Be warned of these site bullies

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Kev45 and two whales in a pool will get your post deleted. well done you bullies. Go ahead and flag this one to the mod as you will anyway. Bullies are always bullies.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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I didn't report you, and I never report.

I merely gave my opinion on yet another Islamophobic rant, that you chose to post, rebutting yet another delusional accusation about the Muslim community.

If you can't take it back, tough guy, then don't dish it out. :)


UKChat Initiate
Sep 24, 2024
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You upset him Kev :D
But he's got a do go on like an OLD woman at times.


I didn't report you, and I never report.

I merely gave my opinion on yet another Islamophobic rant, that you chose to post, rebutting yet another delusional accusation about the Muslim community.

If you can't take it back, tough guy, then don't dish it out. :)
Fair enough but you still approve of the other posters by liking their comments. Nothing delusional about my posts and there should be free speech here even if it is an uncomfortable subject to some. I feel it is delusional for some to think Islam is peaceful and brush under the carpet anything that is uncomfortable in the Quran or Hadith. I cannot help but be critical how those like yourself say being critical about a faith is phobic. I am no more controversial than an ex muslim on YouTube for example and their material is up still yet some here feel the need to get my stuff deleted. People are free to believe in Islam, "goodness knows why". I find Islam to be offensive to Jews, Christians and non believers. It just is and it is not just me saying this so there has to be something in what I say. So the end conclusion is you say my comments are Islamophobic and I say Islam is offensive. I guess we have to just agree to disagree even if just a fraction below is somehow my own delusional work. Ask any apostate of Islam if they are delusional. Its really a waste of time though as someone here will just flag this post and have it removed because it will upset muslims but lets forget the feelings of Atheists, Jews and Christians because Islam is obviously so important over anyone else according to muslims. Why would you want to be friends with someone who believes in Islam? This is not a phobia its human nature if someone has a lousy idea of others in general to walk away from them and that is exactly what I see with those who believe such an ideology. Sorry, I am better than that. I am an Atheist and Jews or Christians are fine. They are NOT creatures and deserve to exist just like myself. If you want to be a friend with the muslims you know then fine but still does not change the ideology of Islam.

Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims)

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.

Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.” [Al-Bayyinah 98:6]
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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You upset him Kev :D
But he's got a do go on like an OLD woman at times.

Says the 62, soon to be 63 years old man, who keeps getting banned for trying to disrupt chat, or bully and harass other chatters.

Who then wears it as a badge of honour as if he has achieved something special.

Of course, I have NEVER been banned and therefore yet again, the evidence simply doesn't support your sly, shi/t stirring.

And you are not even good at that, either. :)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Fair enough but you still approve of the other posters by liking their comments. Nothing delusional about my posts and there should be free speech here even if it is an uncomfortable subject to some. I feel it is delusional for some to think Islam is peaceful and brush under the carpet anything that is uncomfortable in the Quran or ...

So you admit to making a false accusation of bullying, without apologising like a grown up for that false accusation, then use my reply as a trigger to launch another angry Islamophobic rant.

A delusional accusation that King Charles lll, the head of the Church of England, has converted to Islam.

You just don't learn, do you?

All while rambling on about free speech.

Despite admitting that the real reason you were upset, is because I liked a post that condemned your Islamophobia.

You don't understand what "free speech" means, do you?

You also do not understand how you consistently undermine your own arguments, do you?

Good luck finding a public forum that will tolerate your aggressive Islamophobia, I can guarantee you right now, you won't find one here in the UK. ;)


UKChat Initiate
Sep 24, 2024
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My last two bans were for mod abuse on the forums :p
Don't take much on here too :cool:

While everyone else can moan on here about their ban, I cant.... cost its a forum and chat ban. I'm not sure why they ban you from both. It seems a little unfair :rolleyes:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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My last two bans were for mod abuse on the forums :p
Don't take much on here too :cool:

While everyone else can moan on here about their ban, I cant.... cost its a forum and chat ban. I'm not sure why they ban you from both. It seems a little unfair :rolleyes:

You have been banned on multiple occasions for either disrupting chat, or harassing and bullying other chatters.

