Something you should ALL be aware of. Covid-19.


UKChat Newbie
Nov 30, 2020
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People don't even bother wearing masks in why is everyone complaining ?


UKChat Familiar
Feb 2, 2018
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There are so many great informers out there if you know where to look and have a keen nose for the truth but sadly many are being banned from youtube, twitter and facebook and trying to get the message out there through alternative platforms. Daily things are changing to such a rate that unless you are two steps ahead you will get left behind. As for the comment of the lady in the clip lets not forget it took this year for some people to finally see the corruption of the system. Ok back to putting my tin foil hat on.


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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I actually agree with some of what she is saying .

The problem is that it's coming from the 'wrong person'.

She admits to having owned a multi million turnover business for 16 yrs, until her business failed and she 'saw the shadow side of business'.

Why didn't she question anything whilst the millions were rolling in?

Because she was part of it all.

These people are as bad as the people she is talking about, in my opinion.

There could actually be money involved in what she is doing now ( propaganda against the New World Order, etc) - she was after all a 'business woman'.

The virus (whether she likes it or not) does exist and it can (and does) kill people with underlying health issues .

Obviously this doesn't mean that these people 'Die of Covid', but 'With Covid'.

Doesn't make much of a difference though, as if you're a healthy person who has contracted the virus and are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, means that if you come into contact with a person who has underlying health issues and neither of you are wearing suitable protection (masks mentioned below) the vulnerable person could actually contract the virus via droplets and become violently ill or even die.
This is where the 'protection' phase' comes in, in order to avoid such situations.

A small percentage of healthy people also die 'Of Covid'.

Anyone could be part of this small percentage of people dying of Covid, it could either be me, you or her.

Who are we to say who's going to be next?

So how does she think this problem can be solved?

How does she think people living on the breadline or the elderly, who are a large part of society, lots of whom have underlying health issues and could die if being exposed to Covid 19 (and often do) are going to deal with what she is saying?

Is she going to give these people an alternative to the Covid 19 vaccine?

Is she going to give them an alternative to wearing a mask ?
Possibly an FPP3 one with a valve or a surgical mask (which needs changing every 8 hrs in order to be effective against transmitting the virus to others, but won't do much for keeping the virus out if the people you are talking to aren't wearing one) - the rest of the masks you can bin, as they are basically uselsss against the virus.

Is she going to give people an alternative to social distancing ?

Is she going to give people a large house out in the country, with lots of land (as opposed to the tiny 40 sq yard flats or tiny houses they live in), so that they can self isolate there instead, in order to avoid contracting the virus?

Is she going to give people money for better food, better doctors, alternative medicine (which is expensive), in order to keep their immune system in tip top condition?

Is she going to give people an education (or money in order to get a better eductaion), so that they can better themselves and can aspire to lead the kind of life that she is living?

The answer is 'NO'.

It's easy talking from an Ivory Tower..

I've seen it all before .

Fair comment. :)


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
How can this be right?...I really feel for this woman and her staff. Totally ridiculous.
