Holly Valance is the new darling of The Right!


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Speaking at the launch of PopCon -
"Everyone starts as a leftie and then wakes up at some point after you start either making money, working, trying to run a business, trying to buy a home, and then realise what crap ideas they all are. And then you go to the right." :cool:


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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Speaking at the launch of PopCon -
"Everyone starts as a leftie and then wakes up at some point after you start either making money, working, trying to run a business, trying to buy a home, and then realise what crap ideas they all are. And then you go to the right." :cool:

Did she nail it?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Speaking at the launch of PopCon -
"Everyone starts as a leftie and then wakes up at some point after you start either making money, working, trying to run a business, trying to buy a home, and then realise what crap ideas they all are. And then you go to the right." :cool:

Seems pretty accurate.

Anselme Polycarpe Batbie said in a note, attributed to Edmund Burke:-

"Anyone who is not a Republican at twenty casts doubt on the generosity of his soul; but he who, after 30 years, perseveres, casts doubt on the soundeness off his mind."

Although I prefer the one which is attributed to Churchill, even though he never said it.
It is, in my opinion, a much better idea of "Why" people are the way they are at different ages.

"When you’re 20 you care what everyone thinks, when you’re 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks, when you’re 60 you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place."

It's more to do with what is acceptable, what is hoped for and what is desired by the young, rather than the realisation of the middle aged and the acceptance of the old.

When your young you want to be accepted into the world and have a naive vision of how it should work,
When your middle aged you realise you were wrong, now have a family, hence that is what is most important,
When your old you realise, one always dies alone even in a crowd.

Hence the move away from Liberal and new ideas as a population ages, toward a more religous and/or conservative views.
As in "I have worked for this, for myself and my family, why should it be taken from me".

The problem today with the advent of social media and weak politicians, is that the new ideas are coming to fast, without thought.
In a couple of decades the radicals who are pushing silly agendas will grow up and realise, they don't have any idea about how to accept they aren't that important and have in fact made the world a much worse place for themselves by their demanding.

Meanwhile they will ruin a generation or two of kids who could be great free thinkers but will be stuck in their ideology for another 20 years before they wise up and wonder WTF did we do.

Tis why the rest of the world is laughing at us.