Anti-woker Laurence Fox seen booing the Queen using megaphone


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Laurence Fox seen booing the Queen through loudspeaker outside Buckingham Palace

Brave freedom fighter and vocal opponent of imaginary Marxism, Laurence Fox, has this afternoon been seen outside Bucking Palace booing loudly through a loudspeaker at the ‘woke lady-baby who lives there’.

Fox, who has been working hard over the last year to become a dismal failure at yet another career, said he was left with no choice but to get his loudspeaker out after reports emerged that the Queen is a supporter of the Black Lives Matters movement.

He told us, “Well, what could I do? I’ve been criticising woke footballers for taking the knee to a Marxist organisation, and cheering any time they get booed by the crowd, so it would be hypocritical of me to leave the Queen alone for supporting BLM, wouldn’t it?

“And if there’s one thing I am not, it’s an opportunistic hypocrite fuelled by synthetic outrage about issues that don’t exist.

“So I packed my megaphone and headed down to Buckingham Palace for a jolly good booing session.”

Tourists visiting the palace were left a little confused by Fox’s appearance.

Simon Williams, who was there with his family, told us, “I saw that clip of Laurence Fox ‘performing’ a song of his on morning television a while back, so I’ll be honest, I just thought he was serenading the Queen. The booing was actually very difficult to distinguish from his singing voice.

“But, as he kept telling people, we live in a free country, which is why he’s completely free to keep going around making himself look like a massive twat.”

Meanwhile, a Palace spokesperson said they were going to wait until Fox packed up to go him before they tell him that the Queen is actually a big supporter of Extinction Rebellion.

via News Thump online


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Great thread!


Laurence Fox is oversensitive even by the hard-rights standards (if that is possible). A sh** actor who got work solely because of his family name and who finally found his calling when that work quickly dried up.

Woke dis and Woke dat.

Funded by donations by hard-right extremists who blow smoke up his arse just like they did to that other prize nugget, Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson).

This cretin has been so brainwashed that he genuinely thought he would become London Mayor and stated publicly it was a close call. The IDIOT got a mere 47,634 votes, 1.9 percent, and lost his 10k deposit.

Has to keep making white noise to stay in the limelight that his sh**-acting career never gave him.

Craves the limelight and begs for attention. Pretty much like the rest of his mob.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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As stupid as stupid gets even by far-right standards and that takes some beating.

Actor Laurence Fox has raised controversy by claiming that the war film 1917 is "institutionally racist" for portraying a Sikh Soldier in the First World War trenches.

Sikh MP Tan Dhesi while hitting back at the actor says, "ignorance is said to be the privilege of the clueless. However, I was incensed by the posturing Laurence Fox, proving that empty vessels really do make the most noise."

The shoot-from-the-lip actor sounds a real bigot with the stupid assertion that Sam Mendes’ Oscar-nominated war epic 1917 is “institutionally racist” and “forcing diversity” because it includes a turbaned Sikh soldier in the trenches.

More than 1.5 million people from what is modern-day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh rallied to the cause and took up arms in what was the largest volunteer army in history.

Sikhs, famed around the globe for their military tradition, made up only 2% of the population of British India – yet they formed 20% of the British Indian Army during the First World War.

More than 83,000 turbaned Sikh soldiers laid down their lives and more than 100,000 were injured during the First and Second World Wars. The acts of bravery were exceptional – Victoria and Military Crosses were won. Sikhs lived and died on the Western Front, just like troops born in Slough and Sunderland, Stirling and Swansea.


These two self congratulating muppets are hilarious. Though not in any way that normal people would deem sane.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Laurence Fox has tearfully apologised for claiming he wanted the England football team to lose at the Euros after players took the knee.

The gesture is made in order to highlight racial inequality and discrimination.

Fox has been vocal about his criticisms against the England squad for taking the knee, which they have continued to do during the ongoing Euros tournament.

In one Twitter post shared earlier this week, the ex-actor said he was “embarrassed to be British” and called the England players “woke babies” and “weak men”.

The 43-year-old added that: “I hope any team but ours wins in any future sporting endeavour.”

Following England’s win against Denmark in the semi-finals on Wednesday (7 July), Fox has tearfully apologised for his comments and claimed he was now being bullied online merely for airing his hatred of the England national football team.

A spokesperson for Fox added "when Laurence has finally stopped snivelling like a little toddler we have lined up an exciting new project for him at the Wyvern Theatre in Swindon. The birthplace of his ex-wife Billie and Laurence is going to play a non-speaking part in the Christmas Panto and which we hope will lead on to bigger and better things in the near future."


