School Children identifying as Animals.


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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The GovT is getting exactly what they ORDERED. They do not want our children to be Educated. They do not want them to think too much, so they don't get in the way of all the 'Important People' later down the line.

There is an entire generation that have never read a book in their whole life. All planned. The last thing the GovT want is a concious and informed public, capable of critical thinking. The most incredible aspect of all this, Such is the social pressure and manipulation, to be something you are NOT, under a disguise that it is 'Normal' and 'Acceptable'.. would not be forced upon Children...Rather the Children will Demand it.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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One child is identifying as The Moon, another thinks he/she/they whatever!:rolleyes: is a mushroom. This is just getting silly now. It's the teachers I feel sorry for because they have to go along with this nonsense.


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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One child is identifying as The Moon, another thinks he/she/they whatever!:rolleyes: is a mushroom. This is just getting silly now. It's the teachers I feel sorry for because they have to go along with this nonsense.
It's the Kids who I feel sorry for. All their life they will have to bear Identifying as an Animal or whatever.

Then when they actually wake up...Oh life is not like this really and i'm actually a Human being?

That shock is going to send them into meltdown.

Especially when they come to claim their Pension...Sorry...No pension for ANIMALS or Mushrooms or Planets.

Those identifying as such do not qualify for a pension.!

I agree with you though. I could be a good teacher.. but I wouldn't set foot in a class room these days.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Woke brigade have gone too far after toddler identifies as a little teapot

A teacher has been left stunned and confused after a small child declared themselves to be a little teapot, short and stout.

“I just didn’t know what to say,” Del Ikate-Mowrun told us this morning, wringing his hands in despair.

“I’ve heard horror stories on GB News about children choosing to identify as cats, the moon and I’ve heard loads of hilarious comedians – also on GB News – make jokes about people identifying as attack helicopters, but to hear it in real life was a bit of a shock.”

He explained, “Little Timmy, who is only three years old, toddled over to me yesterday afternoon and just told me very calmly that he was not a boy, as we had all assumed he was, but that instead, he identified as a little teapot, short and stout. He even then tried to pretend that one of his arms was a handle, and the other was a spout. It’s tragic.

“I blame the woke brigade for relentlessly pushing the LGBTQIA+ agenda on us. Thank goodness we have sane, rational people like Laurence Fox to fight back and restore some reason to this mad world.”

Timmy, three-and-a-half, told us, “Well, this situation is quite frankly ridiculous, as anyone with a shred of common sense can see.

“As a cisgender male, I was merely singing my favourite song, and not, as my teacher thought, declaring my gender identity.”

Sighing, he concluded, “I wish his generation weren’t such a bunch of terrified reactionary snowflakes.”



A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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“I blame the woke brigade for relentlessly pushing the LGBTQIA+ agenda on us. Thank goodness we have sane, rational people like Laurence Fox to fight back and restore some reason to this mad world.”

The failed actor and all round narcissist, burned rainbow bunting in his back garden the other day and then gleefully turned back to the camera as if he had just stormed a trench in the Somme and wiped out all the occupants single-handedly armed with just an old frying pan and a toothpick.

The privileged, pampered brat, truly does believe he is a 21st century Ernesto Guevara or Gandhi type figure.

While all the adults think mate, you're 46 years old with two children and if it really bothers you that much get off your self-important arse and go and burn a rainbow flag at an actual Pride event.

When a butch, 'Owl', will then proceed to splatter your elongated snout all over your gaunt face. :)



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The failed actor and all round narcissist, burned rainbow bunting in his back garden the other day and then gleefully turned back to the camera as if he had just stormed a trench in the Somme and wiped out all the occupants single-handedly armed with just an old frying pan and a toothpick.

The privileged, pampered brat, truly does believe he is a 21st century Ernesto Guevara or Gandhi type figure.

While all the adults think mate, you're 46 years old with two children and if it really bothers you that much get off your self-important arse and go and burn a rainbow flag at an actual Pride event.

When a butch, 'Owl', will then proceed to splatter your elongated snout all over your gaunt face. :)

LOL at the trench storming! Isn't that the truth about that Fox fella.

