Argumentative or congenial?


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Some on here like to debate (argue). Maybe they find it cathartic or perhaps they're just contentious types.
I'll interact with anyone on here but I never argue, I make my point and leave it at that. Sometimes I've been dying to react to a post, biting my fingers, but I stick to my forum rule - 'don't get sucked into an argument.' If I see anything on here that I don't like, I roll my eyes and just let it slide, because... they're never going to change their views and just knowing I'm in the right is enough for me and I can't be arsed!
Are you a combative or peaceful forum'er?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
b**** I know you wanna get the better of me..
I welcome it, just say what you have to say so I can DESTROY you ....... lmao
Gonna duck now cause lol

Lady, people get bent outta shape when they think they are right, but to be honest, none of us are right, we are baffled by facts, fiction, science, religion and emotion.
Hence we tend to get bent outta shape sometimes and attack the individual not the facts.
As Stephen Fry said,
"The English language is an arsenal of weapons. If you are going to brandish them without checking to see whether or not they are loaded, you must expect to have them explode in your face from time to time."
Thats why some are here, to watch, to learn or to push.