"But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him..." watching how Bible prophecy unfolds.


Nemesis of the Trolls - Especially dumb ones
Aug 10, 2024
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I find it extremely interesting watching the news with the purpose of trying to see how the Bible prophecies happen. It is true that we can't always - or even mostly -see how things will come about, but as all the former prophecies that have already been fulfilled have demonstrated, we can be sure that some of these things will come about in ways we did not expect.

One I love, and which I'm waiting to see what happens - if indeed my point of view is correct (I could be wrong) - is watching how this "out of the East" bit happens regarding the King of the North. It is taken from Daniel chapter 11, verse 44 and 45.

For those who are unaware, there are two "kings" that push, "in the time of the end". These two kings are defined to some degree currently as Russia and allies (king of the North) and US/UK and allies (king of the South). Why one is called North or South is another story, but is based on the days of old, way before these nations existed as they do now. The scripture in Daniel - a prophet of God - is him putting on paper what the angel Gabriel told him regarding what would happen to "your people" in the time of the end. Who were Daniel's people?

After Babylon captured Jerusalem, they had the Jews exiled to some degree, and people such as Daniel (a child who was apparently in some royal lineage, although it is not specified how in the Scriptures) were taken to serve the king, Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel though, along with a few others, stood out due to their faith and obedience, and God stood by them. Daniel lived to foresee the collapse of the Babylonian empire, and was taken to the Persian empire, where he is under the rule of King Cyrus of Persia, in the king's third year, as mentioned in Daniel 10:1. So "Daniel's people" appear to be those who were faithful Jews at the time. But as it is the time of the end, these faithful Jews would have acknowledged the Messiah, of which Daniel also prophecied would come, before the temple was destroyed in 70CE.

So anyway, in the time of the end, there is a pushing between these two kings, as can be seen currently in places like Ukraine, where two parties push against each other.

But these "reports" out of the East and the North"...they're food for thought. For as regards the North, sometimes all we need to do is look at a map, and see that the routes for ships etc over the North Pole are becoming easier to travel in, thanks to what we're told is climate change. But what about the East? Could it be things like this?

Events like this - where one empire - the allies of one "king" push into the empire of the other "king". Because it seems China has had a similar policy to Russia as regards religion in the past, and are neighbours with a lot of common interests. North Korea too. But the Philippines has an alliance with the US.

So, not saying this is what will happen, but for me it is exciting to see things on the news to see how these prophecies will unfold, because they WILL unfold.