What a pearl clutching, snivelling King Snowflake of all snowflakes he is.

That bunting burning effort of his HA HA HA HA + HA. My god that was pampered pathetic.

Bloody hell, he whines and complains and whinges and moans and whines more that anyone other that the Emperor of Snowflakery, Mr Orangeman himself, Trump the turd.

I'm waiting for the day he pulls up his big boy pants, stops with the shouty pussy man, reactionary lying rhetoric to stir up the gammon base and just get on with it without complaining or blaming some other f.ucker other that himself for the total shitty mess he has caused. What a total privileged c.unt he is.

I would pay to see him getting arse whacked at a Pride event. Splatted snout and all!


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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Bloody hell, he whines and complains and whinges and moans and whines more that anyone other that the Emperor of Snowflakery, Mr Orangeman himself, Trump the turd.


But he doesn't put in any effort into whining about anything that is actually relevant does he, like the possible bankruptcy and collapse of Thames Water, or the threat by the monopolised sector to put up water bills by 40% +, apparently to improve the infrastructure. After paying out more than 6 billion in dividends since privatisation, mounting debt to meet those dividend demands and subsequently dumping shi*t in the sea near the beaches our children play on.

The financial burden doesn't affect him or those of that ilk one way or another.

Instead, they get all butch and macho because the right wing MSM had the mother of all hissy fits about a few school kids taking the piss.

These right-wing bellends bully the minorities who have NO impact on their privileged lives whatsoever. The tory establishment useful fools and when they are no longer of any use they will be discarded among that shi*t being pumped into our seas and rivers. :rolleyes:


UKChat Familiar
Nov 9, 2018
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I feel sorry for the LGBT community tbh, their cause has been infiltrated by maniacs and every bit of inclusion they've fought for so rightly is being undermined by a minority of lunatics. Love is Love, however, maniacs should be avoided at all costs.


✪ Administrator
Jan 3, 2018
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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If a man identifies as a man, he is misogynistic, toxic and a monster.
If a Trans man identifies as a man, he is stunning and brave.

Funny how that works.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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The scary part about all this is children identifying as anything- they don't know who they are, never mind understand the experiences of someone/something else enough to identify as them/it. I 'identified' as a boy on and off throughout my childhood- I thought boys had it easier and was what was known as a 'tomboy', although I'm very glad now that I lived in a time with common sense and logic. I'm sure nowadays, some idiotic 24 year old parading as a 'teacher' would have rushed to start calling me 'him' and shoving leaflets in my hand about hormones and top surgery. Seems to be the done thing.

But then, their inspiration has to come from somewhere and where better than the he-she's in charge of big pharmaceutical companies who profit from the life time of maintenance treatment involved in transgender surgeries. Trans propaganda is everywhere, so clearly someone is profiting, but hey, lots and lots and lots of children are just born in the wrong body :oops:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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The scary part about all this is children identifying as anything- they don't know who they are, never mind understand the experiences of someone/something else enough to identify as them/it. I 'identified' as a boy on and off throughout my childhood- I thought boys had it easier and was what was known as a 'tomboy', although I'm very glad now that I lived in a time with common sense and logic. I'm sure nowadays, some idiotic 24 year old parading as a 'teacher' would have rushed to start calling me 'him' and shoving leaflets in my hand about hormones and top surgery. Seems to be the done thing.

But then, their inspiration has to come from somewhere and where better than the he-she's in charge of big pharmaceutical companies who profit from the life time of maintenance treatment involved in transgender surgeries. Trans propaganda is everywhere, so clearly someone is profiting, but hey, lots and lots and lots of children are just born in the wrong body :oops:

The worst thing is, it is destroying both the gay community and womens protected rights.
If a "Legal age" teen (16 in the UK) wants to be sexual with whoever, they have that right.
My problem is, we are taking pre "Legal" kids and transitioning them out of being gay into being something they may or may not be.

I cannot understand the need to return to typical gender descriptions by transitioning children.
Surely when they are adult enough to chose what sexual preference they have should be the earliest time on could consider transitioning, if at all.

