Boris Johnson accuses Keir Starmer of being 'deaf' to immigration concerns'.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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So the former Prime Minister and the political party responsible for RECORD numbers of economic migrants in the UK and the rise in so-called “illegal immigration” is now blaming Keir Starmer after 6 whole weeks in power.

People seeking asylum is a small minority in comparison to so-called legal migration.

Boris Johnson is a charlatan, a real danger to social cohesion in the UK, and MORE dangerous than ANY so-called extremists currently in the UK today.

Fuelling far-right racist rhetoric such as “stop the boat people” or “dingy (dinghy) people”.

Seeking asylum is NOT illegal in the UK, and it is a legal process with STRICT criteria to be met to be granted actual asylum.

Channel crossing became a widespread thing around 2017-2018, while the Tories were in power, and simply because the British taxpayer funded increased security at Calais. Organized CRIMINAL gangs, doing what criminals do, immediately sought alternative methods to smuggle so-called 'illegal immigrants' and or smuggle asylum seekers.

Who were/are seeking asylum from countries the UK physically invaded, or bombed the sh** out of such as Afghanistan or Iraq, etc.

The Tories DELIBERATELY inflamed tensions by ordering the Home Office to do everything it could to be seen to be tough on so-called illegal immigration. It rebranded its vehicles as “immigration enforcement”, trialled driving vans with the message “go home or face arrest” around areas of high migration. Fuelling local tensions and resentment between communities, fuelling racism and Islamophobia, and while they slashed and burned vital public services, rather than easing community tension instead by investment in those services.

The Tories DELIBERATELY created a backlog of asylum claims to give the impression Rishi Sunak had got a grip with the issue. The backlog reached in excess of 165,000, is currently around 130,000 for an initial decision and EIGHT times higher than when Labour were last in power.

80% of asylum claims are successful, (including on appeal for failed claims).

Investment in vital public services and housing will only REDUCE tension and will NOT increase it even more.

The problem is...... The Tories spent all the f@cking money, except when it came to the COVID-19 magic money tree and doling out billions to their pals.

Anyone who believes Labour and Keir Starmer is responsible should take themselves into a small, dark room and play Manic Street Preachers albums, loudly, until their ears and eyes bleed.

Enjoy your weekend :)


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I must admit, I fell for Boris's claptrap. I still find him a funny guy, though not what you really want in a Prime Minister.

All new fencing went up on the approach to Calais and many thought great, that'll stop 'em, even though illegal immigration wasn't considered a huge problem because we didn't actually see them all in the backs of the Lorries. Then the daily crossing of small boats with mostly young men and very few families on board started... and us on the Right, thought hmmmmmmm! I have no problem with refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya because we waged war in those countries and left them as Basket Cases, It's all the others.. the ones from Africa (yes, i know Libya's in Africa), Albania etc, that slightly concern me.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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This issue isn't going to go away, I do not know what the long term solution is, but I do believe a fit for purpose infrastructure and more housing would immediately ease tensions between local communities. We have discussed the Thatchers created underclass previously, decades in the making and including under Blair and a working class that has been pissed on from a great height for nigh on 40+ years.

When I say working class, I do not mean the thug class, who were responsible for the anarchy and wanton violence during the riots.

If there was not a single asylum seeker in the UK, exactly the same problems would still exist, and scapegoating minority groups is a symptom of a much broader issue. :)


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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I still find it incredible that so many people don't see a problem with unlimited numbers of people moving into a country. Are they really so stupid and naive?
I understand the concept of 'one world' etc., but it's seems to be only happening one way. All these people flooding into the west but no-one going east.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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I find it bizarre that the right-wing (not all), ignorantly, appear to believe that unlimited people are moving to the UK, and which is of course ludicrous.

Perhaps they have a magic right-wing wand to tackle labor shortages in a country with an economy based on the service sector.

Supply and demand.

They, the right-wing, lump everything into a one size fits all and are too ignorant to recognize that entering a country illegally is not the same thing as seeking asylum or working legally as an economic migrant.

But of course tackling illegal immigration is not the sole aim of the right-wing, they want to halt all immigration and all asylum. :)


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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If there was not a single asylum seeker in the UK, exactly the same problems would still exist, and scapegoating minority groups is a symptom of a much broader issue. :)
That's what worries me... Isn't that how Nazi Germany started? :(


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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A sizeable majority on the left (and probably on the right) agree that the current UK political system is broken. Starmer's Labour got elected on the back of just 20% of the eligible vote. Which means 80% didn't vote Labour, and it was the lowest vote share in 100 years. That isn't necessarily Starmer or Labours fault, because the problem goes much deeper and much further back.

The concern is the voter apathy that the political system has created has opened a space for right-wing grifters like Nigel Farage. Crude thugs like Tommy 10 names Robinson (former BNP member) and the like, who sole goal is to sow the seeds of division and hatred.

Google “who funds Tommy Robinson” neither he, nor his backers, give two fvcks about the working class.

There is no common ground and there is no compromise because they will not budge from what is a purely ideological stance.:rolleyes:


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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It's hardly surprising that there is voter apathy. During the election campaign, there wasn't much of a choice. The Conservatives were just drifting aimlessly from one crisis to another, the Labour leader didn't seem able to make up his mind about anything, the Liberal leader was too busy acting the fool to conduct a proper campaign. Reform was the only party to have some semblance of order. I think many people voted for them simply because the other parties seemed a complete waste of space.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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Reform was a 'protest' vote, I agree. The extremely middle-class Farage has made a successful career grifting as the 'lone voice' rebelling on behalf of the “working-class” against the establishment.

Reform's manifesto purposefully pandered to the establishment. Tax cuts for private education and a rise in the stamp duty threshold to 750,000. Inheritance tax to be paid only on estates of more than £2m. Repealing plans to ban no-fault evictions, with Reform, arguing existing laws are adequate and when clearly they are not.

How does banning the charge for London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone help the working class? Who are much more likely to have long term health issues (and die younger) as a direct consequence of urban pollution because they are much more likely to live in densely populated urban areas.

Rather than give state handouts to the middle-class, subsidise the damn charge for lower earning working-class Londoners instead. :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Political parties should earn your vote, it shouldn't be given freely or simply out of loyalty. I voted Reform only as a protest vote because I couldn't find a reason to vote for the others. However, in the local elections I voted for The Green Party because they were the only ones to knock on my door to ask if I would be voting for them. They were out litter picking on the fields behind my back fence... They were the only ones trying to do something for the local area - they earned my vote.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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I would argue the “centrist” experiment has failed (so-called centre). In large parts of the USA, Europe and also the UK. What replaces it remains to be seen, but I have no hesitation at all saying Farage and Trump and Le Pen are part of the problem and are not the solution. :)