You, not me.

Then repeat exactly the same false claim, that you are being targeted unfairly, that got you banned last time.

Another one who is incapable of learning from their mistakes.

If you shut your cake hole, instead of constantly trying to goad people, then there would be no issue at all would there. :)


UKChat Initiate
Sep 24, 2024
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My last ban was for taking a stand on a chat user who got a permo ban. I didn't think the person deserved it and made a thread on here.
The result was a 4 week ban :rolleyes:

I'm a paid mod on other gaming site, I watch chat and look for people trying to cheat the game. The skill level required is higher than here and rules allow for "in game abuse" of other players, but sometimes you have to step in.

I feel you need to be fair with everyone, on here at times its not applied.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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You're a fvcking idiot who is always right while everyone else is always wrong.

You are NOT a mod on another site and no matter how many times you repeat that claim, but importantly, thank god, you are NOT a mod on this site.

We have fair-minded Mods on this site, and you will never be one because you are not fair-minded.

You have a victim mentality, despite being the aggressor 99% of the time.

Have a great day. :)


UKChat Initiate
Sep 24, 2024
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Your right Kev, don't make $750 per month being a paid mod :rolleyes:
And I only have a one track mind babbbbby :p


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Fred is predictable, simply because he repeats the same pattern of behaviour over and over again.

Of course his imaginary "moderating job" (it would be a paid job of course) is bigger and better and shinier and more intelligent, than the moderating here or anywhere else come to that.

This auld fella still has no idea, no idea whatsoever, how his endless boasting and tall tales reveals far more about him than it does about anyone else. :)


UKChat Initiate
Sep 24, 2024
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Oh Kev.... how dare you !!

Taking full advantage of me in my 1/2 staved slimfast state :eek:

I was looking for a "pin money" job about 7 years ago and a job on warthunder came up. I'd been a player for few years so knew the game well. They put me thru an online training program for a month and each year a week back on re training. Its spending time looking for players using aim bots and overlay programs. Its a lot more complex than just reading chat, more of trying to keep the game clean.

At times I'm at a lost why people who spend thousands on a game decide to cheat.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Ask Fred why Fred took down the thread where Fred claimed Fred imported an expensive kayak from the USA?

When Fred fake imports a kayak, it is of course bigger and better and shinier than any other kayak.

Via an airline, that, like many others in the USA, doesn't carry full sized kayaks in cargo (schoolboy error).

Fred habitually digs in even deeper, and when Fred predictably over eggs the pudding.

Because Fred truly believes that when Fred exaggerates Fred's tall tales, they then become more believable.

Fred, as is his habit, forgets what Fred has typed only a few weeks ago, and because Fred forgets, Fred believes that everyone else forgets too.

Unfortunately, Fred is just not a very good liar and because Fred doesn't understand that Fred is not a very good liar, he doesn't understand (or care) just how irritating Fred actually is. :)


UKChat Initiate
Sep 24, 2024
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I had to edit my old thread cos you took it over with 4 pages of crap again :eek:

You seem to believe I have control over how things are sent to me :rolleyes:

The Americans....... due to the size of the place regularly send stuff by air freight.

In the UK we use the roads, when stuff comes in from the eu its in a container and sent by rail or ship.
I'm not a 100% sure if the Chinese rail network reaches the UK yet, but they were working on it a few years ago. The idea is to stop the endless container ships going thru suez canal and speed up delivery times.

But.... back to my kayak, it came by air, its only 12kg and under 2.7 meters long !!


And before you start moaning its not the same one, look at this b**** !!



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
WE have already had this conversation in depth, you coward, and which is why you removed the thread, Fred.

In Fred's world of tall tales, a YouTube video is evidence that the pictured kayak is the same fake kayak Fred fake imported from the USA.