I know that 3 of my best mates daughters friends thought they were lesbians until they reached about 18 to 20, then they figured out they just didnt like asshole young men who watched to much porn and had stupid ideas of what a sexual relationship really is for men and women.

Times have changed with sexual expectations, young men and porn, bad idea, yet the porn industry "Empowers" women, its a dichotomy which we dont have an answer for yet.

I think its to early in the research cycle to be attempting to change human nature to fit expectations of what is or is not juvenile belief.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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The worst thing is, it is destroying both the gay community and womens protected rights.
If a "Legal age" teen (16 in the UK) wants to be sexual with whoever, they have that right.
My problem is, we are taking pre "Legal" kids and transitioning them out of being gay into being something they may or may not be.

I cannot understand the need to return to typical gender descriptions by transitioning children.
Surely when they are adult enough to chose what sexual preference they have should be the earliest time on could consider transitioning, if at all.

I know that 3 of my best mates daughters friends thought they were lesbians until they reached about 18 to 20, then they figured out they just didnt like asshole young men who watched to much porn and had stupid ideas of what a sexual relationship really is for men and women.

Times have changed with sexual expectations, young men and porn, bad idea, yet the porn industry "Empowers" women, its a dichotomy which we dont have an answer for yet.

I think its to early in the research cycle to be attempting to change human nature to fit expectations of what is or is not juvenile belief.
Lol. You are preaching to the preacher, my dear Moriarty ;) There's only so much one can say here for fear of being banned for transphobia, but hey, if you're ever on X/Twitter, you'll find me following Julie Bidel, Standing for Women, Maya Forrester, JK Rowling and the like.

One thing I have to point out, you like many have confused two factors that are being intentionally meshed as part of the gender ideology rhetoric- sexuality and gender identity. They are not one and the same, yet tagging identity issues and autogynephilics on to the LGB makes them more acceptable. In fact, it ensures victimhood and instant acceptance, riding off the back of innocent people who fought for the right to simply love. I see your connection in that children are being transitioned out of being gay and trans-gender ideology is a new form of gay conversation. There is also the pressure on the gay community to accept trans as 'gay', for example, a M2F 'lesbian' and being called transphobic if you don't want to date someone who is trans.

The medical (and psychological) experiment of children has been exposed with the Tavistock clinic and the perversion of it all was kindly exposed by the child abusers in charge at Mermaids. The amount of de-transitioners finally speaking up is devastatingly eye-opening- how they were convinced to go through the process, how quickly they were rushed through the procedure, the lack of psychological care prior to surgery and the lack of preparation for the long-term issues. But not just that, the experiment in general is being exposed with accounts from post op middle aged transwomen of the problems with their neo-vagina, the constant pain and sexual problems. The whole silly, sorry state of affairs is one big experiment. Right down to the recent breakthroughs in womb transplants. Remember- for an experiment, it produces better results with the biggest population of test subjects you can find.

The effect this ideology is having on women's rights is horrific. We are being relegated to 'womb havers', no longer have the right to private spaces that ensure safety away from someone who possesses the ability to rape us, and are expected to be okay with being abused and called 'Far-right' and a 'Terf', because we don't want over-sexualised men, parading their AGP at story-time with our children. We are being vilified for having boundaries against sexual deviance and what is clearly either a fetish or an identity issue that needs to be addressed with a psychiatrist.

Sex is dimorphic and gender is made-up and upheld by those fixated on stereotypes.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Lol. You are preaching to the preacher, my dear Moriarty ;) There's only so much one can say here for fear of being banned for transphobia, but hey, if you're ever on X/Twitter, you'll find me following Julie Bidel, Standing for Women, Maya Forrester, JK Rowling and the like.

One thing I have to point out, you like many have confused two factors that are being intentionally meshed as part of the gender ideology rhetoric- sexuality and gender identity. They are not one and the same, yet tagging identity issues and autogynephilics on to the LGB makes them more acceptable. In fact, it ensures victimhood and instant acceptance, riding off the back of innocent people who fought for the right to simply love. I see your connection in that children are being transitioned out of being gay and trans-gender ideology is a new form of gay conversation. There is also the pressure on the gay community to accept trans as 'gay', for example, a M2F 'lesbian' and being called transphobic if you don't want to date someone who is trans.

