President Trump


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Shocking and deeply upsetting scenes in Pennsylvania... He was inches from death, if he hadn't turned to the right just before the gunman opened fire he'd have been killed. My heart goes out to the people killed or wounded in the crowd.
But have the conspiracy theory idiots started yet? Give them time... e.g
There's an iconic photo showing the bullet passing Trump's ear... clearly photoshopped! :rolleyes:
The gunman was allowed to open fire before he was taken out... :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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The photo, probably isnt photoshopped, a bullet does tend to leave a disturbance in the air that can be caught on camera, especially if it actually hit something which it can drag along in its wake.
As for if it actually hit him or not, the theory is that a bullet can cause damage when it passes close to something without actually hitting it, hydrostatic shock, is debated scientifically, which is surprising, take a .50 cal and shoot it next to a Gel shot catcher and see what happens, not that hard to prove.
Common theory is, that to cause trauma, it has to actually hit, especially if it was a simple AR (AR stands for Armalite, the manufacturer, not Assualt Rifle which the media like to pedal, which it isn't) rifle like the reports suggest, probably a .22 or 5.56mm (different calibers), smaller caliber, hence less surrounding energy.

Secret service policy is never to open fire first, so thats standard, however, if they identified a threat such as a sniper on a rooftop, they should have dragged him off the podium.
The fact that a sniper got that close is a serious feck up, Secret Service snipers engaged him within 3 seconds of him opening fire, they could have dropped a bullet near him before he started to fire.
However I dont know policy on that.

I do wonder though, I have spoken to several people since the incident and many of them think it would be better if he had died, because he is "Dangerous"
I mean, I don't like him much, he is an egotistical asshole, but another Hitler?
Seems to me, when you ask anyone why they hate him so much, they can't actually say why.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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With the fear of being prosecuted in the current climate, police officers may think twice before firing on civilians. Bear in mind, Wisconsin is an
'open carry' state, meaning you can legally walk around carrying a rifle. Perhaps this was enough to make the police and secret service hesitate...


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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Why is the head lines

President Trump hes not the usa President hes only running to try to be the next one​



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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All ex presidents are referred to as president as a mark of respect, has been that way for a long time.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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With the fear of being prosecuted in the current climate, police officers may think twice before firing on civilians. Bear in mind, Wisconsin is an
'open carry' state, meaning you can legally walk around carrying a rifle. Perhaps this was enough to make the police and secret service hesitate...

People don't get, secret service isn't above the law, they cannot kill someone because they "Think" someone is gonna take out a president.
The last assasination attempt was close range, Reagen in what was it 81, they don't have updated policies for lone sniper since Kennedy.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Officially, Trump's correct title is 'Former President Trump', but as pointed out ^^^ Ex-Presidents are referred to as President.
Speaking of Presidents...
I see President Biden has been forced out... they couldn't risk four more years of "A Weekend at Bernie's". :)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Officially, Trump's correct title is 'Former President Trump', but as pointed out ^^^ Ex-Presidents are referred to as President.
Speaking of Presidents...
I see President Biden has been forced out... they couldn't risk four more years of "A Weekend at Bernie's". :)
The conspiracy nuts are saying Biden is already dead cause he has not been seen since the 17th and Harris dropped the ball by slipping up during his speach at her rally was pre-recorded.
Plus theres some doubt over the signature on the letter he used to say he wont be running this year and there is no white house seal.

People are going a bit mental over it.
Some are saying its him being forced out while in lockdown for his COVID scare, some are saying he has gone, even if he is ok the money has passed to Harris.
I mean, lets be fair, Harris has no chance of winning, she polls worse than Biden.
I may have to eat those words, but I doubt it, she had a shite history as a prosecutor and Tulsi Gabbard destroyed her in debates.

One the other side, the big "blonde" asshole Trump "I took a bullet for Democracy", really, ffs, you got nicked in the ear.
Talk about the guy who died covering his daughter from stray rounds, not your ear..
Fecking narcissist.

Is Biden already dead, no idea, has he been "Handled" considering the court cases that would be coming his way in 2025?
No idea, but it's funny to see the internet at work.
For myself, I hope the president is alive and well, because otherwise, we have a whole new problem of presidentail change under the constitution if he isn't seen soon.
The Democrats have handled this rather well given the limited timeline of voters thinking, Harris, if a Black, Woman, loses, then in 4 yours they can pick someone who would actually be good at the job without recrimination, even if its an old white man who likes to sniff young girls hair.. apparently.., again, lol.

Either way, both the US and the UK are fecked.


UKChat Newbie
Aug 1, 2024
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The photo, probably isnt photoshopped, a bullet does tend to leave a disturbance in the air that can be caught on camera, especially if it actually hit something which it can drag along in its wake.
As for if it actually hit him or not, the theory is that a bullet can cause damage when it passes close to something without actually hitting it, hydrostatic shock, is debated scientifically, which is surprising, take a .50 cal and shoot it next to a Gel shot catcher and see what happens, not that hard to prove.
Common theory is, that to cause trauma, it has to actually hit, especially if it was a simple AR (AR stands for Armalite, the manufacturer, not Assualt Rifle which the media like to pedal, which it isn't) rifle like the reports suggest, probably a .22 or 5.56mm (different calibers), smaller caliber, hence less surrounding energy.

Secret service policy is never to open fire first, so thats standard, however, if they identified a threat such as a sniper on a rooftop, they should have dragged him off the podium.
The fact that a sniper got that close is a serious feck up, Secret Service snipers engaged him within 3 seconds of him opening fire, they could have dropped a bullet near him before he started to fire.
However I dont know policy on that.