I found this pic, I think it’s Shouty Man Sam, so I disguised his face slightly just in case he doesn’t want to be recognised in the street. And let’s face it, why would he? 874D51D7-E339-4B60-B52C-BD858846862C.jpeg


“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Churchill said it best eh Sam?


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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GEORGE W BUSH installed a bust of Winston Churchill in the Oval Office at the White House. When Barack Obama came to power he had the bust returned to Britain. Obama’s Kenyan grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama, was imprisoned in one of the concentration camps Churchill and his imperialists had invented.

Churchill was born in 1874 into a Britain that was painting huge areas of the world map bloody red.
Just three years later Victoria crowned herself Empress of India, and the r**e and pillage that would mark Britain’s advance across Africa and much more of the globe moved up a gear.

At Harrow School and then Sandhurst the young Winston learned the simple message: "the superior white man was conquering the primitive, dark-skinned natives, and bringing them the benefits of Christian civilisation".

Kenyan leader Jomo Kenyatta and later Archbishop Desmond Tutu would sum it up in a beautiful single paragraph. “When the British missionaries arrived, we Africans had the land and the minerals and the missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.”

As soon as he could, Churchill charged off to take his part in these various barbarous and criminal adventures. He described them as “a lot of jolly little wars against barbarous peoples.” First came the Swat Valley, now part of Pakistan. Here he judged his enemy were merely “deranged jihadists” whose violence was explained by a “strong aboriginal propensity to kill.” He gladly took part in raids that laid waste to whole valleys, destroying houses and burning crops.

Next, he popped up in Sudan, where he boasted that he personally shot at least three “savages.”
The young Churchill played his part enthusiastically in all kinds of imperial atrocities. When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers, he said they produced “the minimum of suffering.” The Boer death toll was in fact almost 28,000. At least 115,000 black Africans were swept into British camps, where 14,000 died. Churchill wrote of his “irritation that (racist word) should be allowed to fire on white men.” By now he was an MP and demanding a rolling programme of more imperialist conquests.

“The Aryan stock is bound to triumph,” was his battle cry.

As home secretary in 1911, he brought the artillery on to the streets of east London in a heavy-handed battle to flush out Latvian anarchists in the siege of Sydney Street. Welsh miners have never forgotten his outrages against the Tonypandy miners. As colonial secretary in the 1920s, he unleashed the notorious Black and Tan thugs on Ireland’s Catholic civilians. The Irish have never forgotten this cruelty.

When the Iraqis rebelled against British rule, Churchill said: “I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes.” Churchill, as we can see, was happy to be spokesman for brutal and brutish British imperialism. It seems Churchill was driven by a deep loathing of democracy for anyone other than God’s chosen race — the British.

This was clearest in his attitude to India. When Mahatma Gandhi launched his campaign of peaceful resistance, Churchill raged that he “ought to be lain bound hand and foot at the gates of Delhi, and then trampled on by an enormous elephant with the new viceroy seated on its back.” Churchill further announced: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” In 1943, a famine broke out in Bengal, and up to three million people starved to death. He bluntly refused any aid, raging that it was the Indians’ own fault for “breeding like rabbits.”

In Kenya, Churchill believed that the fertile highlands should be the exclusive preserve of the white settlers and approved the clearing out of the local “blackamoors.” He saw the local Kikuyu as “brutish children.” When they rebelled under Churchill’s post-war premiership, some 150,000 of them were forced at gunpoint into detention camps. He approved various kinds of torture, including electric shocks. whipping and shootings. Mau Mau suspects were burned and mutilated.

Hussein Onyango Obama was just one who never truly recovered from the torture he endured.

As colonial secretary, Churchill offered what he called the Holy Land to both the Jews and the Arabs — although he had racist contempt for both. He jeered at the Palestinians as “barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung,” while he was appalled that the Israelis “take it for granted that the local population will be cleared out to suit their convenience.”

After the war, he was quick to invent the iron curtain as he started the cold war against his hated Bolsheviks despite the fact that they had been his greatest ally in defeating Hitler. When he was re-elected prime minister in the 1951 election he rapidly restarted various imperialist adventures. There was the so-called Malayan Emergency, Kenya, and of course the Korean war.

Churchill hated communism at home and abroad. He was always a supporter of British intervention in the young Soviet state, declaring that Bolshevism must be “strangled in its cradle.” He convinced his divided and loosely organised Cabinet to intervene despite strong opposition from Labour.