The medical (and psychological) experiment of children has been exposed with the Tavistock clinic and the perversion of it all was kindly exposed by the child abusers in charge at Mermaids. The amount of de-transitioners finally speaking up is devastatingly eye-opening- how they were convinced to go through the process, how quickly they were rushed through the procedure, the lack of psychological care prior to surgery and the lack of preparation for the long-term issues. But not just that, the experiment in general is being exposed with accounts from post op middle aged transwomen of the problems with their neo-vagina, the constant pain and sexual problems. The whole silly, sorry state of affairs is one big experiment. Right down to the recent breakthroughs in womb transplants. Remember- for an experiment, it produces better results with the biggest population of test subjects you can find.

The effect this ideology is having on women's rights is horrific. We are being relegated to 'womb havers', no longer have the right to private spaces that ensure safety away from someone who possesses the ability to rape us, and are expected to be okay with being abused and called 'Far-right' and a 'Terf', because we don't want over-sexualised men, parading their AGP at story-time with our children. We are being vilified for having boundaries against sexual deviance and what is clearly either a fetish or an identity issue that needs to be addressed with a psychiatrist.

Sex is dimorphic and gender is made-up and upheld by those fixated on stereotypes.

I prefer Posie Parker.
I dont confuse sex with gender, simply because both are constructs of science be that biological or psychological.
Sex is scientifically shown by physical characteristics, there are several, male, female and a spectrum in between where genetalia differs from the so called "norms" of male and female.
Gender is a Social construct based on how one feels about oneself or how one is perceived internally or externally, not about biological sexual characterisation be that male, female or in between.
Sexual preference is again something which is governed by belief, hence we cannot discount there are people who think they are contrary to both the current thinking of both biologic and sexual theories.

That is a psychological question, not a biological one, as who are we to know?

People who like to argue against the idea of transexuality actually have little idea of what it is.

To some it is a self percieved acceptence for who they think they are.
For others it is a way to characterise how they feel.
Some wish to use it as a tool to get ahead and become famous.
Some find it as a crutch to get attention and/or avoid it.

Whatever goes through the mind of someone who identifies as transexual is for themselves.
I can no more discount thier opinions than I can a religious person.

However, I can resist it, just as I would anyone who tries to throw a belief in my face for which I have no evidence as truth.


UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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Oh, Moriarty, what have you done! Lol I had so many plans this lunch time, then I read this!
I prefer Posie Parker.
Aka Kelly-Jean Keen-Minshull, aka ‘Standing for Women’. Oddly, I thought you would and while I love the woman too, I’m not keen on the Proud Boys turning up to her events. She’s a lioness (along with Aja the Empress- another one you should look up), but perhaps because she doesn’t promote the feminism aspect of women’s rights (she is not a feminist- she’s a women’s rights campaigner), she’s attracted support from the far-right.
I dont confuse sex with gender, simply because both are constructs of science be that biological or psychological.
Yes, you did- who a person is sexually attracted to is not connected to what gender they feel psychologically. One is the perceived attraction to someone else and the other is a subjective feeling about oneself. If someone is trans, they don’t automatically change what sex they’re attracted to nor does being female or male dictate who you want to have sex with, so how are they connected?
Also, how is biological sex ‘a construct’? The thing with a construct is that the perimeters of it can be changed. Constructs are created. Biological sex is cell level and we cannot change the perimeters of it to suit our ideals. Science didn’t dictate what physical sex is- evolution did. Sex is not man made, but gender very much is.
Sex is scientifically shown by physical characteristics, there are several, male, female and a spectrum in between where genetalia differs from the so called "norms" of male and female.
Biological sex goes far deeper than ‘physical characteristics’- it’s at gamete level- and there is no spectrum. You have birth defects, but you don’t have a spectrum of biological sex because it’s dimorphic. Intersex development (or hermaphroditism, as it was once called) is caused by a ‘mishap’ during fertilisation or is a chromosomal abnormality.
Everyone’s bits are bit different, but true intersex people are very rare and there have been just over 500 documented worldwide- it's not as prevalent in the population as those coming out as trans and those claiming to be intersex, because they don't fit into social norms.

