Changes to your everyday routine


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The idiot’s guide to comparing every little inconvenience to Nazi Germany

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As changes to your everyday routine become a little more inconvenient, we have put together this handy guide for all idiots looking to make the compelling argument that the country is becoming like Nazi Germany.

Below you will find a selection of ‘killer’ talking points, sure to sway those you engage with and to make you look like the well-rounded not-at-all-hysterical individual you so clearly are.

1: “This is how the Nazi’s started”. Complaining about wearing a mask in Tesco carries a real danger of making you look like a whiny toddler on the verge of an ill-conceived tantrum. Make sure people realise that you’re only looking out for their best interests by explaining this is how the Nazi’s started. Very few people read history books, so they’re unlikely to be able to prove you wrong.

2: “The people behind the jab are exactly like Dr Josef Mengele”. It’s not good enough to simply express hesitancy about the vaccine programme, you must insist it is definitely part of a global experiment – the motives for which are still unclear. You can argue that this is an “experiment”. Dr Menegele conducted “experiments” for the Nazis. So they are definitely the same thing.

3: ''It’s vaccine passports today, holocaust tomorrow”. The most powerful tool in your armoury is the ‘thin end of the wedge’ argument. Sure, taking a lateral flow test to go to a nightclub if you’re not vaccinated is a bit of an inconvenience, but you can easily invoke Nazi imagery by likening the Vaccine Passport to the stars forced upon the Jewish community in the days of Nazi rule. Don’t worry about looking like a hysterical child who merely hates inconvenience – see our earlier point about history books.

4: “If I have to miss my Christmas party then I am the new Anne Frank”. It’s about time we had a new face as the real victim of persecution, and your face is as good as any. Sure, Anne Frank had to spend 761 hiding in a secret annexe to avoid the Nazis, but you might have to spend Thursday night at home watching Netflix instead of being out getting pissed with the people you work with. So who is the real victim here, huh?

5: “Chris Whitty is basically Hitler’s reincarnated”. Okay, this one is a little more difficult to argue, but stick with us here. Hitler started as an artist, and Whitty is an epidemiologist. So if an artist can go on to lead the Third Reich, then Chris Whitty is more than capable of doing the same. Incontrovertible proof, as if it was even needed.

Lastly, if in doubt, make your argument more forcefully. No one ever won an argument by adding further clarity to their position and introducing supporting evidence, so focus on volume. If you’re online, that means ALL CAPS. If you’re in the pub, then that means shouting and finger-pointing.

And remember to tell them to WAKE UP!

Now go forth and convince the witless sheep that they stumbling into the Fourth Reich.

God’s speed.

via - Daily Nutter



UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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It's fashionable to be see yourself as a victim. If no-one is actually threatening you personally, you'll see the potential for threats in everything. I don't like the way that newsreader looked at me....can he actually see me? Did the postman deliberately post my letter in the wrong box? Did that dog choose my garden to sh*t in? Was that seagull just waiting for me to leave the house, so it could aim it's mess at my head? If you wish to take everything personally, you will, whatever anyone says.
The government is out of its doesn't know what to do to bring this pandemic under control. It's up to us to take responsibility for ourselves and do what we think is best.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The tory regime knows EXACTLY what it is not doing. They are being advised by world-class scientists and more often than not play party politics rather than acting on that advice in the here and now. Whether they actually listen to that advice and then act on that advice is a completely separate issue. The problem is that there are two main camps in the tory party, one camp fundamentally much further to the right and much like labour, ideologically opposed to each other and both fundamentally disagree on how to deal with Covid. The hard-right believe the economy comes first and foremost, no matter the cost in lives and that individual rights trump collective and also that nature should be allowed to take its course (herd immunity) and that nature decides outcomes and not science.

Since Dominic Cummings was removed internal party discipline has eroded even further. What Boris their useful idiot is doing is desperately trying to find a balance between the two opposing sides. What the divided tories usually do far better than labour is give the impression that they are united and batting for the same side and for the greater good and when actually no they are not, Covid is just the fuse that has reignited those internal divisions. Both sides are jostling for position and when the useful idiot no longer serves a purpose they have ready-made replacements lined up waiting.