In the 1926 General Strike Churchill edited the government’s newspaper, the British Gazette, and used it to put forward his anti-union, anti-Labour, anti-socialist rantings. He even recommended that the food convoys from the docks should be guarded by tanks, armoured cars and hidden machine guns.

Ironically his reputation as an outstanding orator was based on a lie. We now know that Churchill’s most famous radio speeches of the war were delivered by an actor, Norman Shelley.
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Let's also not forget YouTube prankster Niko Omilana also thrashed Fox in the London Mayoral contest.

Omilana hilariously ran on a manifesto that stated-




UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I agree with a lot of things Laurence Fox comes out with, though I've vehemently disagreed with other things he's said, it's all about tolerance...
I loved him in the tv series 'Victoria'. It's a shame his acting career has stalled because he dared to speak out..


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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1. A person who behaves in the manner of a character, usually by reciting scripted dialogue, in order to entertain an audience, especially in a play, movie, or television show.

Now, exactly how is the attention-seeking Fox able to act again for an audience authentically after spewing out his mid-life crisis in a public frenzy including all the numerous issues that make him really really angry.

How could he now play a role believably for an audience that he despises and has publicly stated he despises. Playing characters he despises and has publicly stated he despises.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you...

Fox was never an A-lister (even on TV), will never be an A-lister, and which is supported by his résumé which quite frankly is piss poor for someone who had massive advantages in the industry (Fox dynasty) compared to his acting compatriots.

A spoiled brat who will now quite rightly sink back into the irrelevance from which he emerged and no matter how many times he pipes up with his latest intolerance and the A-Z of what makes him very very very very angry.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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I agree with his stance towards the prevailing attitudes (the word 'woke' is not part of my vocabulary, in this context). However, he just comes across as an upper-class twit and does himself and his cause no favours.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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But that's the nub of it, isn't it. The man comes from a background of privilege. Fox appears to believe that he is battling on behalf of the little people, the likes of me and you, with that colonial mindset, that because he is superior to us we can't possibly think for ourselves. "Woke" does not affect his life one way or another and to be an actor he must surely have been "woke" his entire career anyway until acting parts started drying up in his 40s to younger and or better actors.


UKChat Expert
Jun 24, 2019
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I agree with his stance towards the prevailing attitudes (the word 'woke' is not part of my vocabulary, in this context). However, he just comes across as an upper-class twit and does himself and his cause no favours.
it makes you wonder, is he any real different to the opposite side of the socio-political spectrum in the terms that hes spouting off about being anti woke and how people should be viewing the world but if he got completely cancelled, he could no doubt live on his savings, investments and inheritance for the rest of his life. Its a cause that if failed, wouldnt affect him, hed just disappear to a cottage in the country.


UKChat Expert
Jan 8, 2018
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Than he was possible alone booing! Otherwise you don't need a MEGAPHONE!!!!!


GEORGE W BUSH installed a bust of Winston Churchill in the Oval Office at the White House. When Barack Obama came to power he had the bust returned to Britain. Obama’s Kenyan grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama, was imprisoned in one of the concentration camps Churchill and his imperialists had invented.

Churchill was born in 1874 into a Britain that was painting huge areas of the world map bloody red.
Just three years later Victoria crowned herself Empress of India, and the r**e and pillage that would mark Britain’s advance across Africa and much more of the globe moved up a gear.

At Harrow School and then Sandhurst the young Winston learned the simple message: "the superior white man was conquering the primitive, dark-skinned natives, and bringing them the benefits of Christian civilisation".

Kenyan leader Jomo Kenyatta and later Archbishop Desmond Tutu would sum it up in a beautiful single paragraph. “When the British missionaries arrived, we Africans had the land and the minerals and the missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.”

As soon as he could, Churchill charged off to take his part in these various barbarous and criminal adventures. He described them as “a lot of jolly little wars against barbarous peoples.” First came the Swat Valley, now part of Pakistan. Here he judged his enemy were merely “deranged jihadists” whose violence was explained by a “strong aboriginal propensity to kill.” He gladly took part in raids that laid waste to whole valleys, destroying houses and burning crops.

Next, he popped up in Sudan, where he boasted that he personally shot at least three “savages.”
The young Churchill played his part enthusiastically in all kinds of imperial atrocities. When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers, he said they produced “the minimum of suffering.” The Boer death toll was in fact almost 28,000. At least 115,000 black Africans were swept into British camps, where 14,000 died. Churchill wrote of his “irritation that (racist word) should be allowed to fire on white men.” By now he was an MP and demanding a rolling programme of more imperialist conquests.

“The Aryan stock is bound to triumph,” was his battle cry.