There is no spectrum, but I bet there’s plenty of researchers that will say there is, because their research is being funded by the pharmaceutical corporations funding transition medication and surgeries. They’re not usually hard correlations to find.
Gender is a Social construct based on how one feels about oneself or how one is perceived internally or externally, not about biological sexual characterisation be that male, female or in between.
Exactly. But the little drawback with a social construct is that you can’t force others to see you as you see you. If there’s an individual in a women’s bathroom, wearing a dress and washing his dick, it’s a man, because whether he likes it or not, he was born male and will remain male, even if things get turned inside out and he wears the prettiest dress in the world. Why? Because biology doesn’t give a sh!t about social constructs; what you think or how you dress. It is what it is and it cannot be changed, because you don’t like it or it doesn't feel right.

Sexual preference is again something which is governed by belief, hence we cannot discount there are people who think they are contrary to both the current thinking of both biologic and sexual theories.

That is a psychological question, not a biological one, as who are we to know?
Dig a little deeper at this statement, Moriarty, and consider whether you sound a little homophobic. How is sexual preference something governed by belief? We don’t believe therefore we are hot for! I wish I could be so in control of who I’m attracted to, because perhaps then I’d be attracted to someone I have a chance of getting, instead of the cute 30 something year old vet I take my cats to!

Sexual attraction (healthy and perversion) is very much correlated to attachment and dig really deep and you’ll find its roots in childhood development (nurture impact on neuronal activity and pleasure seeking) and experience, but that’s a post I really don’t have time for this weekend. But whatever it is, it’s not a ‘belief’- it goes a bit further than that. Sticking it in that category is exactly what is giving the trans-army the bullets for men in dresses telling lesbians they have to screw them, because they’re ‘women’.

People who like to argue against the idea of transexuality actually have little idea of what it is.
Really? You want to play this game? Don’t go there, because right now, I’m only seeing one person who is confused about what an AGP is. But then, part of this is connected to the Incel movement, so I would expect a little sympathy for the poor confused, f*cked up men from yourself.

To some it is a self percieved acceptence for who they think they are.
For others it is a way to characterise how they feel.
Some wish to use it as a tool to get ahead and become famous.
Some find it as a crutch to get attention and/or avoid it.
For some, it’s a way to be accepted for their perversion of wearing women’s underwear and masturbating in women’s bathrooms.
For some, it’s a way to have access to children, because everyone loves a sex offending drag queen at library time.
For some, it’s because they feel all left out and invisible, because their wife had a baby and they’re no longer the most important baby in the house.
For some, it’s a way to get laid, because they couldn’t when they were claiming to be a straight male, playing with themselves over anime porn 24/7, but now they’re a lesbian and ‘trans’, the queer women are flocking.
Whatever goes through the mind of someone who identifies as transexual is for themselves.
I can no more discount thier opinions than I can a religious person.
No, but Tiktok is an education and they love that, so there’s always a way to get their opinions…and their pictures threatening to punch and kill women…and their videos of them relieving themselves in public places. That’s a really good place to see what goes on in the mind of lots of transexuals. Nowadays, apparently what goes on in their minds, quite frequently goes on social media as well and seeing as we are all constantly being reminded of how sensitive to language and behaviour they are, I’m sure what goes on in their minds is quite well known.
I’d also recommend looking up detransitioners Keira Bell, Charlie Evans and Elan Anthony and look at what went on in their minds.
However, I can resist it, just as I would anyone who tries to throw a belief in my face for which I have no evidence as truth.
What we do have is biological facts and a ‘belief system’. Dimorphic sex= biological fact; I think therefore I am= belief system. There is no throwing a belief in your face for which there is no evidence for- look in the mirror naked, take a DNA test. As challenging as it is to accept that the world is not built on belief alone, it is what it is.