I do wonder though, I have spoken to several people since the incident and many of them think it would be better if he had died, because he is "Dangerous"
I mean, I don't like him much, he is an egotistical asshole, but another Hitler?
Seems to me, when you ask anyone why they hate him so much, they can't actually say why.
I can say why I personally don’t like him (as a US citizen) is because he is toxic and divisive. He lives to pick fights, to deride and insult anything he doesn’t care for.

He has these ultra extreme followers in the middle of the country who believe everything he says. They are out on corners on weekends yelling and waving flags of support. They go to peoples houses and put unwanted signs in the yards. We have had several people come here to our house and try…and fail.

All of these criminal charges will never allow him to see any real time in jail and this is just what we know about. He was buddies with Jeffrey Epstein and one can surmise he was at those parties, at least from the videos that have surfaced.

He has damaged people financially and physically. He has extorted people out of money with sham businesses for his own personal gains. He once said he could walk out onto 5th Avenue in New York and shoot someone in the face and get away with it and I believe he’s right. It’s a crazy cult he’s got whipped up and it’s scary.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Trump is an asshole, on that we agree, but ask youself why he has support.
It's immigration.
It's the same as what is going down in the UK at the moment.
People are fed up, rightly or wrongly with the immigration into their countries.

Yes immigration causes damage to economies, but it also benefits them.
It depends on the birth rate.
If you dont have a growth of inflation equal to a growth of taxpayers then you will get a disparity.
If folks don't have enough kids to pay for their parents pensions you have to import someone who does.

Hence, with more women working on their career, not having kids, we need more immigrants to pay taxes so someone can pay thier pensions.

Thats a very simplistic view, reality is a lot more complex, it has to do with education, social mobility and belief structures.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Trump is an asshole, on that we agree, but ask youself why he has support.
It's immigration.
It's the same as what is going down in the UK at the moment.
People are fed up, rightly or wrongly with the immigration into their countries.

Yes immigration causes damage to economies, but it also benefits them.
It depends on the birth rate.
If you dont have a growth of inflation equal to a growth of taxpayers then you will get a disparity.
If folks don't have enough kids to pay for their parents pensions you have to import someone who does.

Hence, with more women working on their career, not having kids, we need more immigrants to pay taxes so someone can pay thier pensions.

Thats a very simplistic view, reality is a lot more complex, it has to do with education, social mobility and belief structures.

How many times do you need to say shut up?

Drinking and speaking ON- LINE...

Simplistic 'View'?...Ah ok ....we talking Simplistic...OR just a simple View?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Altair, what is your problem tonight?


Nemesis of the Trolls - Especially dumb ones
Aug 10, 2024
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Officially, Trump's correct title is 'Former President Trump', but as pointed out ^^^ Ex-Presidents are referred to as President.
Speaking of Presidents...
I see President Biden has been forced out... they couldn't risk four more years of "A Weekend at Bernie's". :)
LOL Terrible...terribly funny too though.


Nemesis of the Trolls - Especially dumb ones
Aug 10, 2024
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The photo, probably isnt photoshopped, a bullet does tend to leave a disturbance in the air that can be caught on camera, especially if it actually hit something which it can drag along in its wake.
As for if it actually hit him or not, the theory is that a bullet can cause damage when it passes close to something without actually hitting it, hydrostatic shock, is debated scientifically, which is surprising, take a .50 cal and shoot it next to a Gel shot catcher and see what happens, not that hard to prove.
Common theory is, that to cause trauma, it has to actually hit, especially if it was a simple AR (AR stands for Armalite, the manufacturer, not Assualt Rifle which the media like to pedal, which it isn't) rifle like the reports suggest, probably a .22 or 5.56mm (different calibers), smaller caliber, hence less surrounding energy.

Secret service policy is never to open fire first, so thats standard, however, if they identified a threat such as a sniper on a rooftop, they should have dragged him off the podium.
The fact that a sniper got that close is a serious feck up, Secret Service snipers engaged him within 3 seconds of him opening fire, they could have dropped a bullet near him before he started to fire.
However I dont know policy on that.

I do wonder though, I have spoken to several people since the incident and many of them think it would be better if he had died, because he is "Dangerous"
I mean, I don't like him much, he is an egotistical asshole, but another Hitler?
Seems to me, when you ask anyone why they hate him so much, they can't actually say why.
Well, he turned many people into newts, supposedly, although they did get better.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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I would have thought is was obvious that Trump would be a target for assassination, so it's hard to understand why he put himself in such a vulnerable position. He may be the choice of a large section of the population, but he is not the choice of those who are really in charge of the country.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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To win the election, they first tried impeachment to get rid of him, then they tried bankrupting him, then they tried to jail him. It didn't work. All that was left was assassination :eek: That didn't work, so instead, they replaced President Biden!


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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The Secret Services team was crap, from start to finish. Irrespective of whether it was because of complacency, inexperience, or just jaded old veterans serving out their time, etc. The crème de la crème, the best of the best, protect the serving President and I guess Trump got what was given, right?

They let him put his shoes back on when they should have man (woman) handled him off the stage to safety immediately. They left multiple gaps as they surrounded him, and even allowing him to pump his fist at the crowd. A “trained” sniper would have killed him stone-cold dead from that distance.

What I noticed though was this, which is dryly amusing, and go to 3.25. The Secret Service agent draws her weapon, then a few seconds later goes to re holster it but fvcks it up quite a few times, then acts as if nothing had happened before she finally did holster it.



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Tis true Kev, was a local SWAT team member who shot first, hit the weapon, which probably explains why the next reounds went off target and killed a member of the crowd, then a secret service sniper took him out.

What baffles me is that a local police officer was already climbing up there to investigate that rooftop, we have this with bodycam footage, while the Secret service team, where on the floor below the "assassin" didn't do sh**.

Baffles me how they can be so bad.
You never take a floor lower than the roof if your a sniper.
Unless theres no choice.