Of course American Airlines send "stuff" by air freight, you sausage, just not full sized kayaks which are easily damaged and take up valuable space for much more profitable freight.

But of course it is all about Fred Fred Fred Fred and imaginary imports from the USA are just the "vehicle" Fred utilizes to make it all about Fred.

Fred Fred Fred.

Me me me me me.

Look at me, me me me me. :)
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So you admit to making a false accusation of bullying, without apologising like a grown up for that false accusation, then use my reply as a trigger to launch another angry Islamophobic rant.

A delusional accusation that King Charles lll, the head of the Church of England, has converted to Islam.

You just don't learn, do you?

All while rambling on about free speech.

Despite admitting that the real reason you were upset, is because I liked a post that condemned your Islamophobia.

You don't understand what "free speech" means, do you?

You also do not understand how you consistently undermine your own arguments, do you?

Good luck finding a public forum that will tolerate your aggressive Islamophobia, I can guarantee you right now, you won't find one here in the UK. ;)
I did not make false accusations on you bullying . I was reacting to you saying you didn't flag my post to the mod to get it removed. My accusation to King Charles III was a reasoned response to what I have read and heard from him along with news broadcasts. When someone learns Arabic they get to learn the Shahada and when said three times they become a muslim. I know what free speech is and people like yourself try and twist things suggesting I am an angry person. Its stupid keep saying you're Islamophobic just for speaking about a subject. It's just a word to try and vilify people or bully someone into being silent. So yes you are still bullying even though you didn't report the post as you say. There are some people who do agree with my statements so it is not true that I can't find a forum in the UK. People like yourself want to bully people off the site and will throw all sorts of claims and phobias on them to get your result. You may not find a site in the UK where grown ups will tolerate you ;)


UKChat Initiate
Sep 24, 2024
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Thats it, I've had enuth !!!

Kev pack your plastic bag, I'll be there in a few hours. You can try out the new wave ski in the North Sea !!!
I'm not bring you back here... I'm not sure if I'm bring you back from the North sea yet :rolleyes:


I had to edit my old thread cos you took it over with 4 pages of crap again :eek:

You seem to believe I have control over how things are sent to me :rolleyes:

The Americans....... due to the size of the place regularly send stuff by air freight.

In the UK we use the roads, when stuff comes in from the eu its in a container and sent by rail or ship.
I'm not a 100% sure if the Chinese rail network reaches the UK yet, but they were working on it a few years ago. The idea is to stop the endless container ships going thru suez canal and speed up delivery times.

But.... back to my kayak, it came by air, its only 12kg and under 2.7 meters long !!

View attachment 17265

And before you start moaning its not the same one, look at this b**** !!

The first pic lol :D agreed


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
I did not make false accusations on you bullying . I was reacting to you saying you didn't flag my post to the mod to get it removed. My accusation to King Charles III was a reasoned response to what I have read and heard from him along with news broadcasts. When someone learns Arabic they get to learn the Shahada and when said three times they become a muslim. I know what free speech is and people like yourself try and twist things suggesting I am an angry person. Its stupid keep saying you're Islamophobic just for speaking about a subject. It's just a word to try and vilify people or bully someone into being silent. So yes you are still bullying even though you didn't report the post as you say. There are some people who do agree with my statements so it is not true that I can't find a forum in the UK. People like yourself want to bully people off the site and will throw all sorts of claims and phobias on them to get your result. You may not find a site in the UK where grown ups will tolerate you ;)

I suspect that all is not well in your world, and I hope that you get the support that you are entitled to.

You made a thread specifically accusing King Charles lll of converting to Islam, and then denied it two minutes later.

You made this thread specifically accusing me of being a bully for reporting you to the mods and to warn other chatters, and now you are denying it two minutes later.

I mean, you even request that your name is deleted, simply because someone gave a like on a post you didn't approve off.

You have NO idea what free speech means. :D