As home secretary in 1911, he brought the artillery on to the streets of east London in a heavy-handed battle to flush out Latvian anarchists in the siege of Sydney Street. Welsh miners have never forgotten his outrages against the Tonypandy miners. As colonial secretary in the 1920s, he unleashed the notorious Black and Tan thugs on Ireland’s Catholic civilians. The Irish have never forgotten this cruelty.

When the Iraqis rebelled against British rule, Churchill said: “I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes.” Churchill, as we can see, was happy to be spokesman for brutal and brutish British imperialism. It seems Churchill was driven by a deep loathing of democracy for anyone other than God’s chosen race — the British.

This was clearest in his attitude to India. When Mahatma Gandhi launched his campaign of peaceful resistance, Churchill raged that he “ought to be lain bound hand and foot at the gates of Delhi, and then trampled on by an enormous elephant with the new viceroy seated on its back.” Churchill further announced: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” In 1943, a famine broke out in Bengal, and up to three million people starved to death. He bluntly refused any aid, raging that it was the Indians’ own fault for “breeding like rabbits.”

In Kenya, Churchill believed that the fertile highlands should be the exclusive preserve of the white settlers and approved the clearing out of the local “blackamoors.” He saw the local Kikuyu as “brutish children.” When they rebelled under Churchill’s post-war premiership, some 150,000 of them were forced at gunpoint into detention camps. He approved various kinds of torture, including electric shocks. whipping and shootings. Mau Mau suspects were burned and mutilated.

Hussein Onyango Obama was just one who never truly recovered from the torture he endured.

As colonial secretary, Churchill offered what he called the Holy Land to both the Jews and the Arabs — although he had racist contempt for both. He jeered at the Palestinians as “barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung,” while he was appalled that the Israelis “take it for granted that the local population will be cleared out to suit their convenience.”

After the war, he was quick to invent the iron curtain as he started the cold war against his hated Bolsheviks despite the fact that they had been his greatest ally in defeating Hitler. When he was re-elected prime minister in the 1951 election he rapidly restarted various imperialist adventures. There was the so-called Malayan Emergency, Kenya, and of course the Korean war.

Churchill hated communism at home and abroad. He was always a supporter of British intervention in the young Soviet state, declaring that Bolshevism must be “strangled in its cradle.” He convinced his divided and loosely organised Cabinet to intervene despite strong opposition from Labour.

In the 1926 General Strike Churchill edited the government’s newspaper, the British Gazette, and used it to put forward his anti-union, anti-Labour, anti-socialist rantings. He even recommended that the food convoys from the docks should be guarded by tanks, armoured cars and hidden machine guns.

Ironically his reputation as an outstanding orator was based on a lie. We now know that Churchill’s most famous radio speeches of the war were delivered by an actor, Norman Shelley.
Nobody cares. Don’t you realise that? You’re hilarious.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Now you get why I dumped him, by Billie Piper


For the eight years I was married to Lawrence Fox I thought I had irritable bowel syndrome because there was a constantly whining arsehole in the house. And then I realised it wasn’t mine.

I distinctly remember the morning I realised. I was getting the kids their Coco Pops and wishing my guts would stop making that awful, high-pitched blarting sound when I realised my husband’s mouth was moving in sync with the noise.

I stopped short and handed him a cup of tea. As he drank, the flatulence immediately ceased only to begin again the moment he removed the mug from his lips. Drinking – silence, not drinking – paaaaaaarp.

And then the penny dropped – I’d visited doctors and specialists on three continents to try and fix my ringpiece and then it turned out what I really needed to sort out the ringpiece in my life was a divorce lawyer.

And now you’re all seeing what I had to cope with for the better part of a decade. The incessant guffy flobbering which only about 1% of weirdos actually enjoy – and he keeps a straight face whilst he’s doing it so someone else will get the blame as he stinks the room out from one end or the other.

Once you realise that it’s not you, you just have to get rid. I did, and I think now you get why.

via - News Thump


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Can we not separate the man from his art? I still sing along to Garry Glitter's 'Leader of the gang', I can enjoy movies produced by Harvey Weinstein or directed by Roman Polanski etc. So someone's political views, to me, are nothing!


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Laurence Fox and Art in the same sentence!


That would be like carefully listening to a chimpanzee randomly bash a club against a tree, cupping a hand behind an ear, and declaring quietly, 'aaa yes reminds me of Keith Moon at his peak playing Young Man Blues at Leeds in 1970.'

How can you separate "art" from a man so devoid of morality he would sell his own mother if it meant he won a major part in a Hollywood movie playing a role he has publicly stated he despises.
