Brexit survey


UKChat Newbie
Dec 31, 2021
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Hello, I'm Estefani, a final year law student at UNAM, Mexico.

I'm specialising in international law, and British constitutional law. My final thesis is on the legal, political, economic and social affects of Brexit. Certain chapters of my thesis are about peoples reasoning for wanting to leave or remain, how they feel about Brexit now its happened, how leaving has affected people and what direction people want the UK to head in the future, now that it has left.

I have created a fairly comprehensive survey asking for peoples feedback in these areas, which I would like to invite people to participate in.

Brexit Survey - Free Chat Rooms

I really hope you can help me, it will be greatly appreciated.

Privacy and Neutrality Statement:
Because the thesis has to be politically neutral, I've done my best to ensure that the survey comes from a politically neutral perspective, attempting to accommodate the broader views of both leave and remain perspectives.

The survey is strictly confidential, and only collects information you voluntarily submit. The data is stored according privacy standards on Google Forms platform, and will be used for the sole purpose of completing the relevant chapters of my thesis. In the event that any part of my thesis is published, the results of the survey will be provided in aggregate only, according to UNAM policy, containing no identifiable information even if voluntarily submitted


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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Good luck with your thesis but has this medium been approved by your research committee? All research institutions including Universities agree to adhere to research integrity which means to conduct research according to the appropriate ethical, legal, and professional framework, obligations and standards. Therefore, have you sought permission form this boards owners/manager to post this request? How are you going to differentiate individuals who do not live in the UK but are answering your questionnaire? Are you also seeking responses from people living in EU countries?

Not sure how valid your argument will be as we are still in the final stages of confirming the agreement as several key areas of the exit from the EU was agreed to be finalised at a later date.

I am in no way trying to denigrate your paper but given that fact as listed above there is no clear way to answer this question. Have you also considered how the global pandemic has also affected the UK leaving the EU? In many ways you cannot differentiate lack of stocks of some food sources and items to just the leaving of the EU because fundamentally the pandemic has affected every area of life for close to two years now.

I am also not sure how you are going to argue about some of the subsections as, though, part of international law, are not in of themselves issues that pertain to the EU alone and the UK leaving. Such as climate change and the environment there are EU laws and policies outlining this area but fundamentally, I would argue that this area is purely international law in nature given the various summits that outline the various plans, goals etc. And even more to the point society pushing the agenda forward more so than governments.

Further security is an interesting one as all countries have various agreements amongst themselves via International and transnational criminal laws, etc. But if your aim is discussing military strength we have quit a number of agreements such as membership with NATO along with our military having close ties with a number of other countries' such as we train and work closely with the USA, Norway, Netherlands, most of the member states in the Commonwealth and all other NATO members not listed already. If the EU finalise the creation of the EU military there was no guarantees that the UK would have been part of it as our government's policy has always been to align themselves with NATO whilst the EU military, if France win the argument, will leave NATO and have only the EU military. But if Germany wins the argument it would still be aligned with NATO and if the UK was still in the EU would have taken part; but this is just conjecture upon my part.

I think I would also point out that the EU is 26 countries whilst within the entire world there are 195 countries as recognised by the UN. The only area that is yet to have a country is the area of Western Sarah that Morocco controls. Hence, are you taking this into consideration when discussing trade between the UK and EU and are you also considering the Commonwealth countries; which there are 54 members to date?

I wish you all the best.