are happy to be taken care of.

I dont mean that as an insult, women are more than capable of doing the jobs that men usually do, with a few exceptions, but they are equally able to perform in business.
They just choose not to, especially when family is on the agenda.

My ex had a successful business, and we moved in together, I was doing well so she quit working cause she didnt need it.
Needless to say, when she quit, I became the sole income provider, yet she wanted more lol
So i said, fine go back to work.. she refused, said it was my fault she quit and made it about her hence... Walked away.
People really do need to get over themselves and think about what it is they want.

I dont work now, but i do a lot of charity stuff, and teaching, gives me a reason not to top myself lol
This view of women is so outdated maybe do a lil research to the real world there are so many women who are the providers and not the other way round. We would not dream of asking a man to 'take care of us'. Back to the original post the above two posts are spot on. You only shouldn't work if you are mentally or physically unable to do so and it boils my blood that life is truly a more uphill battle for some than others in this regard. It is honestly a crime. Social media is part of the problem but definitely learnt behaviour from parents